Showing posts with label History repeating itself or at least rhyming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History repeating itself or at least rhyming. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Wednesday, February 9, 1825. John Quincy Adams chosen as President.

The 1824 Presidential election, which ran from October 26 to December 2, 1824, saw Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay and William Crawford run for the oval office.

John C. Calhoun was elected with a comfortable majority of the vote for Vice President. 

However, none of the main contestants for the Presidency held a an electoral vote majority.  On this day in 1825 the House of Representatives voted,with each state delegation casting one voted,  elected John Quincy Adams as President, giving the election to him.

Andrew Jackson was a bufador, so Adams was the right choice.  Unfortunately Jackson (a Democrat, I might add) would revive, and, and come back, Trump like. Indeed Trump, who is also a bufador, admires Jackson, or claims to.

For years, the local Democratic Party here had Jefferson Jackson Days, honoring the supposed founder of the party (who wasn't) and its early populist leader.  Populism was a main element of the Democratic Party, like it currently is of the Republican Party, from Jackson's election through the 1980s, when Reagan's Southern Strategy co opted the Southern Democrats and Rust Belt Democrats, unfortunately.  Now, the GOP is what the Southern Democratic Party had been.

One of the comforting things about knowing history, I might add, is to know that there were prior eras when we acted darned near as stupidly as we currently are.

Last edition:

Thursday, January 27, 1825. Origin of the Trail of Tears.

Thursday, February 9, 1775. Privileged shortsightedness, then and now.

A joint resolution of Parliament declared:

We find, that a part of your Majesty's subjects in the province of the Massachusetts Bay have proceeded so far to resist the authority of the supreme legislature, that a rebellion at this time actually exists within the said province; and we see, with the utmost concern, that they have been countenanced and encouraged by unlawful combinations and engagements, entered into by your Majesty's subjects in several of the other colonies, to the injury and oppression of many of their innocent fellow-subjects resident within the kingdom of Great Britain, and the rest of your Majesty's dominions

February must be the month for deliberative bodies declaring dumbass things. Goodness knows that the Wyoming Legislature's SJ 2 does. Ironically, those making aristocratic decisions either believe themselves, or in some cases pretend themselves, to be heirs to the American Revolutionaries, when in fact, in some instances at least, they're heirs to the British landed aristocracy. But, in reality, at least some of those voting for SJ2 are much like the House of Lords.  Landed gentry benefiting from the good fortune of their forbearers believing in their own superiority, or that they somehow worked for their position. 

Up the Revolution!

La tierra es de quien la trabaja.  Some of you ought to remember that. . . 

Related threads:

Wyoming Senate demands Congress hand over federal land, including Grand Teton

Saturday, February 4, 1775. Logan's Lament published by the Virginia Gazette.

Last edition:

Saturday, February 4, 1775. Logan's Lament published by the Virginia Gazette.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Friday, July 31, 1942. More Case Blue confusion. Canada establishes the Wrens. Marines depart to invade Guadalcanal.

From Sarah Sundin's blog

Today in World War II History—July 31, 1942: Germans cross River Don in Ukraine. Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service is established; 7000 will serve in the WRCNS as Wrens.

Canada had been reluctant to bring women into naval service.

FWIW, a relative of mine served in the Wrens during the war, even though it had already taken women into the army and the RCAF. For that reason, the Wrens were actually established slightly after the WAVES.

As a perhaps slightly salacious side note, starting in 1943 the Wrens started publishing their own newspaper, the Tiddly Times.  The name came from a British seams nickname for something extra to decorate uniforms, but that was an odd choice of titles for more than one reason.

As a note, it's interesting the extent to which we're reading of the Germans as aggressors trying to conquer the same lands that the Russians are now attempting to conquer 80 years later.

Regarding Case Blue, Hitler reversed his recent order which had taken the 4th Panzer Army away from the attack on Stalingrad and reassigned it, reversing its direction, and creating additional confusion.

The 1st Marine Divisions embarked on US and Australian ships for the invasion of Guadalcanal.    US aircraft bombed Japanese airfields on the island.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sunday, February 13, 1910. Protesting an oligarchy.

Largescale working class protests occurred in Berlin over the Prussian three class franchise which gave the wealthiest 1/5th of German voters 2/3s of the seats in the German parliament.  Bayonets were used on protestors, but nobody was killed.

This was part of the system which lead to the German revolution of 1918 which brought down the monarchy and lead to the end of World War One, something that our current political overlords may wish to remember, given the current oligarchic nature of the United States.

The name of San Pedro Bay was changed to Los Angeles Harbor.

I hate these geographic name changes.

Last edition:

Tuesday, February 8, 1910. Boy Scouts of America founded.