Showing posts with label Bulgaria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bulgaria. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Thursday, February 1, 1945. Advances in east and west.

"Members of Co. I, 23rd Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division, U.S. First Army, cross a clearing in the Monschau Forest, on the Belgian-German border. 1 February, 1945. Company I, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division.

The Second Battle of Kesternich ended in a US victory.

The Red Army reached Liebenow and took Torun.

The North Tube of the Lincoln Tunnel was opened.

Prince Kiril of Bulgaria, and Bogdan Filov, Prime Minister from 1940 to 1943, were executed under orders of the new Communist government.

The sentences were overturned in 1996.

Last edition:

Wednesday, January 31, 1945. Fifty miles from Berlin.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Monday, November 13, 1944. Air service returns to London.

Civil air service returned to London.  It had been stopped in September, 1939.

The Akebono, Akishimo, Hatsuharu, Kiso and Okinami was sunk in Filipino waters by the U.S. Navy.  The I-12 was sunk east of Hawaii.

The Bulgarian 1st Army captured Skopje.

SSgt Junior J. Spurrier performed the actions that resulted in his receiving a Medal of Honor.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy at Achain, France, on 13 November 1944. At 2 p.m., Company G attacked the village of Achain from the east. S/Sgt. Spurrier armed with a BAR passed around the village and advanced alone. Attacking from the west, he immediately killed 3 Germans. From this time until dark, S/Sgt. Spurrier, using at different times his BAR and M1 rifle, American and German rocket launchers, a German automatic pistol, and hand grenades, continued his solitary attack against the enemy regardless of all types of small-arms and automatic-weapons fire. As a result of his heroic actions he killed an officer and 24 enlisted men and captured 2 officers and 2 enlisted men. His valor has shed fresh honor on the U.S. Armed Forces.

Spurrier had an extremely difficult time adjusting to post World War Two life and rejoined the Army during the Korean War, where he proved to be a difficult soldier.  He was by that time an alcoholic and after his second period of service had numerous run ins with the law.  He ultimately became a teetotaler and ran an electronics repair service, dying at age 61 in 1984.

Last edition:

Sunday, November 12, 1944. Carving off part of China, Tirpitz sunk, Hitler takes time to release a long Beer Hall message, Dog Faces in chow line.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Saturday, October 28, 1944. Slovaks put down, French Resistance ordered to disarm, Bulgaria quits, Day of Liberation of Ukraine from Fascist Invaders (День визволення України від фашистських загарбників).

The Slovak National Uprising came to an end.

Charles de Gaulle ordered French Resistance elements to disarm.

Bulgaria signed an armistice with the Allies.  Bulgarian troops were placed under Soviet command.

Agreement Between the Governments of United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, on the One Hand, and the Government of Bulgaria, on the Other Hand, Concerning an Armistice

The Government of Bulgaria accepts the armistice terms presented by the Government of the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Kingdom acting on behalf of all the United Nations at war with Bulgaria.

Accordingly the representative of the Supreme Allied Commander in the Mediterranean, Lieutenant General Sir James Gammell, and the representative of the Soviet High Command, Marshal of the Soviet Union, F. I. Tolbukhin, duly authorized thereto by the governments of the United States of America, the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Kingdom acting on behalf of all the United Nations at war with Bulgaria, on the one hand, and representatives of the Government of Bulgaria, Mr. P. Stainov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. D. Terpeshev, Minister Without Portfolio, Mr. N. Petkov, Minister Without Portfolio and Mr. P. Stoyanov, Minister of Finance, furnished with due powers, on the other hand, have signed the following terms:


(A) Bulgaria having ceased hostilities with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on September 9, and severed relations with Germany on September 6, and with Hungary on on September 26, hostilities has ceased against all the other United Nations.

(B) The Government of Bulgaria undertakes to disarm the German armed forces in Bulgaria and hand them over as prisoners of war. The Government of Bulgaria also undertakes to intern nationals of Germany and her satellites.

(C) The Government of Bulgaria undertakes to maintain and make available such land, sea and air forces as may be specified for service under the general direction of the Allied ( Soviet) High Command. Such forces must not be used on Allied territory except with the prior consent of the All Government concerned.

(D) On the conclusion of hostilities against Germany the Bulgarian armed forces Bust be mobilized and put on a peace footing under: supervision of the Allied Control Commission.


Bulgarian armed forces and officials must be withdrawn within the specified time limit from the territory of Greece and Yugoslavia in accordance with the pre-condition accepted by the Government of Bulgaria on October 11; the Bulgarian authorities must immediately take steps to withdraw from Greek and Yugoslav territory Bulgarians who were citizens of Bulgaria on January 1, 1941, and to repeal legislative and administrative provisions relating to the annexation or incorporation in Bulgaria of Greek or Yugoslav territory.


The Government of Bulgaria will afford to Soviet and other Allied forces freedom of movement over Bulgarian territory in any direction if, in the opinion of the Allied (Soviet) High Command, the military situation so require the Government of Bulgaria giving to such movements every assistance with its own means of communication, and at its own expense, by land, water and in the air.


The Government of Bulgaria will immediately release all Allied prisoners of war and internees. Pending further instruction the Government of Bulgaria will at its own expense provide all Allied prisoners of war, internees and displaced persons and refugees, including nationals of Greece and Yugoslavia, with adequate food, clothing, medical services and sanitary and hygienic requirements and also with means of transportation for the return of any such persons to their own country.


The Government of Bulgaria will immediately release, regardless of citizenship or nationality, all persons held in confinement in connection with their activities in favor of the United Nations or because of their sympathies with the United Nations cause or for racial or religious reasons, and will repeal all discriminatory legislation and disabilities arising therefrom.


The Government of Bulgaria will cooperate in the apprehension and trial of persons accused of war crimes.


The Government of Bulgaria undertakes to dissolve immediately all pro-Hitler or other Fascist political, military, para-military and other organizations on Bulgarian territory conducting propaganda hostile to the United Nations and not to tolerate the existence of such organizations in the future.


The publication, introduction and distribution in Bulgaria of periodical, or non-periodical literature, the presentation of theatrical performances or films, the operation of wireless stations, post, telegraph and telephone services will take place in agreement with the Allied (Soviet) High Command.


The Government of Bulgaria will restore all property of the United Nations and their nationals, including Greek and Yugoslav property, and will make such reparation for loss and damage caused by the war to the United Nations, including Greece and Yugoslavia, as may be determined later.


The Government of Bulgaria will restore all rights and interests of the United Nations and their nationals in Bulgaria.


The Government of Bulgaria undertakes to return to the Soviet Union, to Greece and Yugoslavia and to the other United Nations, by the dates specified by the Allied Control Commission and in a good state of preservation, all valuables and materials removed during the war by Germany or Bulgaria from United Nations territory and belonging to state, public or cooperative organizations, enterprises, institutions or individual citizens, such as factory and works equipment, locomotives, rolling-stock, tractors, motor vehicles, historic monuments, museum treasures and any other property.


The Government of Bulgaria undertakes to hand over as booty to the Allied (Soviet) High Command all war material of Germany and her satellites located on Bulgarian territory, including vessels of the fleets of Germany and her satellites located in Bulgarian waters.


The Government of Bulgaria undertakes not to permit the removal or expropriation of any form of property (including valuables and currency), belonging to Germany or Hungary or to their nationals or to persons resident in their territories or in territories occupied by them, without the permission of the Allied Control Commission. The Government of Bulgaria will safeguard such property in the manner specified by the Allied Control Commission.


The Government of Bulgaria undertakes to hand over to the Allied (Soviet) High Command all vessels belonging to the United Nations which are in Bulgarian ports no matter at whose disposal these vessels may be, for the use of the Allied (Soviet) High Command during the war against Germany or Hungary in the common interest of the Allies, the vessels to be returned subsequently to their owners.

The Government of Bulgaria will bear full material responsibility for any damage to or destruction of the aforesaid property up to the moment of its transfer to the Allied (Soviet) High Command.


The Government of Bulgaria must make regular payments in Bulgarian currency and must supply goods (fuel, foodstuffs, et cetera), facilities and services as may be required by the Allied (Soviet) High Command for the discharge of its functions.


Bulgarian merchant vessels, whether in Bulgarian or foreign waters, shall be subject to the operational control of the Allied (Soviet) High Command for use in the general interest of the Allies.


The Government of Bulgaria will arrange, in case of need, for the utilization in Bulgarian territory of industrial and transport enterprises, means of communication, power stations, public utility enterprises and installations, stocks of fuels and other materials in accordance with instructions issued during the armistice by the Allied (Soviet) High Command.


For the whole period of the armistice there will be established in Bulgaria an Allied Control Commission which will regulate and supervise the execution of the armistice terms under the chairmanship of the representative of the Allied (Soviet) High Command and with the participation of representatives of the United States and the United Kingdom. During the period between the coming into force of the armistice and the conclusion of hostilities against Germany, the Allied Control Commission will be under the general direction of the Allied (Soviet) High Command.


The present terms will come into force on their signing.

Done at Moscow in quadruplicate, in English, Russian and Bulgarian, the English and Russian texts being authentic.

OCTOBER 28, 1944.

For the Governments of the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Kingdom:

Marshal F. I. TOLBUKHIN, representative the Soviet High Command.

Lieutenant General JAMES GAMMELL, representative of the Supreme Allied Commander for the Mediterranean

For the Government of Bulgaria: P. STAINOV, D. Terpeshev N. PETKOV and P. STOYANOV.

Protocol to the Agreement Concerning an Armistice With Bulgaria

At the time of signing the armistice with the Government of Bulgaria, the Allied Governments signatory thereto have agreed to the following:


In connection with Article IX it is understood that the Bulgarian Government will immediately make available certain foodstuffs for the relief of the population of Greek and Yugoslav territories which have suffered as a result of Bulgarian aggression. The quantity of each product to be delivered will be determined by agreement between the three governments, and will be considered as part of the reparation by Bulgaria for the loss and damage sustained by Greece and Yugoslavia.


The term "war material" used in Article XII shall be deemed to include all material or equipment belonging to, used by, or intended for use by enemy military or pare-military formations or members thereof.


The use by the Allied (Soviet) High Command of Allied vessels handed over by the Government of Bulgaria in accordance with Article XIV of the armistice and the date of their return to their owners will be the subject of discussion and settlement between the Allied Governments concerned and the Government of the Soviet Union.


It is understood that in the application of Article XV the Allied (Soviet) High Command will also arrange for the provision of Bulgaria currency, supplies, services, et cetera, to meet needs of the representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom and the United States Bulgaria.

Done at Moscow in triplicate, in English Russian languages, both English and Russian being authentic.

The Battle of Dukla Pass concluded with no practical result.

German actor and director Kurt Gerron was murdered at Auschwitz.

From a female Russian sniper's diary:

October 25-28, 1944

The last territory of what is now Ukraine, but what was then part of Hungary, was cleared of German control.  Hence, today is  the Day of Liberation of Ukraine from Fascist Invaders (День визволення України від фашистських загарбників).

Last edition:

Friday, October 27, 1944. Somewhere in Germany.

Today in World War II History—October 28, 1939 & 1944

Today in World War II History—October 28, 1939 & 1944: 85 Years Ago—Oct. 28, 1939: A Heinkel He 111 bomber is shot down over Scotland, the first German aircraft shot down over Britain.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Wednesday, October 4, 1944. Scorched Earth.

"Scene in a kitchen of a typical Russian family. These people are among the many who have been recently liberated by rapid Allied advances at the newly established Displaced Persons Center at Briey, France.  4 October, 1944."   There's obviously more to this story than what the caption provides.

Operation Nordlicht began in Finland by the German Army.  It was a planned withdrawal using scorched earth tactics, with the final line to be in  Lyngen Municipality in Troms county, Norway.

"This photo shows a GI relaying fire data for artillery back from forward observation post near Havert, Germany. 4 October, 1944. 29th Infantry Division."

The Battle of Morotai more or less ended, with the ending being an Allied victory.  Some fighting would continue to the end of the war.

Moscow asked for permission for the Red Army to enter Bulgaria.

The Serbian collaborationist government was dissolved.

Today in World War II History—October 4, 1944:British paratroopers land at Patras, Greece, and on Crete and Aegean islands.

The U-92, U-228 and U-437 were rendered inoperable by an RAF raid on Bergen.

Famous Democratic politician Al Smith died at age 70, five months after the death of his wife.

Last edition:

Tuesday, October 3, 1944. Breaking the Siegfried Line.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Saturday, September 16, 1944. "Wacht am Rhein" approved.

Adolf Hitler approved the Ardennes Offensive "Wacht am Rhein", known in the west as the Battle of the Bulge.

Market Garden, the semi failed or wholly failed, hastily put together Allied invasion of The Netherlands hadn't even commenced yet and therefore makes for a remarkable contrast.  The Germans were planning a mid winter offensive and it was still summer, showing planning foresight, but also an appreciate at some level of the inevitability of further retreats into the winter.

"Members of an American airborne unit (82nd Airborne Division) flock to an American Red Cross Clubmobile for coffee and donuts on the eve of their takeoff for the airborne invasion of Holland. 16 September, 1944. Cottesmore Airdrome, England."  These troops are equipped with the then new M1943 Field Jacket and M1943 paratrooper field pants.  This uniform was new and replaced the ones that had been used just a few months prior in Operation Overlord.  The M1943 field jacket wa already becoming a universal issue item, although oddly the trousers were not.

The Red Army took Sofia, Bulgaria.  They then turned west to attempt to block the Germans from retreating from Greece.

The fronts were drawing close.

A general strike broke out in Denmark over deportations by the Germans.

The Royal Navy raided Sigli in Northern Sumatra.

The Second Quebec Conference ended.  The course of combat across the globe was ratified, wit there being an additional agreement for a campaign in Burma, and the British joining American forces in the Pacific in its final campaigns against the British, something the US would effectively recant on as the war drew to a close.

Gustav Bauer, German Chancellor in 1919 and 1920, and very briefly a prisoner of the early Third Reich, died.

Last edition:

Friday, September 15, 1944. Landing at Peleliu.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Saturday, September 9, 1944. A coup in Bulgaria.

U.S. infantry advancing with Sherman, Spangle, Belgium, September 9, 1944.

A captured Japanese Mitsubishi A6M fighter, the Zero, was displayed in Cheyenne (Wyoming State History Calendar).

A coup in Bulgaria put the Communist Fatherland Front (Отечествен фронт) in control of the country, which it would control until the fall of Hungarian Communism in 1986.  It dissolved in 1990.

French race car driver Robert Benoist, a member of the French Resistance, was executed at Buchenwald.

The U-484 was sunk by the Royal Navy northwest of Ireland.

Ten mule team draws heavy Chinese howitzer over many mountains in the Burma Road on its way to the fighting at Tung Ling, Yunnan, China. 9 September, 1944.

Last edition:

Friday, September 8, 1944. Belgian government returns.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Friday, September 8, 1944. Belgian government returns.

The Belgian government returned to Belgium.

Bulgaria, at war for a day with the Soviet Union, accepted an armistice.  It then declared war in Germany.

Canadian troops captured Nieuport and Ostend.  The US Army captured Liege.

Men climbing ladders to allow crossing of Doubs River in Besancon. 8 September, 1944.
Company A, 1st Battalion, 30th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division.

Miss Helen Rehak, St. Louis, Mo., an American Red Cross Clubmobile girl, passes out cigarettes to members of an American reconnaissance unit who have halted their motorized vehicle near the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.  80th Reconnaissance Troop, 80th Infantry Division.

Members of the 80th Reconnaissance Unit fall in line for doughnuts and and coffee furnished from an American Red Cross Clubmobile in the vicinity of the Moselle River, France. 8 September, 1944.
80th Reconnaissance Troop, 80th Infantry Division.

T/5 Harry C. Snader, of Lancaster, Cpl. William J. Gorey, of Philadelphia, Pvt. Clifford A. Brilhart, Scottdale, Pvt. Chester A. Sajeska, Nanticoke, Pvt. Jacob L. Riker, Conshohocken, and T/5 Oliver J. Laudenslager, Orefield, second row, left to right: T/S R.M. Miller of Pittsburgh, and S/Sgt. Johnny Davies, of Pittsburgh, Pvt. Anthony D. Ragne, of Johnstown, Pvt. William B. George, of Philadelphia, T/4 Lynn J. Blum, of Pittsburgh, and Pfc. Paul B. Miller, of Waynesboro. Brest, France. 8 September, 1944. 2nd Infantry Division.

A V-2, an ballistic missile, hit Chiswick, west London.  It was the first such missle to do so.

It had been launched from a German site at The Hauge.

The Battle of Dukla Pass began on the border between Poland and Slovakia. German resistance was much heavier than expected, which is something that would mark how combat on the Eastern Front would increasingly develop.  Hungarian forces fought with the Germans.

Last edition:

Thursday, September 7, 1944. Hungary declares war on Romania. The Chinese Army prevails at The Battle of Mount Song (松山戰役), The Shin'yō Maru incident.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Tuesday, September 5, 1944. The USSR declares war on Bulgaria.


WORDS AT WAR episode #62 Sept 05, 1944; "The Veteran Comes Back" for Johnson's Wax.

The USSR declared war on Axis aligned Bulgaria.

Bulgaria had not attacked the USSR, but had supported Nazi Germany.  It had declared war in 1941 on the US and UK, which was a fairly safe, it seemed, thing to do. Really, the Soviet Union should have declared war on it earlier, for that reason, although the delay bade sense for strategic reasons.  It had also participated, albeit to a limited extent, in the war in the Balkans, for its own territorial reasons.

The Battle of Turda began in Romania.  Hungarian forces allied with the Germans joined in the action as the Hungarian army began to act in opposition to its government's desire to get out of the war, out of a fear of Soviet invasion.

Sweden barred entry into its country of fleeing Nazis, something significant in light of Finland stepping out of the war.

The U.S Army captured Namur and Chareroi.

In Italy, the U.S. Army captured Lucca.

Hitler reappointed Rundstedt as Commander in Chief West.

French spy Gustave Biéler was executed by the Germans.  Born in  France, he immigrated to Canada as an adult, and joined the SOE during the Second World War.

Pro Nazi Štefan Tiso became the Prime Minister of Slovakia.  He'd press for the "final solution" in Slovakia.

He was sentenced to live in prison after the war, dying in prison in 1959.

The U-362 was sunk in the Kara Sea by a Soviet minesweeper.

The governments of Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg agree to the form the Benelux Customs Union.

An earthquake at Cornwall Ontario damaged buildings there and into New York.

Last edition:

Monday, September 4, 1944. Reaching Antwerp.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sunday, September 3, 1944. An agreement to end the Continuation War.

A ceasefire, to take place on September 4 at 8:00, was agreed to in the Continuation War.  The Germans commenced Operation Birke to try to keep a supply of Finnish nickel from Lapland.

Residents of Couvin, Belgium, flock into the streets to welcome the vanguard of American troops which arrived after driving out the Nazis. 3 September, 1944.

Residents of Couvin, Belgium, flock into the streets of their town to cheer the vanguard of American troops rolling eastward across their country into Germany. 3 September, 1944.

Residents of Chimay, Belgium, gather in their town square to welcome their liberators, the first American troops to reach their town. 3 September, 1944.

S/Sgt. Robert Troxler, left, of Elson College, N.D., and Pvt. Charles Forkas, right, of Rutland, Vt., both members of an infantry unit, walk along a French road to rejoin their unit after having escorted some German prisoners to the rear of the line. They are fighting the Nazis still holding out around Brest, France. 3 September, 1944.

The British Second Army took Brussels. The U.S First Army took Toumai.

The French 1st Infantry Division entered Lyons.

Gerd von Rundstedt was restored as Oberbefehlshaber West, replacing Walter Model, in the face of rampaging disaster.

Execution of political prisoners  was halted in Bulgaria.

Could it have been any clearer that Germany was defeated?

Nonetheless, Germany begin the deportation of Dutch Jews from the Westerbork, Amersfoort, and Vught.

The U.S. Navy bombarded Wake Island.

Last edition:

Saturday, September 2, 1944. Finland calls it quits.Labels: