Ralph C. Smedley founded The Toastmasters International club in Santa Ana, California.
Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Wednesday, October 22, 1924. Toast.
Monday, October 19, 2020
Monday Morning Repeats for the week of June 28, 2009. 1920, law, and the Geology Museum
A repeat from over a decade ago that sounds like it could have been written now:
1920, law, and the Geology Museum
It's odd to see that eleven years ago I was then noting the near centennial, but not that near, of the law school's founding. I also see that's when I learned of its age.
And the budget problems UW was then having. . . well they're worse now.
Indeed, frankly, everything about the this topic has grown worse over the past decade. Wyoming's economy is showing real systemic problems, and its government by extension. Politics has become more polarized. The university is suffering from the problems of the pandemic. And the law school's purpose has become questionable in the wake of the UBE.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Monday at the Bar: Kim Kardashian to become a lawyer?
Kim Kardashian's Bid to Become a Lawyer Faces Long OddsThe reality star has said she plans to take the bar exam in 2022 without attending law school, but few who go that route pass the test.
Abraham Lincoln read the law.
Monday, July 24, 2017
So. . . why doesn't the ABA oppose the Uniform Bar Exam?
The ABA is opposing two federal bills that would require states to allow individuals to carry concealed weapons within their borders if they have permits to carry concealed weapons in another state.
The bills pending in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives mandate national reciprocity for concealed carry permits issued under state law. ABA President Linda A. Klein calls the legislation “a dangerous proposal” that would tie states’ hands in setting concealed-carry standards.
All states allow some form of concealed carry, but standards vary, Klein said. The reciprocity requirement “offends deeply rooted principles of federalism where public safety is traditionally the concern of state and local government,” Klein says in the letters (PDFs) here and here.
If the proposal were to become law, “a state’s ability to consider safety factors—such as age, evidence of dangerousness, live firearm training, or criminal records—would give way to other states’ less stringent requirements,” Klein said. “Unlike some efforts of Congress to create minimum safety standards, this bill could lead to no safety standards as more states enact laws to allow persons to carry concealed firearms without a permit.”It's hard not read something like this and feel that the American Bar Association is just some sort of liberal organization in which being a lawyer is just a prerequisite. That the ABA has a position on a firearms related topic at all is hard to fathom. Predictably, when they have one, its on the left side of the political isle.
The bills are H.R. 38, “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017,” and S.446, “Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017.” Klein sent the letters to leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Subcommitee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations.
Now, I'm not really commenting on this bill at all, and I'll note that there are people on the right side of that isle who are opposed to this bill as they view it as trampling on the rights of state's. And no matter which way you feel about it, there's something to that view, just as there's something to the view in favor of the bill. But the ABA?
Come on ABA, if you really cared about "a state’s ability to consider safety factors" you'd come out condemning that farce called the Uniform Bar Exam which Wyoming, and a host of other state, have adopted.
Wyoming has lost 25,000 workers over the past few years and quite frankly some of them are lawyers. Up here in the state we see out of state lawyers, licensed under the UBE, all the time. The UBE is based on the absurd fiction that the law in one state is just like that of another, and we're seeing that up here, with lawyers from big cities in neighboring states who can't see their way around to Wyoming's law in some instances. That's not good for the state and its not good for the residents of the state either. The ABA, with its expressed concern for Federalism and the rights of states, ought to now condemn the UBE.
I won't hold my breath.
On the topic of concealment, by the way, I've become increasingly surprised by how many lawyers carry concealed pistols, and indeed I've become surprised by how many people in general do. I'd have thought it fairly rare, but it isn't. It's actually quite common, at least around here. Firearms in general are so common in Wyoming that a common jesting bumper sticker states "Welcome To Wyoming--Consider Everyone Armed", but it isn't really that much of a joke. Lots of people carry all the time, including a lot of lawyers, I've learned. The stereotypes about packing heat are, quite frankly, way off the mark. Professionals carry pretty commonly, I've come to learn. And quite a few women do. Quite a few younger people regard this as highly routine. Indeed, most of the people I've come to learn carry concealed weapons are such a surprise to me that it actually gives me comfort about the arguments in favor of it, as they're such responsible people.
None of which gets to the actual law proposed above, which again you can argue either way.
Which takes me to another thing that surprised me. Lawyers are generally more left leaning that other people but reading the reactions to this ABA stand by members of the ABA gives me some hope that lawyers themselves are less lock step than the ABA might suppose.
I've been unhappy with the ABA for some time, which seems to some degree to be attempting to occupy space that would otherwise be taken up by the ACLU, which itself seems to have forgotten its original purpose to me. And its obsession with "Big Law" is over the top, in my view. At any rate, ABA members, including ones who don't have any interest in firearms, have been published in reaction to this with some pretty negative comments. A lot of ABA members feel that the ABA is way out of touch with its purpose. And I'll note that the UBE connection stated above, while I thought was likely unique to me, isn't. I saw at least one other comment to the same effect.
A common statement by lawyers, both current and former members of the ABA, is that they've had enough of the ABA and that they have, or are, dropping out. That includes me. When the ABA goes back to a hard concentration on actual law rather than wasting its time with matters that are social and political policy, I'll reconsider.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Tuesday, October 20, 1914. Woodrow Wilson to the American Bar Association.
Mr. President, Gentlemen of the American Bar Association:
I am very deeply gratified by the greeting that your president has given me and by your response to it. My only strength lies in your confidence.
We stand now in a peculiar case. Our first thought, I suppose, as lawyers, is of international law, of those bonds of right and principle which draw the nations together and hold the community of the world to some standards of action. We know that we see in international law, as it were, the moral processes by which law itself came into existence. I know that as a lawyer I have myself at times felt that there was no real comparison between the law of a nation and the law of nations, because the latter lacked the sanction that gave the former strength and validity. And yet, if you look into the matter more closely, you will find that the two have the same foundations, and that those foundations are more evident and conspicuous in our day than they have ever been before.
The opinion of the world is the mistress of the world; and the processes of international law are the slow processes by which opinion works its will. What impresses me is the constant thought that that is the tribunal at the bar of which we all sit. I would call your attention, incidentally, to the circumstance that it does not observe the ordinary rules of evidence; which has sometimes suggested to me that the ordinary rules of evidence had shown some signs of growing antique. Everything, rumor included, is heard in this court, and the standard of judgment is not so much the character of the testimony as the character of the witness. The motives are disclosed, the purposes are conjectured, and that opinion is finally accepted which seems to be, not the best founded in law, perhaps, but the best founded in integrity of character and of morals. That is the process which is slowly working its will upon the world; and what we should be watchful of is not so much jealous interests as sound principles of action. The disinterested course is always the biggest course to pursue not only, but it is in the long run the most profitable course to pursue. If you can establish your character, you can establish your credit.
What I wanted to suggest to this association, in bidding them very hearty welcome to the city, is whether we sufficiently apply these same ideas to the body of municipal law which we seek to administer. Citations seem to play so much larger a role now than principle. There was a time when the thoughtful eye of the judge rested upon the changes of social circumstances and almost palpably saw the law arise out of human life. Have we got to a time when the only way to change law is by statute? The changing of law by statute seems to me like mending a garment with a patch, whereas law should grow by the life that is in it, not by the life that is outside of it.
I once said to a lawyer with whom I was discussing some question of precedent, and in whose presence I was venturing to doubt the rational validity, at any rate, of the particular precedents he cited, "After all, isn't our object justice?" And he said, "God forbid! We should be very much confused if we made that our standard. Our standard is to find out what the rule has been and how the rule that has been applies to the case that is." I should hate to think that the law was based entirely upon "has beens." I should hate to think that the law did not derive its impulse from looking forward rather than from looking backward, or, rather, that it did not derive its instruction from looking about and seeing what the circumstances of man actually are and what the impulses of justice necessarily are.
Understand me, gentlemen, I am not venturing in this presence to impeach the law. For the present, by the force of circumstances, I am in part the embodiment of the law, and it would be very awkward to disavow myself. But I do wish to make this intimation, that in this time of world change, in this time when we are going to find out just how, in what particulars, and to what extent the real facts of human life and the real moral judgments of mankind prevail, it is worth while looking inside our municipal law and seeing whether the judgments of the law are made square with the moral judgments of mankind. For I believe that we are custodians, not of commands, but of a spirit. We are custodians of the spirit of righteousness, of the spirit of equal-handed justice, of the spirit of hope which believes in the perfectibility of the law with the perfectibility of human life itself.
Public life, like private life, would be very dull and dry if it were not for this belief in the essential beauty of the human spirit and the belief that the human spirit could be translated into action and into ordinance. Not entire. You cannot go any faster than you can advance the average moral judgments of the mass, but you can go at least as fast as that, and you can see to it that you do not lag behind the average moral judgments of the mass. I have in my life dealt with all sorts and conditions of men, and I have found that the flame of moral judgment burned just as bright in the man of humble life and limited experience as in the scholar and the man of affairs. And I would like his voice always to be heard, not as a witness, not as speaking in his own case, but as if he were the voice of men in general, in our courts of justice, as well as the voice of the lawyers, remembering what the law has been. My hope is that, being stirred to the depths by the extraordinary circumstances of the time in which we live, we may recover from those depths something of a renewal of that vision of the law with which men may be supposed to have started out in the old days of the oracles, who communed with the intimations of divinity.
Last edition: