Showing posts with label Carentan France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carentan France. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Tuesday, June 13, 1944. D+7. Heavy fighting in Normandy.

The first V-1 rockets were launched on London.

V-1s are, basically, a pulse jet drone, and therefore heralded an advance in weaponry which we're only now seeing the full application of in combat.  One of a variety of late war German "Wunderwaffe", they were primitive in their category and while they affected terror, they stood no chance of being war altering.  The same can not be said of the V-2, which was a ballistic missile and truly revolutionary.

Armed drones would be revolutionary, but it would not really be until the advent of cruise missiles that they'd become effective.  With advances in targeting, they're now a massive dangerous weapon which has been one of the things which has allowed Ukraine to disproportionately take on Russia in the ongoing Russo Ukrainian War.

Gen. Montgomery strengthened his positions and basically regrouped in a fashion, which was typical for the careful planner, Montgomery.  The 7th British Armoured Division reached Villers-Bocage, where they were attacked by German armor, including Tigers.  The British were forced to retreat.

The tank battle is a famous one.

Ambush at Villers-Bocage

Apparently, however, the "lone Tiger" commanded by Michael Wittmann of the SS, who gave a German radio interview that very night, destroying 25 British tanks is a bit of a myth.

Wittmann, who had just turned 30 years old, died the way you'd expect.  The Waffen SS Hauptsturmführer (Captain) and "panzer ace" died that August at the hands of British armor.

The Germans followed up with an attack on Tilly-sur-Selles and Lingèvres which was successfully resisted, scattering the Panzer Lehr Division.

Montgomery, who was facing fierce and effective resistance, cannot really be faulted for his careful approach, something that was the hallmark of his combat strategy.  Having fought the war with thin resources carefully, his economy of planning tended to be effective, and was frankly here, in spite of constant American criticism, then and now.

The Battle of Bloody Gulch took place around the Manoir de Donville Hill southwest of Carentan involving the German 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division and 6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment, and the American 501st, 502nd and 506th Parachute Infantry Regiments (PIR) of the 101st Airborne Division, reinforced by elements of the 2nd Armored Division and the 29th Infantry Division.  The Airborne prevailed and released the whole of Carentan.

Grateful French civilians lay flowers on the body of a dead American soldier at Manoir de Donville.

The US 90th Division took Pont-l’Abbé. The 1st Infantry Division took Caumont, fighting the 2nd SS Panzer Division in the process.

Last prior edition:

Monday, June 12, 1944. D+6. Linking at Carentan.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Monday, June 12, 1944. D+6. Linking at Carentan.

Dead American soldiers being unloaded and lined up for identification and burial. St. Mere Eglise, Normandy, 12 June, 1944.

US and British forces linked up near Carentan. By this point, 326,000 men had landed in Normandy. They consisted of 8 American divisions, 10 British and Canadian divisions

The US 1st Infantry Division took Caumont.

Dead German soldiers being taken back to the front for burial. St. Mere Eglise, France. 12 June, 1944.

Task Force 58 struck Saipan.

The U-490 was sunk by the U.S. Navy in the Atlantic.

President Roosevelt delivered his last Fireside Chat.  The subject was the 5th War Loan.

June 12, 1944

All our fighting men overseas today have their appointed stations on the far-flung battlefronts of the world. We at home have ours too. We need, we are proud of, our fighting men—most decidedly. But, during the anxious times ahead, let us not forget that they need us too.

It goes almost without saying that we must continue to forge the weapons of victory- the hundreds of thousands of items, large and small, essential to the waging of the war. This has been the major task from the very start, and it is still a major task. This is the very worst time for any war worker to think of leaving his machine or to look for a peacetime job.

And it goes almost without saying, too, that we must continue to provide our Government with the funds necessary for waging war not only by the payment of taxes- which, after all, is an obligation of American citizenship—but also by the purchase of war bonds- an act of free choice which every citizen has to make for himself under the guidance of his own conscience.

Whatever else any of us may be doing, the purchase of war bonds and stamps is something all of us can do and should do to help win the war.

I am happy to report tonight that it is something which nearly everyone seems to be doing. Although there are now approximately sixty-seven million persons who have or earn some form of income, eighty-one million persons or their children have already bought war bonds. They have bought more than six hundred million individual bonds. Their purchases have totaled more than thirty-two billion dollars. These are the purchases of individual men, women, and children. Anyone who would have said this was possible a few years ago would have been put down as a starry-eyed visionary. But of such visions is the stuff of America fashioned.

Of course, there are always pessimists with us everywhere, a few here and a few there. I am reminded of the fact that after the fall of France in 1940 I asked the Congress for the money for the production by the United States of fifty thousand airplanes per year. Well, I was called crazy—it was said that the figure was fantastic; that it could not be done. And yet today we are building airplanes at the rate of one hundred thousand a year.

There is a direct connection between the bonds you have bought and the stream of men and equipment now rushing over the English Channel for the liberation of Europe. There is a direct connection between your bonds and every part of this global war today.

Tonight, therefore, on the opening of this Fifth War Loan Drive, it is appropriate for us to take a broad look at this panorama of world war, for the success or the failure of the drive is going to have so much to do with the speed with which we can accomplish victory and the peace.

While I know that the chief interest tonight is centered on the English Channel and on the beaches and farms and the cities of Normandy, we should not lose sight of the fact that our armed forces are engaged on other battlefronts all over the world, and that no one front can be considered alone without its proper relation to all.

It is worth while, therefore, to make over-all comparisons with the past. Let us compare today with just two years ago-June, 1942. At that time Germany was in control of practically all of Europe, and was steadily driving the Russians back toward the Ural Mountains. Germany was practically in control of North Africa and the Mediterranean, and was beating at the gates of the Suez Canal and the route to India. Italy was still an important military and supply factor- as subsequent, long campaigns have proved.

Japan was in control of the western Aleutian Islands; and in the South Pacific was knocking at the gates of Australia and New Zealand- and also was threatening India. Japan had seized control of most of the Central Pacific.

American armed forces on land and sea and in the air were still very definitely on the defensive, and in the building-up stage. Our allies were bearing the heat and the brunt of the attack.

In 1942 Washington heaved a sigh of relief that the first war bond issue had been cheerfully oversubscribed by the American people. Way back in those days, two years ago, America was still hearing from many "amateur strategists" and political critics, some of whom were doing more good for Hitler than for the United States- two years ago.

But today we are on the offensive all over the world—bringing the attack to our enemies.

In the Pacific, by relentless submarine and naval attacks, and amphibious thrusts, and ever-mounting air attacks, we have deprived the Japs of the power to check the momentum of our ever-growing and ever-advancing military forces. We have reduced the Japs' shipping by more than three million tons. We have overcome their original advantage in the air. We have cut off from a return to the homeland tens of thousands of beleaguered Japanese troops who now face starvation or ultimate surrender. And we have cut down their naval strength, so that for many months they have avoided all risk of encounter with our naval forces.

True, we still have a long way to go to Tokyo. But, carrying out our original strategy of eliminating our European enemy first and then turning all our strength to the Pacific, we can force the Japanese to unconditional surrender or to national suicide much more rapidly than has been thought possible.

Turning now to our enemy who is first on the list for destruction- Germany has her back against the wall- in fact three walls at once!

In the south- we have broken the German hold on central Italy. On June 4, the city of Rome fell to the Allied armies. And allowing the enemy no respite, the Allies are now pressing hard on the heels of the Germans as they retreat northwards in evergrowing confusion.

On the east—our gallant Soviet allies have driven the enemy back from the lands which were invaded three years ago. The great Soviet armies are now initiating crushing blows.

Overhead vast Allied air fleets of bombers and fighters have been waging a bitter air war over Germany and Western Europe. They have had two major objectives: to destroy German war industries which maintain the German armies and air forces; and to shoot the German Luftwaffe out of the air. As a result, German production has been whittled down continuously, and the German fighter forces now have only a fraction of their former power.

This great air campaign, strategic and tactical, is going to continue—with increasing power.

And on the west—the hammer blow which struck the coast of France last Tuesday morning, less than a week ago, was the culmination of many months of careful planning and strenuous preparation.

Millions of tons of weapons and supplies, and hundreds of thousands of men assembled in England, are now being poured into the great battle in Europe.

I think that from the standpoint of our enemy we have achieved the impossible. We have broken through their supposedly impregnable wall in northern France. But the assault has been costly in men and costly in materials. Some of our landings were desperate adventures; but from advices received so far, the losses were lower than our commanders had estimated would occur. We have established a firm foothold. We are now prepared to meet the inevitable counterattacks of the Germans—with power and with confidence. And we all pray that we will have far more, soon, than a firm foothold.

Americans have all worked together to make this day possible.

The liberation forces now streaming across the Channel, and up the beaches and through the fields and the forests of France are using thousands and thousands of planes and ships and tanks and heavy guns. They are carrying with them many thousands of items needed for their dangerous, stupendous undertaking. There is a shortage of nothing—nothing! And this must continue.

What has been done in the United States since those days of 1940—when France fell—in raising and equipping and transporting our fighting forces, and in producing weapons and supplies for war, has been nothing short of a miracle. It was largely due to American teamwork—teamwork among capital and labor and agriculture, between the armed forces and the civilian economy—indeed among all of them.

And every one—every man or woman or child- who bought a war bond helped—and helped mightily!

There are still many people in the United States who have not bought war bonds, or who have not bought as many as they can afford. Everyone knows for himself whether he falls into that category or not. In some cases his neighbors know too. To the consciences of those people, this appeal by the President of the United States is very much in order.

For all of the things which we use in this war, everything we send to our fighting allies, costs money—a lot of money. One sure way every man, woman, and child can keep faith with those who have given, and are giving, their lives, is to provide the money which is needed to win the final victory.

I urge all Americans to buy war bonds without stint. Swell the mighty chorus to bring us nearer to victory!

Churchill crossed the channel.

Last prior edition:

Sunday, June 11, 1944. D+5. Carentan taken.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sunday, June 11, 1944. D+5. Carentan taken.

Photograph taken the moment the No. 1 Cannoneer fires a M3 105 howitzer at Carentan, June 11, 1944.

The U.S. 1st Army captured Carentan and Lison.  The British and Canadians experienced heavy fighting in their effort to take Caen, including the deployment of the most recent German armor. The 46 Royal Marines Commando took Cairon after heavy fighting against the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend.  They then took Lasson, Rots and Rosel.

The HMS Halstand was torpedoed and rendered a loss by E-boats off of Normandy.

Gooseberry 1, an artificial breakwater formed from sunken obsolete ships, was in palce.

The French Expeditionary Corps captured Montefascone, Italy.

The US 15th Air Force raided Axis airfields at Focsani, Romania and flew on to Ukraine.

Task Force 58 began raids on Saipan and Tinian, causing the Japanese to lose 36 aircraft, three warships and 30,000 tons of merchant transport.

The USS Missouri was commissioned.  She is now a museum ship at Pearl Harbor.

USS Missouri, Pearl Harbor Hawaii

 USS Missouri viewed from the USS Arizona Memorial.

 Small trailed mortar, probably of a Japanese pattern.

 Dual Bofars 40mm Anti Aircraft guns formally on the USS Missouri.

 The "tears" of the USS Arizona.  Oil slick from oil leaking from the bunkers of the Arizona.

 The spot on which World War Two came to an end on the decks of the Missouri.

 The instrument of surrender.

 Oil from the USS Arizona alongside the USS Missouri.

 Tomahawk Missile platform.

 The location on the USS Missouri where she was hit by a Kamikaze aircraft.  The result was this dent in the side.  The Japanese pilot was buried in a formal burial at sea the following day.

 While not labeled on the ship, these are powder bags for 16 in guns.

Last prior edition:

Saturday, June 10, 1944. D+4. The Oradour-sur-Glane and Distomo Massacres.