Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Monday, February 12, 1945. Peru enters the war.

The Treaty of Varkiza was signed in which Greek resistance agreed to disarm and relinquish control of all the territory it occupied in exchange for legal recognition, free elections, and the removal of Nazi collaborators from the armed forces and police, which seems reasonable enough.

Greek politics had been a mess for years, and would continue to be for many more years.

The Japanese executed Antonio Villa-Real, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in the Philippines.

Peru declared war on Germany and Japan.

A tornado outbreak in Mississippi and Alabama killed 45 people.

Himmler appeared on the cover of Time magazine, in an illustration depicting him as a death's head.

Last edition:

Sunday, February 11, 1945. Yalta winds up.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Thursday, January 11, 1945. Reinforcements at Lingayen

"Graves registration officer identifies dead Yanks among Germans killed in Ardennes salient during 1st and 3rd Army squeeze against Von Rundstedt's lines. 11 January, 1945. Photographer: Pvt. Arthur H. Hertz, 166th Signal Photo Co."

The 3d Army and 30 Corps joined near St. Hubert.

"Pvt. Thomas Amenta, 1391 S. Concord St., Los Angeles., Calif., of the 3rd Armored Div., hikes back to the rear area after his tank was knocked out by a road mine in the fighting beyond Langlir, Belgium during the First Army drive into Ardennes salient. 11 January, 1945."
"M-4 tractors tow captured 88mm Nazi guns into place to be fired against Germans pocketed in the "bulge" between the 1st and 3rd U.S. Armies. Luxembourg. 11 January, 1945.
90th Infantry Division."

Archer T. Gammon preformed the actions that resulted in his being awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor.

He charged 30 yards through hip-deep snow to knock out a machinegun and its 3-man crew with grenades, saving his platoon from being decimated and allowing it to continue its advance from an open field into some nearby woods. The platoon's advance through the woods had only begun when a machinegun supported by riflemen opened fire and a Tiger Royal tank sent 88mm. shells screaming at the unit from the left flank. S/Sgt. Gammon, disregarding all thoughts of personal safety, rushed forward, then cut to the left, crossing the width of the platoon's skirmish line in an attempt to get within grenade range of the tank and its protecting foot troops. Intense fire was concentrated on him by riflemen and the machinegun emplaced near the tank. He charged the automatic weapon, wiped out its crew of 4 with grenades, and, with supreme daring, advanced to within 25 yards of the armored vehicle, killing 2 hostile infantrymen with rifle fire as he moved forward. The tank had started to withdraw, backing a short distance, then firing, backing some more, and then stopping to blast out another round, when the man whose single-handed relentless attack had put the ponderous machine on the defensive was struck and instantly killed by a direct hit from the Tiger Royal's heavy gun. By his intrepidity and extreme devotion to the task of driving the enemy back no matter what the odds, S/Sgt. Gammon cleared the woods of German forces, for the tank continued to withdraw, leaving open the path for the gallant squad leader's platoon.

The 25th Infantry Division, reinforced by an armored group, landed at Lingayen to reinforce the beachhead.  Heavy kamikaze attacks occurred and many smaller ships were damaged.

Aircraft from the US 3d Fleet sank 25 ships and damaged 13 more from Japanese convoys off of Indochina.  On the same day a German coastal convoy lost at least 3 or 4 of the 8 ships in it in a British air attack off of southern Norway.

The HMS Thane, an escort carrier, was sunk in the Irish Sea by the U-1172.

The Dekemvriana came to an end.

Last edition:

Wednesday, January 10, 1945. Continuing to gain ground.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Wednesday, January 3, 1945. British actions.

The US commenced the Invasion of Lingayen Gulf with a naval bombardment that would last six days.  The Japanese responded with kamikaze attacks.

British commandos and Indian Army troops made a nearly unopposed landing at the Burmese island of Akyab.

The Battle of Bure, a British attack in the Battle of the Bulge, commenced.

US troops in Belgium, January 3, 1945.

General Nikolaos Plastiras became Prime Minister of Greece.

Last edition:

Tuesday, January 2, 1945. Advances and withdrawals.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Saturday, December 30, 1944. Reporting on the bomb.

"Pvt. Roy McDaniels, Hartford City, Ind., keeps a look out for enemy activity from a 30th Division observation post in Stavelot, Belgium. 30 December, 1944. 1st Battalion, 117th Regiment, 30th Division."  Note that a block has been nailed in to support the tripod of the machinegun, and that McDaniels is carrying a combat knife.

The German 5th Panzer Army made an attempt to encircle Bastogne.  The U.S. 3d Army attacked towards Houffalize.

King George II of Greece proclaimed a regency and appointed Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens to the role.

General Leslie Groves reported that two atomic bombs would be ready for testing by the summer of 1945.

Part I of the Sergei Eisenstein's Russian epic film Ivan the Terrible premiered.  Part II would not be released until 1958, as it was banned.  Eisenstein died in 1948 and a planned Part III was accordingly never made.

Last edition:

Friday, December 29, 1944. Siege of Budapest.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Thursday, December 28, 1944. The German staff says Rückzug, Hitler says Angriff.

"Under conditions of snow and fog which makes visibility impossible, a 155mm howitzer is fired on German positions in Conzen from a location near Roetgen. 28 December, 1944." Battery C, 309th Field Artillery Battalion, 78th Infantry Division.

Hitler, faced with American advances in the Ardennes, ignored the advice of his senior generals and ordered renewed offensives in the Ardennes and an offensive in Alsace.

General Eisenhower met with British 21st Army Group command Field Marshal Montgomery to coordinate the counteroffensive.

Outnumbered Germans and fascist Italians retook Northern Tuscany in the Battle of Garfagnana.

Soldier of the Italian Social Republic opening the action of a German K98k.

The Infantry Landing Ship Empire Javelin sank in the English Channel with 1,483 troops aboard. Around twenty soldiers drowned. It's unknown is she was sunk by a U-boat or a mine.  The U-735 was sunk by British aircraft off Horten, Norway.

1200 B-17s escorted by 700 fighters bombed Coblenz and other targets. The RAF bombed Cologne.

Churchill agreed to recommend the establishment of a regency to the King of Greece.

Today In Wyoming's History: December 281944  Governor Lester Hunt proclaimed the day to be Seabee Day.  The Seabees are the Navy's Construction Battalions, hence "CB", or Seabees.  While all of the armed services have always had engineers, the Seabees were an early World War Two creation that proved critical in the construction of airfields and other facilities during the U.S. campaigns in the Pacific during the war.  Attribution:  Wyoming State Historical Society.

Maurice Richard of the Montreal Canadiens scored eight points (five goals and three assists) during a 9–2 win over the Detroit Red Wings.  It was a record that stood until 1976.  Richard had spent the day prior to the game helping his family move from one Montreal apartment to another, and was exhausted when he showed up for the game.

Montreal born Richard was the first player in NHL history to score 50 goals in one season, accomplishing the feat in 50 games in 1944–45, and the first to reach 500 career goals.  He played professional hockey from 1942 until 1960.  He lived in Montreal  his entire life.

Last edition:

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day, 1944. Third Army broke through to Bastogne.

The Third Army broke through to Bastogne, relieving the siege of the city.  The Royal Air Force hit the German transportation hub at St. Vith.

"Anti-tank gun on guard against attempted German breakthrough on Bastogne. 26 December, 1944. 101st Airborne Division."

Churchill opened a conference between all parties in the Greek political crisis.

The Japanese Navy, in its last raid on the Philippines, hit Mindoro.

Today In Wyoming's History: December 26. Boxing Day1944  Kentucky beat Wyoming in football, 50 to 46, in Buffalo New York.

Last edition:

Christmas Day, 1944. Benignitas et humanitas

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Wednesday, December 17, 1924. An election and a promise.

Constantine VI, the Metropolitan of Derkoi, was elected as the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

Prior to his election, Turkey had warned that they regarded him as subject to deportation as he was an immigrant to what was now Turkey.

All but one of the owners of the teams in the American League presented a statement to Commissioner Landis that actions would be taken to bring League President Ban Johnson's behavior to heel.  He had been criticizing Landis, but ceased to do so.

Last edition:

Tuesday, December 16, 1924. Looking back.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Tuesday, December 5, 1944. The Royal Navy in the Greek Civil War.

The Royal Navy shelled Greek communist positions near Piraeus.

The Red Army took Szigetvár and Vukovar, Hungary.

Canadians took Ravenna, Italy.

The Liberty ship Antoine Saugrain was sunk by Japanese aircraft in Leyte Gulf.  And on the ground:

Today in World War II History—December 5, 1939 & 1944: US launches final offensive on Leyte in the Philippines, driving into the Ormoc Valley. Victory ship SS Red Oak Victory is commissioned into the US Navy

"Men of the 121st Regt., 8th Inf. Div., U.S. First Army, after 15 days at the front, move back along the road from Hurtgen, Germany. 5 December, 1944. 121st Infantry Regiment, 8th Infantry Division. Photographer: T/3 Jack G. [illegible], 165th Signal Photo Co."

    " An American infantryman keeps firing while two of his comrades insert fresh ammunition in their rifles, as steady fire from this sheltered infantry covers advance near Rosteig, France. December 5, 1944. K Company, 398th Infantry Regiment, 100th Infantry Division. Rosteig Area, France. December 5, 1944."  Note that the men are wearing L. L. Bean Maine Hunting Shoe boots.

    Last edition:

    Monday, December 4, 1944. The Dutch Famine.

    Wednesday, December 4, 2024

    Monday, December 4, 1944. The Dutch Famine.

    "Sailors, aboard USS LST 392, discussing D-Day, when Ernie Pyle was their passenger and left his signature on their guns. Shown, left to right: SM3 Chas T. Repik, USNR; SC2c James F. Reardon, USNR; S1c Edward T. Wholley. (Bottom) BM2c Martin A. Reilly, USNR and RM2C Gint Middleton, USNR. Photograph released December 4, 1944."

    The Germans cut Dutch bread rations to two pounds per week.

    Martial law was declared in Greece.

    " Troops of the 14th Chinese Division detruck at North Airstrip, Myyitkyina, Burma, and go into bivouac for night preparatory to boarding planes for China. 4 December, 1944."

    Heilbroon was firebombed, resulting in the deaths of 7,147 people.

    The Kishinami was sunk in the South China Sea by the USS Flasher.

    Last edition:

    Sunday, December 3, 1944. Dekemvriana (Δεκεμβριανά)

    Tuesday, December 3, 2024

    Sunday, December 3, 1944. Dekemvriana (Δεκεμβριανά)

    The Dekemvriana (Δεκεμβριανά) began with British troops and Greek police opening fire on a massive left wing demonstration in Athens. This effectively commenced the Greek Civil War.

    The Red Army took Miskolc, Hungary.

    The USS Cooper was sunk in Ormoc Bay by the Japanese destroyer Take.

    The British Home Guard stood down.

    The US 20th Corps crossed the Saar in assault boats and secured the main bridge of the Saar.  The 13th Corps reached the Roer.

    Last edition:

    Saturday, December 2, 1944. Advances in Europe, the Army Navy Game, Eiji Sawamura(沢村栄治).

    Wednesday, November 20, 2024

    Monday, November 20, 1944. The sinking of the Mississinewa.

    The US tanker USS Mississinewa  was sunk by Japanese manned torpedoes off of Ulithi, Micronesia.

    She was the first ship to suffer such an attack.

    French troops in action, November 20, 1944.

    Hitler left the Wolfsschanze for good.

    Partisans took Kosovo.

    The British commence attempting to disarm Greek partisans.

    Lights came back on in the Piccadilly, the Strand and Fleet Street districts of London.

    Facing discontent, Chiang Kai-shek appointed a new Minister of War.

    M4 Sherman of French 5th Armored Division, Nov 20, 1944.

    Last edition:

    Sunday, November 19, 1944. Sixth War Loan.

      Sunday, November 17, 2024

      Sunday, November 17, 1974. Greek democracy restored.

      The Greek New Democracy Party won the first Greek parliamentary election since 1964 and the first since the fall of the Greek military junta.

      Last edition:

      Tuesday, October 8, 1974. WIN