He remains one of the most significant personalities in Wyoming's history.
Last edition:
Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
He remains one of the most significant personalities in Wyoming's history.
Last edition:
Quite some trouble. Wyoming's delegation all supporting the transfer. . . members of the Tribes say they want the land back and nobody consulted with them. . . Barrasso says that isn't so. . . A New Mexico Senator blocks the bill and Barrasso threatens to block back.
October 8, 2024.
Early voting starts today in Wyoming.
October 11, 2024
I have more complaints on grocery. The word grocery. You know, it's sorta simple word, but it sorta means like everything you eat. The stomach is speaking. It always does. And, uh, I have more complaints about that. Bacon and things going up.
Donald Trump.
I could be right now in the most beautiful ocean, on the sand, exposing my really beautiful body - so beautiful - to the sun and the surf…
Donald Trump.
Danica Patrick is going to moderate a J.D. Vance Town Hall.
October 21, 2024.
Donald Trump started off a campaign rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, with a ten minute surreal ramble a out Latrobe native son, Arnold Palmer, stating as part of them:
Arnold Palmer was all man, and I say that in all due respect to women — and I love women. But this guy, this guy, this is a guy that was all man. This man was strong and tough. And I refuse to say it, but when he took showers with the other pros, they came out of there, they said, "Oh my God, that's unbelievable".
He also included vulgar comments about Kamala Harris.
You have to tell Kamala Harris that you've had enough, that you just can't take it anymore, we can't stand you anymore, you're a shitass vice president. The worst. You're the worst vice president. Kamala, you're fired. Get the hell out of here.
This is, to say the least, vulgar and odd.
Indeed, while it'll sound like a conspiracy theory, at this point I'm fairly convinced that National Conservatives have backed Trump so that they can get one of their own, J. D. Vance, in a position to take over once Trump is declared mentally in competent early in a second Trump administration, should it occur. There's no way that they could elect a candidate as President on their own, but with a weirdly acting Trump, they may very well get one in this fashion.
Two of the panelist on This Week openly stated that the Arnold Palmer comments are due to a mental decline in Trump. One stated it was age related, and certainly they both implied it.
Tapper: Is the closing message you really want voters to hear from Donald Trump stories about Arnold Palmer's genitals?
Johnson: Let's put the rhetoric aside
Tapper: People have concerns about his fitness and stability. Why is he talking about Arnold Palmer's genitals in front of Pennsylvania voters?
Johnson: Don't say it again we don't have to say it
October 22, 2024
I just went down and voted.
I also didn't vote for the GOP or Democratic candidates for Senate and House. The Democrats stand no chance at either office, and they keep nominating candidates too far on the progressive scale. The GOP Senator up for reelection is shamelessly supporting Trump even though its highly unlikely he really agrees with him on much, which makes it all the worse. The House candidate up for reelection seems to have fully adopted the populist viewpoint.
I'm a conservative. I wrote a couple of actual conservatives in.
I voted for the measure to allow the state constitution to be amended to add a new category for residential property, even though I'm very unsure about it. And I voted for all the city optional tax measures.
The whole time I was there some ancient man with a MAGA hat was wondering around ambushing people waiting in line with his far right populist views. He really hit some poor coal miner hard who clearly just wanted to be left alone to vote.
One of his points was that the United States didn't invent transgenderism. Somehow, in his mind, this assertion was a reason to vote for Trump.
It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican! Don’t pay it!
Trump's reaction, reportedly, to a bill received from the family of Pvt. Vanessa Guillén after he had offered to pay funeral expenses.
Why can’t you be like the German generals?
Trump to John Kelly in showing frustration about their independence. Trump was apparently unaware of the July 20 plot, according to Kelly, and not aware that Erwin Rommel killed himself.
Last edition:
These are neat:
But a question, and I ask it seriously.
Would putting these on a vehicle, assuming that you are not enrolled in either Tribe, be regarded as cultural appropriation?
I think I saw one of these recently, and had simply assumed that the vehicle belonged to an enrolled tribal member, which is partially why I'm asking, the other part being that I think it would matter how this would be viewed by those who are enrolled in either tribe.
My gosh, why isn't this bigger news?
Wyoming missing persons list includes seven local teens who were last seen this summer
The Candidates, that is.
Registration to run closed yesterday, May 27, at 5:00. So who is running?
Let's take a look
Republicans for the House:
This race will likely decide who will occupy this seat, with it going pretty obviously to either Cheney or Hageman.
Liz Cheney. The embattled incumbent.
Harrient Hageman. Hageman, former Cheney supporter and Trump opponent who has switched on both in what Cheney has proclaimed as "tragic opportunism". By and large Hageman's and Cheney's politics, to the extent that we can tell what Hageman's are, are identical, but for loyalty to Trump.
Robyn Belinsky: Belinsky is a businesswoman from Sheridan who is billing herself as Wyoming's Marjorie Taylor Greene. Why she's still running at this point is really a mystery as she has no chance whatsoever and what few hard right populist diehards who won't adopt Hageman are left will vote for Bouchard.
Anthony Bouchard: Bouchard is a member of the legislature from Goshen County who has been in a lot of local political spats and who is a far right firebrand in the legislature and who is still running in spite of having no hope of getting past the primary. He will still draw some votes, however, from those who are very much in this camp and have been his acolytes all along.
Bryan Eugene Keller: He's a resident of Laramie County who has registered, but I don't know anything else about him.
Denton Knapp: Knapp is a retired U.S. Army Colonel and a current Brig. Gen. in the California National Guard who is still, surprisingly, running. His campaign at this point borders on being delusional. He must be hoping that Hageman and Cheney will destroy each other, and then the electorate in the GOP will go for a moderate. In other words, this campaign is delusional.
I can't predict this race anymore. At one time I thought for certain that it would go to Cheney, but to my surprise the Trump loyalty thing matters to a lot more people than I would have guessed for reasons that tend to escape me, save for a fair number of people have really bought into hard corp populist thought. The ironic thing is that Cheney's top opponent isn't a populist, something that must be driving Bouchard nuts.
Democrats for the House:
At long last, perhaps waiting for the Republicans to destroy each other before registering, some Democratic contenders have appeared. They are:
Lynette GreyBull: GreyBull was the Democratic contender last time and, in spite of her defeat, did better against Cheney that probably would have been expected. If Hageman is the contender, she'll do even better yet.
GreyBull, depending on who the Republicans choose in their primary, and how much they destroy themselves in the process, may actually have a chance.
Meghan R. Jensen: Jensen is a young candidate from Rock Springs. So far that's about all that I can say about her.
Steve Helling: Helling is a long time lawyer in Casper and who also practiced in Colorado. He's well known as a lawyer.
My prediction in this race is that GreyBull will win the Democratic primary again, to face off against whomever the Republicans chose.
Casey Hardison. This is a gadfly campaign as it is based on drug legalization. Indeed, he has a case on appeal to the Wyoming Supreme Court right now for felony marijuana delivery.
It seems like we get these campaigns every election now.
This seat is now safe for Gordon, although former President D. Trump took a verbal swing at him the other day when being interviewed by KTWO radio.
Republicans for the Governor's Office.
Mark Gordon: Gordon is the incumbent. He's going to get the nomination, and he's going to win the General Election.
Harold Bjork. Who Bjork isn't really clear, but he's started a Facebook and internet campaign for Governor.
Brent Bien:
Rex Rammell: Rammell is a perennial and unelectable candidate who ran last time and will again. His views can be characterized as being on the fringe right/libertarian side.
Democrats for the Governor's Office.
Rex Wilde: Wilde previously ran for the Senate as a Democrat and has no chance.
Theresa Livingston: Livingston previously ran for the State Senate and stands no chance.
This race took an unexpected late turn when the current Secretary of State Buchanan, who had announced he was running, pulled out after putting in, for a second time, for an open seat on the bench. Since his withdrawal, a host of Republicans have now filed for the office.
Republicans for Secretary of State.
As noted, Buchanan's withdrawal has opened up the contest for Secretary of State.
Dan Dockstader. He's a longstanding member of the Legislature who stands a good chance due to that service.
Tara Nethercott: Also a member of the Legislature. Nethercott has not been in the legislature long, but she was the subject of misogynistic attacks last session, which she weathered well. She also stands a good chance.
Chuck Gray: Also a member of the legislature who has been frequently in the news due to his far right populist positions. Gray clearly has his sights set on higher office and probably views this as a stepping stone. His earlier attempt to replace Cheney drew little support.
Mark Armstrong: Former candidate for the U.S. Senate. His run for Senate drew very little support and his run for Secretary of State will fail.
Democrats for Secretary of State
Pathetically, none.
State Auditor
Kriti Racines. She's the incumbent and the only one running. She's effectively won the race at this point, absent something bizarre occuring.
This race is also newsworthy as the incumbent, Brian Schroeder, is generally regarded as the least bad of the three names that were submitted to Governor Gordon when the prior occupant stood down.
Brian Schroeder. Schroeder is the presumptive nominee.
Megan Degenfelder. She has an education background but who has been working in the petroleum industry, announced for Superintendent of Public Education.
She was once employed as the department's Chief Policy Officer.
Thomas Kelly: Kelly was one of the three finalists who was not chosen for this office by Governor Gordon.
Jennifer Zerba: Zerba announced late. She's from Casper and is an education professional, which is all I know about her.
Robert J. White. White is from Rock Springs, which is all I know about him.
Democrats for Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Sergio Maldonado: Maldonado is a longtime figure in Fremont County politics and is, I believe, also an enrolled member of one of the Wind River tribes.
Hageman spoke and according to press retirements gave a speech about Wyomingites being "fed up" with various things. Paradoxically, one of those things was high gas prices, which Wyoming's energy sector depends on. Consumers are tired of that, but oddly people in the state seem to feel that they should have a vibrant oil and gas economy and low prices simultaneously, which is impossible.
High fertilizer prices for farmers was another thing that Wyomingites were reportedly fed up with, according to Hageman, but most Wyomingites know nothing about that whatsoever. That would in part be due to a lack of regulation in agricultural land ownership contrary to some states like Iowa, which would require a distributist economic platform in this area that neither the Republicans or the Democrats are likely to endorse.
Hageman had a gaff in her speech which might symbolize the Freudian slip:
I am that person who will represent you, your fallacies
What this is really about, in some ways, was ironically summarized by Trump, when he said:
The entire Republican Party is united behind Harriet, she is endorsed by practically everyone, and most importantly, perhaps, she’s endorsed by me.
Trump's endorsement more important than the party's?
No doubt, to many, that's true.
Of interest, contrary to expectations and fears, the event was hardly noticed in Casper outside of the Ford Center itself.
June 3, 2022
The Cheney campaign released its first television commercial.
A resolution of the Natrona County Republican Party State Central Committee calling for the immediate resignation of Frank Eathorne as Chairman of the Wyoming Republican Party.
Whereas it is the stated goal of the Wyoming Republican Party to represent the values and vision of Republicans all over the State and to support Republican candidates to win and retain political office in Wyoming,
Whereas the current Chairman, Frank Eathorne has consistently failed to represent the values of the vast majority of Wyomingites and during his tenure has divided the Party and failed in his duty to support all elected Republicans,
Whereas it has come to light that Frank Eathorne consistently violated the sacred vow of marriage, engaging in indiscretions while on the job and in his personal life,
Whereas Frank Eathorne, while intoxicated allegedly threatened a woman while her 2-year old daughter was in the adjoining room - later dismissing his behavior as “gentleman-like”. Eathorne then allowed the City of Worland to pay for the legal settlement even though he espouses personal responsibility and condemns government support of any kind,
Whereas Frank Eathorne later accepted over $100,000.00 in Government subsidies for his ranching operation and untold Federal mineral royalties and trespass fees while denouncing anyone else that may need support from the government,
Whereas Frank Eathorne has openly advocated for Wyoming to secede from the Union,
Whereas Frank Eathorne is a member of the “Oath Keepers” – an openly extremist group calling for a revolutionary war in the United States and partially responsible for the January 6th riot,
Whereas Frank Eathorne, during his tenure, has overseen the divide of the Party, the elimination of Natrona County delegates and the last minute unseating of Laramie County delegates while turning a blind eye to the transgressions of other Counties.
Whereas Frank Eathorne has repeatedly lied to the people of Wyoming as well as members of this Central Committee. When asked about his involvement in the January 6th, 2021 insurrection, he repeatedly said that he went to the rally, walked down the street and retired to his hotel before any violence or destruction of property started. Not only was he a member of the “mob”, he has done nothing to condemn the insurrection – an attempt to overthrow the election.
For these reasons, we, the members of the Natrona County Republican Party call for the immediate resignation of Frank Eathorne as Chairman of the Wyoming Republican Party and his replacement by the normal action of the bylaws of the State Central Committee.
If the election wasn't stolen, and it wasn't, and if Trump acted seditiously, which it appears he did, Hageman actually has nothing to run on. Her views don't vary from Cheney's at all on anything else.