Showing posts with label Olympics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Olympics. Show all posts

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Monday, August 4, 1924. Around the world disruptions.

Women commenced competing in an Olympic type event, the Women's International and British Games, for the first time. 

A British attempt to fly around the world ended with the plane crashing in the Bering Sea, while a US plan suffered a similar fate in the Atlantic.

Last edition

Sunday, August 3, 1924. German memorial day.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Women's Rugby

While I'm not really following the Olympics, I am glad to see that Women's Rugby is getting press.

It's awesome.

Included as awesome, is Ilona Maher, US women's rugby player.

5 ft 10 in, 200 lbs, and all muscle, she's quite the contrast to the female characters the press is usually focused on, like Taylor Swift or Billie Eilish.  

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mocking Christianity.

But understand this: there will be terrifying times in the last days.  People will be self-centered and lovers of money, proud, haughty, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious,callous, implacable, slanderous, licentious, brutal, hating what is good,traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,as they make a pretense of religion but deny its power. Reject them.

For some of these slip into homes and make captives of women weighed down by sins, led by various desires, always trying to learn but never able to reach a knowledge of the truth.

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so they also oppose the truth—people of depraved mind, unqualified in the faith.

But they will not make further progress, for their foolishness will be plain to all, as it was with those two.
2 Timothy, Chapter 3.

A very interesting Canadian agriculturalist whom I follow on Twitter (I don't care with Elon Musk calls it), who is also an Eastern Rite Catholic, noted that he, like me, didn't watch the Olympic opener (as will be noted, I watched the very start of it, grew bored, and wondered off).  So he, like me, was left with the media accounts, of which there are plenty, including video, of a group of drag queens mocking Da Vinci's The Last Supper.  He goes on to make the  point that the sex laden transvestite portrayal was likely calculated to offend, but that The Last Supper is not an icon, which is quite correct.

But, with some exception, the Latin Rite lacks icons.  While not the same, the great Medieval and Renaissance works of art in the West tended to be commissioned by the Church, so they have an association with it.  Put another way, in order to offend to the  degree as denigrating an icon, there'd be little other choice. 1  Again, it's not an icon, but part of a set of religious works of art commissioned by and associated with Christianity in the West.

It's hard to grasp why this would occur, but the outrage in the Catholic Church, and there is a lot of it, is justified.  So is the embarrassment in some French circles, particularly French conservative ones.  The French far right came with in a gnat's breath of taking over the French government two weeks ago and the ultimate makeup of the upcoming French government is still unknown.  Had this happened before the election, I have a strong feeling that the French far right would be forming a government now.

That provides a topic for another thread, which we will address, but we'll note here.  Part of the rise of National Conservatism and Christian Nationalism, and even just far right populism, is due to debauchery such as this.

The Olympics itself was quick to claim that the portrayal wasn't not of The Last Supper, which of course is an Italian, not a French, Renaissance work, noting on Twitter:

The interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings.

Hmm. . . Dionysus is a Greek mythological figure, not a French one. . . 

Dionysus was the Greek god of  is the god of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre.  His Roman equivalent was Bacchus.  While celebrated in Roman times, the Romans also restricted unofficial celebrations dedicated to Bacchus due to the excess he was associated with it.  

Whatever else Dionysus may stand for or have stood for, it certainly had nothing to do with being against violence between human beings.  He really had a lot more to do with booze, drunkenness, sex and insanity, and its interesting that the ancient Greeks linked all of them together.  Eirene or Irene was the divinity associated with peace, but she didn't engage in drunken excess.

Another Olympic official also reacted with a series of excuses that were fairly lame.  Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the Olympics Opening Ceremony, said the display was about "inclusion".

When we want to include everyone and not exclude anyone, questions are raised. Our subject was not to be subversive. We never wanted to be subversive. We wanted to talk about diversity. Diversity means being together. We wanted to include everyone, as simple as that.

Whatever diversity means, it doesn't mean "being together".  At least to some significant degree, it means being apart, and in the modern era, when this is being self defined in a way contrary to nature, it literally means being a Dionysus until one's self.

Jolly noted:

In France, we have freedom of creation, artistic freedom. We are lucky in France to live in a free country. I didn’t have any specific messages that I wanted to deliver. In France, we are republic, we have the right to love whom we want, we have the right not to be worshippers, we have a lot of rights in France, and this is what I wanted to convey.

Um, okay.

Le Filip, the winner of  Drag Race France season three, probably got it more accurate.

I thought it would be a five-minute drag event with queer representation. I was amazed.  It started with Lady Gaga, then we had drag queens, a huge rave, and a fire in the sky. It felt like a crowning all over again. I am proud to see my friends and queer people on the world stage.2 

Whatever a person thinks of it, Le Filip grasped it better than Jolly did, quite frankly.

For many, as I have often told you and now tell you even in tears, conduct themselves as enemies of the cross of Christ.

Their end is destruction. Their God is their stomach; their glory is in their “shame.” Their minds are occupied with earthly things.o

St. Paul to the Philippians, Chapter 3.

A portion of France, particularly urban France, has waged war with the Church and Christianity since the failed French Revolution.  Like all the revolutions that were conducted by populist mobs, their god was their belly and they turned on the Church. The same is true of the Bolshevik Revolution and the Mexican Revolution. The Church stands for the proposition that there is something greater, much greater, than us, where as populism of the left and right, at the end of the day, doesn't.  Modern "progressivism", heir to the extreme left that arose in 1798 and 1917 has the same ethos, rejecting anything outside of ourselves and rising each person to an individual Bacchus no matter how much a person's own nature may be corrupted in one fashion or another, as individual natures are the only thing that matters.  The portrayal at the Olympic opener celebrated that ethos shamefully mocking Christianity in favor of a world outlook that goes no deeper than a person's gentiles.  Their glory, is their shame.

The storms that are raging around you will turn out to be for God’s glory, your own merit, and the good of many souls. 

St. Padre Pio.

I'll be frank that I quit watching the opening ceremonies of Olympic games some time ago.  I think the last one I actually watched was the Moscow Olympics, which is now quite some time back. They've ceased to make sense to me. The Olympics are ostensibly about sports, not about the glorification of the country where they're held, or drag queens.  Indeed, I've frankly lost interest in the Olympics themselves for some reason.

This really reinforces that view, particularly as to this particular Olympics.

I feel they should just be permanently placed in Greece, for the summer games.

Make no mistake: God is not mocked, for a person will reap only what he sows, because the one who sows for his flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows for the spirit will reap eternal life from the spirit.

Galatians, Chapter 6.

I suspect most of the viewing audience will simply regard this attack on Catholicism as part of the show, shrug it off, and move on.  In doing so, they benefit from the liberal culture the Church created in the West and the fact that central to the Christian worldview is turning the other cheek.  In contrast, France has a very large Muslim population that nobody would dare attack in such a fashion, a cartoon depicting Mohammed for instance famously resulting in murder.  There will be no drag queens taking on an Islamic topic.  None.  Islam doesn't turn the other cheek.  Likewise, Hinduism, which of course would be completely foreign to France, can't be attacked in this fashion either without almost immediate retribution.3

Catholics aren't going to do that, nor will the rest of the Christian world.

Which doesn't mean that the offense should be ignored.


1.  One religious image that has endured this is the tilmahtli associated with Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Back when there was a print Playboy magazine, the company issued a Mexican edition with a Mexican woman featured on the cover replicating the image in a pornographic fashion, which brought a firestorm of criticism.

That, and this, give credence to those who claim a diabolical origin to these events.

2.  Are there no French singers to do an Olympic opening?  Why Stefani Germanotta as the opening act?  That alone is embarrassing for France.

Having said that, the Marseilles was beautifully sung by Axelle Saint-Cirel. They should have just stopped right there.

In case anyone wonders, my watching of the show was basically bookended by those two acts.  I grew tired of the masked boofador running over roofs and wondered off to take a shower and watch something else.

3.  One religion that has endured something like this is the LDS, Mormon, faith.  Target of the satiric comedic The Book Of Mormon, it's basically shrugged it off, probably figuring, correctly, that as a minority religion, it might actually benefit from being mocked, as it at least puts a spotlight on it.  I'd guess, however, that Mormons aren't keen on the portrayal, and while I've never seen it, and I'm not a Mormon, I'm not either.  As noted, nobody would put on a Broadway satiric "The Koran", nor should they.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sunday, May 4, 1924. Summer Olympics. Not ousting councilman over booze.

The 1924 Summer Olympics opened in France with preliminary competitions and a really cool logo.

Men, opened.

It's lost.

The Society of American Wars, which was a thing, met with Coolidge.

Efforts to boot Councilman Royce failed, due to the state of the law.

And the transglobal flight was back at it.

Locally, plans were being advanced for the construction of the Presbyterian church, which were published in one of the papers.

The church ultimately constructed would look a big different.

City Park Church, formerly First Presbyterian Church, Casper Wyoming

This is City Park Church, and was formerly, as noted below in the original entry, the First Presbyterian Church.
This Presbyterian Church is located one block away from St. Mark's Episcopal Church and St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, all of which are separated from each other by City Park. 
The corner stone of the church gives the dates 1913 1926. I'm not sure why there are two dates, but the church must have been completed in 1926.
This century old church became the home of the former First Baptist Church congregation on February 28, 2020, and as noted in a thread we'll link in below, had been experiencing a lot of changes prior to that.

The original entry here was one of the very first on this blog and dated at least back as far as January 25, 2011.  While the architecture hasn't changed at all, with the recent change our original entry became misleading to an extent.

Related Threads:

Grace Reformed at City Park, formerly First Presbyterian Church, Casper Wyoming

Changes in Downtown Casper. First Presbyterian becomes City Park Church, the former First Baptist Church.

And, as can be seen, events have resulted in some denominational shifting.

The morning edition was full of all sorts of dramatic news.

British sponsored Assyrian Levies killed 50 in Kirkuk.

German elections were held, resulting in the Social Democratic Party of Germany narrowly maintaining a small plurality of 100 seats. The German National People's Party finished with 95.

The Soviet Union demanded an apology for yesterday's police raid.

Last prior edition:

Saturday, May 3, 1924. Foundings.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Thursday, March 6, 1924. The US Olympic Equestrian Team.

Olympic Cavalry Team, March 6, 1924. Capt. E. W. Taubee, Capt. V. L. Padgett, Lieut. P. M. Robinett. (Back Row) Lieut. F. L. Carr., Major, C. P. Georges, Major J. A. Barry, Major S. Doak, Captain I. R. Underwood, and Captain U. T. Bauskett.

At the time, the equestrian teams were drawn from various nation's officer corps.

Last prior:

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Friday, January 25, 1924. The First Winter Olympics.

The 1924 Winter Olympics opened in Chamonix.  It was the first winter games.

The USSR renamed Petrograd, which had been founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and named after St. Peter, Leningrad, thereby substituting the name of a name of a lawyer turned mass murder in place of that of the Christian saint and first Pope.

While Lenin's foul body remains in a specialized mausoleum for worship by the secular, the city regained its rightful name in June 1991, when it appeared that Russia might escape the treachery of its recent past.

Mexican rebels took Morelia.

Czechoslovakia and France signed a mutual defense treaty.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Wednesday, January 2, 1924. Kings in Exile.

Bulgaria gave former King Ferdinand, who had been in exile since 1918, permission to return to Sofia.

He had been living in Coburg, Germany, oddly enough, given that the German monarch was also in exile.  He noted, while there:
Kings in exile are more philosophic under reverses than ordinary individuals; but our philosophy is primarily the result of tradition and breeding, and do not forget that pride is an important item in the making of a monarch. We are disciplined from the day of our birth and taught the avoidance of all outward signs of emotion. The skeleton sits forever with us at the feast. It may mean murder, it may mean abdication, but it serves always to remind us of the unexpected. Therefore we are prepared and nothing comes in the nature of a catastrophe. The main thing in life is to support any condition of bodily or spiritual exile with dignity. If one sups with sorrow, one need not invite the world to see you eat.

Yugoslavia issued an ultimatum objecting to his return.

He in fact did not return, and having taken steps to secure his fortune, lived a quasi bucolic life, marked by family tragedy, and carried on in Germany, dying in 1948.  The prior year, he married a third time, to his secretary, age 26.  

Simon & Schuster, the legendary publishing house, was formed.

The U.S. Winter Olympic team left for the first Winter Olympics.

1924 Winter Olympics including Beatrix Loughran, Joe Moore, Valentine Bialis, Richard Donovan, Harry Kaskey, Charles Jewtraw, and William Steinmetz aboard the ship SS President Monroe on January 2, 1924. 

The Constitutionalist government of Mexico reported that is forces had achieved a victory over the rebels of Adolfo de la Huerta at Zacualpan.

The war in Mexico, and other age-old lethal vices, were making headlines far away:

Flooding in Paris closed the railroads.

Sabine Baring-Gould, composer of "Onward, Christian Soldiers", died at age 89.  Clara Abbott, American businesswoman who had been the first woman to serve on the board of a major American corporation, Abbott Laboratories, died at age 66.

United States Senators Frazier and Johnson were photographed working.

A new flag for Iowa was unveiled.

It is, frankly, ugly.

It had been adopted in 1921. Iowa had lacked one before that.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Thursday, October 25, 1973. Ramping up to and backing down from war.

The US military was alerted that the Soviet Union was "planning to send a very substantial force" to intervene in the Yom Kippur War.  On the same day, perhaps ironically, Egypt and Israel accepted United Nations Security Council Resolution 340 creating a peacekeeping force between them that would omit US and Soviet troops.

The Local Government (Scotland) Act of 1973 was given royal assent.

Lebanon, which was not in a good place in relation to petroleum bans, provided that cars with even-numbered plates could only drive on even-numbered days, those with odd-numbered plates only on odd-numbered day.

Abebe Bikila (Amharic: ሻምበል አበበ ቢቂላ), Olympic marathon runner who won the1960 Summer Olympics in Rome marathon while running barefoot and the 1964 Tokyo Olympics marathon died as a result of an automobile accident sustained in 1969

Both his 60 and 64 runs were world records.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Wednesday, January 20, 1943. Senseless deaths.

Attila Peschauer, Hungarian Olympic fencer and gold medalist in 1928 and 1932, is commonly thought to have died in the Davidovka concentration camp in Ukraine where Hungarian Jews had been deported by Nazi Germany, an act which required cooperation of Hungary.

It's commonly misunderstood by those in the West that all the victims of the Holocaust were gassed in camps, which is far from true, and in the few camps whose names are in common circulation in the West.  In reality, bullets and starvation were the most common means of death and most of the killing took place in the Poland, Ukraine and Belorussia in those areas where they were occupied by the Germans.

While, as noted, it's been commonly thought that Peschauer died in a concentration camp, and may even have been ordered into execution by a fellow Hungarian serving the Germans, some recent information is that he actually died in a Soviet POW camp.  The irony here would be that Hungary was a German ally during World War Two.  This might actually be more likely as while Hungary was repressive towards its Jewish citizens, it didn't deport those who actually held Hungarian citizenship, that being done to Jews who lived in areas that Hungary took in after it invaded the Soviet Union.

By this point in the war, it should be noted, countries like the Kingdom of Hungary should have been seriously reconsidering their role in the war as, at least to an astute advisor, there was no way for them to come out on the winning side.  Of course, they were also captive to their earlier decision to side with the Germans.

The Luftwaffe bombed the Sandhurst Road School in a daytime raid of the London suburb of Catford, killing 41 school children. By this point in the war, Luftwaffe raids over the UK were increasingly rare.  Six teachers were also killed.  Eleven of the German aircraft were downed by Typhoons.

The Red Army continued to advance, with the New York Daily Post noting that the Germans were now back on their 1941 line as a result.  The British took Homs and Tarhuna in Libya.  The Germans advanced in Tunisia.  Chile broke diplomatic relations off with Germany, Italy and Japan.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Thursday, September 6, 1972. Tragedy in Munich

A German rescue plan, based on an ambush at the airport, went badly awry and was discovered by the Black September terrorists before it was put into action.  As a result, all eleven of the Israeli athletes taken hostage were killed.  One West German policeman and five Black September members also died in the gun battle.  Three of the terrorist survived.

The surviving terrorists, almost unimaginably, were held for only a little over a month before being exchanged for hostages held on board Lufthansa Flight 61 in an act designed purposely to secure their release. They were then flown to Libya.

Israel launched a retaliatory mission which is known by two names, Operation Wrath of God and Operation Bayonet, to hunt down and kill those associated with the massacre.  While there were various covert accounts carried out by Mossad as part of this effort, the fate of the surviving terrorists is not entirely clear.  Adnam Al-Gashey and Mohammed Safety are both thought to have been hunted down and killed by Mossad, in both cases due to their remaining in contact with relatives.  Jamal Al-Gashey is thought to be still living in Tunisia, and was actually interviewed for a documentary about the event in 1999.

As a side note, Black September had logistical support for their attack from German Neo-Nazis.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Wednesday, September 5, 1972. An Olympic Tragedy

On this day in 1972 the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September attacked the Israeli quarters at the Olympic village in Munich, killing two athletes and taking nine hostages.

Black September was named for the failed Palestinian attempt to overthrow the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in September 1970, an event which was a Palestinian disaster. This event itself led to the Palestinians being expelled from Jordan and going to Lebanon.  The organization's connection with the Palestinian Liberation Organization has never been clear, but it is clear that there was one.  In 1973 the PLO caused the shutting down of the organization, whose violent acts had not been successful in engendering any support for the Palestinian cause.

This is an event I can recall happening, and oddly enough I believe I learned about it after the family went swimming on a Wednesday afternoon, something that was pretty common for us to do.  Indeed, we swam a lot during the summer, and almost always did on Saturday afternoons and often on Sunday afternoons.  It wasn't a tradition I kept up with my own family, but I probably should have.  The day prior Mark Spitz had won his seventh gold medal at the Olympics, the first athlete to do so.

Mark Spitz at the 1972 Olympics.

Spitz, then only 22 years of age, retired from swimming after the 72 Olympics, but competed again in 199w after filmmaker Bud Greenberg offered  him $1,000,0000 if he made the team that year. He failed to do so by only two seconds.

Spitz had intended to become a dentist, but the Olympics interrupted that pursuit, and he did not resume it after 1992, other opportunities having developed.  He married the next year and the couple have two children.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The 2021 Olympics and the rise of the female athelete.

I don't really follow the Olympics much anymore.  I'm not sure why, I just lost interest in it at some point.  Having said that, I've followed this one slightly more than usual.

Anyhow, having said that, this one has been really remarkable due to women.  And I don't necessarily mean their accomplishments in sport, but in standing up for something that really needed to change or to have attention drawn to them.

It started off, at least in my somewhat inattentive to sports view, when Australian Kaylee McKeown dropped out of the Olympics. What exactly motivated it remain (as far as I know) unknown, but it was really clear that she was extremely made due to unwanted sexual attention.

This is something we've read a lot about over the last several years, and it's been particularly bad in gymnastics, or at least that's where the news has been focused.  What exactly was going on is unclear, but McKeown basically called some people she had to deal with perverts and said she had enough.

That's remarkable enough in and of itself.  Usually nobody gets called a pervert until they've committed a string of really notable atrocities.  Even Bill Cosby, who was let out of prison recently, received a warm welcome back by his former Cosby costar, and It's pretty clear he was drugging women and then, well and then. . . 

Anyhow, the next notable event was when the German gymnastics team refused to wear the usual tight-fitting female gymnastics uniform and instead opted for the very athletic looking "unitards".

Other than the weird sounding name, this is a positive development. The German female gymnastic athletes look like. . . well really serious athletes.  This was way overdue.

Having said that, at least one American standout spoke on it and said she found the current US leotards to be less restrictive, and she liked them.  I'm okay with that, but I think the trend away from uniforms that exploited female appearance over performance was sexist, and it needs to go.

And nowhere was that more evident than in beach volleyball.

Beach volleyball arrived on the scene over 30 years ago at which time the networks started televising it on Saturdays.  It may have been a serious athletic endeavor at the time, and the women involved in it are obviously athletes, but at least from my point of view it seemed an exercise in televising women, at first wearing as little as conceivably possible.  I was surprised when the sport crossed over to the Olympics, but that showed how serious of sport it had become.

It turns out that the female beach volleyball teams were still required to preform as close to nude as you could. Well, this year the Norwegian team said they had enough and chose to wear shorts rather than bikini bottoms.  Heck, it isn't as if they're going swimming, and they were simply tired of being ogled rather than admired for their athletic accomplishments.

This met a threat of a fine, and they just charged on anyhow.  US singer Pink, whom I don't otherwise follow, said she'd pay the fines.  Good for her.

It's common to note how women's sports have come along ways in recent years, and they certainly have.  Sports remain the one area of society where the differences between men and women are still acknowledged which is why in most areas men and women are segregated into men's sports and women's.  Hopefully for most, this continues, in a real recognition of the physical differences, although in some areas, it really makes no sense. Why, for example, are the shooting sports segregated by sex?  At any rate, however, one area where women's sports have continued to be anchored in seemingly the Hugh Hefner era has been in what they've been required to wear, which was reduced to cutesy in some circumstances, or outright 1960s/70s sexists in others.

Good riddance to that.

And the more power to the rise of the female athlete.

Friday, July 23, 2021

"Imagine". I'm imaging a world in which John Lennon's vapid pop mush anthem isn't played anymore.


You know, the John Lennon song.

The opening ceremonies of the Olympics are on right now and, of course, somebody had to decide that this song, essentially expressing the exact same sentiments as The Communist Manifesto, must be played.

What Lennon "imagined" in his song was a world so devoid of values of any kind, and so demanding of universal group think, that there's be a sort of bland world peace of the lazy vapid.  Of course, no world can be created that would be peaceful dedicated only to the proposition of believing nothing whatsoever.  

What keeps this Marxist musical memento going is hard to say.  A lot of it is that songs that might be genuinely devoted to peace require people to devote themselves to something pretty significant.  Ave Maria, for example, would be a better option, but that's going to make somebody mad, as that would require a certain set of beliefs, at least at some level.  Imagine doesn't require you to do anything other than not think.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Maddie Groves administers the dope slap

Let this be a lesson to all misogynistic perverts in sport and their boot lickers - You can no longer exploit young women and girls, body shame or medically gaslight them and then expect them to represent you so you can earn your annual bonus. Time’s UP

I don't know who Maddie Groves is, really.  After this story broke it became clear that she's an Australian Olympic swimmer.

She's obviously had enough, and while the details aren't fully spelled out, the gist of it sure is.

Good for her.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

September 17, 1920. Arrivals

Olympic athletes returning from the Summer Olympics in Europe on the Aquitania on September 17, 1920. 

Opera singer Frances Alda arriving in New York City on the Aquitania on September 17, 1920. Alda is posed with a movie camera. 


Banker and publisher Marshall Field III arriving in New York City on the Aquitania on September 17, 1920. 
Maxine Elliott, actress and businesswoman, on the Aquitania on September 17, 1920.

And on this date, a merger or professional football teams brought the immediate precursor of the National Football League into existance.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 23, 1920. Mexican rebels issue the Plan De Agua Preita, Men Misbehave, Women visit the Supreme Court, Turkey becomes a republic, The House of David extends their thanks.

It stated:
Hermosillo, Sonora. 29 de abril de 1920.
I. Que la Soberanía Nacional reside esencial y originariamente en el pueblo: que todo poder público dimana del pueblo y se instituye para su beneficio, y que la potestad de los mandatarios públicos es únicamente una delegación parcial de la soberanía popular, hecha por el mismo pueblo.
II. Que el actual Presidente de la República, C. Venustiano Carranza, se había constituído Jefe de un partido político, y persiguiendo el triunfo de ese partido ha burlado de una manera sistemática del voto popular; ha suspendido, de hecho las garantías individuales; ha atentado repetidas veces contra la soberanía de los Estados y ha desvirtuado radicalmente la organización de la República.
III. Que los actos y procedimientos someramente expuestos constituyen, al mismo tiempo, flagrantes violaciones a nuestra ley suprema, delitos graves del orden común y traición absoluta a las aspiraciones fundamentales de la Revolución Constitucionalista.
IV. Que habiendo agotado todos los medios pacíficos para encauzar los procedimientos del repetido Primer Mandatario de la Federación por las vías constitucionales, sin haberse logrado tal finalidad, ha llegado el momento de que el pueblo mexicano arma toda su soberanía, revocando el imperio absoluto de sus instituciones y de sus leyes. En tal virtud, los suscritos, ciudadanos mexicanos en pleno ejercicio de nuestros derechos políticos, hemos adoptado en todas sus partes y protestamos sostener con entereza, el siguiente:
Plan Orgánico del Movimiento Reivindicador de la Democracia y de la Ley.
Art. I. Cesa en el ejercicio del Poder Ejecutivo de la Federación el C. Venustiano Carranza.
Art. II. Se desconoce a los funcionarios públicos cuya investidura tenga origen en las últimas elecciones de Poderes Locales verificadas en los Estados de Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Nuevo León y Tamaulipas.
Art. III. Se desconoce asimismo el carácter de Consejales del Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de México a los CC. Declarados electos con motivo de los últimos comicios celebrados en dicha capital.
Art. IV. Se reconoce como Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Nayarit al C. José Santos Godinez.
Art. V. Se reconoce también a todas las demás autoridades legítimas de la Federación y de los Estados. El Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista sostendrá a dichas autoridades siempre que no combatan ni hostilicen el presente movimiento.
Art. VI. Se reconoce expresamente como Ley Fundamental de la República a la Constitución Política del 5 de febrero de 1917.
Art. VII. Todos los generales, jefes, oficiales y soldados que secunden este Plan constituirán el Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista. El actual Gobernador Constitucional de Sonora, C. Adolfo de la Huerta, tendrá interinamente el carácter de Jefe Supremo del Ejército con todas las facultades necesarias para la organización política y administrativa de este movimiento.
Art. VIII. Los gobernadores constitucionales de los Estado que reconozcan y se adhieran a este movimiento en el término de 30 días, a contar de la fecha de la promulgación de este Plan, nombrarán cada uno de ellos un representante debidamente autorizado con objeto de que dichos delegados reunidos a los 60 días de la fecha del presente, en el sitio de que designe el Jefe Supremo Int,. procedan a nombrar en definitiva, por mayoría de votos, el Jefe Supremo del Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista.
Art. IX. Si, en virtud de las circunstancias originadas por la campaña, la Junta de Delegados de los Gobernadores Constitucionales a que se refiere el Art. Anterior no reúne mayoría en la fecha indicada, quedará definitivamente como Jefe Supremo del Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista el actual Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Sonora, C. Adolfo de la Huerta.
Art. X. Tan luego como el presente Plan sea adoptado por la mayoría de la Nación y ocupada la ciudad de México por el Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista, se procederá a nombrar un Presidente Provisional de la República, en la forma prevista en los artículos siguientes.
Art. XI. Si el movimiento quedare consumado antes de que termine el actual período del Congreso Federal, el Jefe del Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista, convocará al Congreso de la Unión a sesiones extraordinarias, en el lugar en que pueda reunirse, y los miembros de ambas cámaras elegirán el Presidente Provisional, de conformidad con la Constitución vigente.
Art. XII. Si el caso previsto por el artículo X llegare a presentarse con posterioridad a la terminación del período constitucional de las Cámaras actuales, el Jefe Supremo del Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista asumirá la Presidencia Provisional de la República.
Art. XIII. El Presidente Provisional convocará a elecciones de Poderes Ejecutivo y Legislativo de la Federación inmediatamente que tome posesión de su cargo.
Art. XIV. El Jefe Supremo del Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista nombrará Gobernadores Provisionales de los Estados de Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Nuevo León y Tamaulipas, de los que no tengan Gobernador Constitucional y de todas las demás Entidades Federativas cuyos primeros mandatarios combatan o desconozcan este movimiento.
Art. XV. Consolidado el triunfo de este Plan, el Presidente Provisional autorizará a los Gobernadores Provisionales para que convoquen inmediatamente a elecciones de Poderes Locales de conformidad con las Leyes respectivas.
Art. XVI. El Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista se regirá por la Ordenanza General y Leyes Militares actualmente en vigor en la República.
Art. XVII. El Jefe Supremo del Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista, y todas las autoridades civiles y militares que secunden este Plan impartirán garantías a nacionales y extranjeros y protegerán muy especialmente el desarrollo de la industria, del comercio y de todos los negocios.
Sufragio Efectivo. No Reelección.
Agua Prieta, abril 23 de 1920.

Generales de Brigada: Ángel Flores, Francisco R. Manzo, Juan Cruz, Lino Morales, Francisco R. Serrano. Generales Brigadieres: Miguel Piña H., J. M. Padilla, Fructuoso Méndez, Carlos Plank, Roberto Cruz, Alejandro Mange, Luis Matys, Ramón Gómez, Luis Espinosa, Ignacio Mori, Macario Gaxiola y José María Ochoa. Capitán de Navío J. de la Llave. Capitán de Navío El Olivier. Coroneles: Abelardo L. Rodríguez. J. M. Aguirre, Fausto Topete, Enrique León, Guillermo M. Palma, Lorenzo Muñoz, E. C. García, Anatolio B. Ortega, A.A. Ancheta, Guillermo Nelson, Eduardo Andalon, Julio García, Z. Jiménez Ponce, Francisco G. Manríquez, Camilo Gastélum Jr., Mateo de la Rocha, Rosendo Quezada, Pablo C. Macías, Juan G. Amaya y Antonio Guerrero. Tenientes Coroneles: Mariano Valtiérrez, Ángel Camargo, Pero Sosa, Anselmo Armenta, Antonio Cruz, J. Jesús Arvizu, A. Campoell, Jesús M. Palma, G.R. Limón, Jesús O. Cota, Rafael Villagrán, Alberto G. Montaño, Manuel Bacilio, Francisco Ochoa, Juan B. Izaguirre, Antonio Armenta, Pedro Quintero, Pedro C. Figueroa, Manuel García, Ignacio Otero, Rodolfo Ibarra Vega, Manuel Limón, Jesús Otero, Manuel Escobar, Gumersindo López, Eligio Samaniego, Benito Bernal, Alberto Zuno Hernández, Santos R. Flores y Jesús Bórquez. Mayores: Luis Palomares, Rodolfo M. Reyna, Isaac M. Rocha, Guadalupe Cruz, Canuto Ortega, Máximo Othón, Patricio García, Manuel Meza, Manuel I. Medina, J. M. Burrota, J. J. Pérez, Ricardo Legaspi, B. González, Luis R. Flores, Manuel O. Lugo, Ángel Gaxiola Jr., Victoriano Tabárez, F. Polanco, Leopoldo Robles, Alfredo Delgado, José Ma. Hernández, Victoriano Díaz, Manuel Martínez, José S. Obregón y José A. Araiza. Capitanes Primeros: S. Amézquita Liceaga, Pantaleón Pineda, José Ma. Tapia, Francisco Herrera. Subteniente Manuel H. Lira. Señores: Francisco S. Elías, Luis L. León, H. Gavilondo, Antonio G. Rivera. Administrador Aduana de Agua Prieta, Julián S. González; Pdte. Mpal. De Cananea, J. R. Estrada; Alfonso Vázquez, Agente Comercial en Douglas, Arizona; Ricardo C. López, Jefe de Oficina Telegráfica en Nogales, Son.; Teniente Coronel Abraham Fraijo, Presidente Mpal. De Agua Prieta; Arturo M. Escandón, Director de El Tiempo, F. Alfonso Pesqueira. Constituyentes de Querétaro: Luis G. Monzón y Froilán C. Manjarrez. Constituyentes de Sonora: Antonio R. Romo, Rosendo L. Galaz., José Ma. V. Lizárraga, Gabriel Corella, Adalberto Trujillo y Clodoveno Valenzuela; Ramón M. Bernal, Oficial Mayor del Congreso del Estado; A. M. Sánchez, Oficial 1° de la Secretaría de Gobierno; S. M. Moreno, Jefe de la Sección de Gobernación; A.B. Sobrazo, Encargado de la Sección del Registro Civil; Amos B. Casas, Oficial 2° de la Secretaría de Gobierno; S.A. Campoy, Oficial 3° de la Secretaría de Gobierno; Carlos Díaz, Jefe del Departamento de Compras; Miguel Vázquez, Jefe del Departamento de Archivo; Ángel Avilez, Oficial del Depto. De Archivo; Guillermo de la Rosa, Director General de Educación Pública; Miguel Yépez Solórzano, director General del Catastro; Aurelio S. Larios, Dibujante del Catastro; Manuel Larios, Ingeniero de la Dirección del Catastro; Raúl Salazar, Procurador General de Justicia en el Estado; B. Cabrera, Jefe de Defensores de Oficio; Ángel Amante, Oficial 1° de la Secretaría del Congreso; Plutarco Padilla, Oficial 2° de la Secretaría del Congreso; Heliodoro Pérez Mendoza, Jefe de la Sección de Glosa de la Inspección de Telégrafos; Eloy García S., Jefe de la Oficina Telegráfica de Hermosillo; F.R. Pesqueira, Administrador Principal del Timbre; Rafael Manzo, Tesorero General del Estado; Lic. Pedro González Rubalcava, Juez de Instrucción Militar; Lic. José Guzmán V., Agente del Ministerio Público Militar; Lic. Zenón García, Asesor de Guerra; José S. Healy, periodista; Alberto S. Díaz, Carlos Genda Jr., Mario Hernández Machain, Secretario Particular del Jefe Supremo del Ejército Liberal Constitucionalista; A.R. Guzmán, Agente General de Agricultura y Fomento; Diputados al Congreso del Estado: Lic. Gilberto Valenzuela, Emiliano Corella M., Ing. Joaquín C. Bustamente, Miguel C. López, Alejo Bay, Luis F. Vhávez, Felizardo Frías, Ramón D. Cruz, Alfonso Almada, Ignacio G. Soto, Florencio Robles, Leoncio J. Ortiz, Julio C. Salazar, Rafael F.L. Paredes y Emilio Mendívil. Magistrados del Supremo Tribunal de Justicia: Lic. Luis N. Rubalcava, Espiridión S. Ruíz y Lic. Manuel Zezati; Alberto C. Loustaunau, Secretario del Tribunal de Justicia; Diputados al Congreso de la Unión: Alejandro Velázquez López, Damián Alarcón, Ezequiel Ríos Landeros. Señores: Fernando Torreblanca, Lic. Rafael Díaz de León, Alfonso Guerra y Rodolfo Torreblanca. Senadores por Estado de Sonora: Flavio A. Bohórquez y Carlos Plank.
The basic gist of the plan was an accusation that Carranza had betrayed the values of the revolution and that Obergon was to lead the military until a new government could be put in place.

Agua Prieta is a border town that joins Douglas, Arizona.

Douglas Arizona, 1904.

Troops were being rushed to that border, including specifically the one between Douglas and Agua Prieta, out of concern where the Mexican Revolution was heading.  The Navy, meanwhile, was deploying in the Gulf.  1920 was beginning to look a lot like 1916.

Across that border and into custody came one newly appointed Carranzist Governor of Sonora, Ignacio Pesqueria, who had lately been the Chief Justice of Mexico. 

Pesqueria was a wealthy man whom Carranza felt was suited to replace the De La Huerta, whom he still presumed to be the Governor, apparently not realizing that De La Huerta had resigned to take up arms against Carranza alongside Obregon.  Pesqueria, who was almost certainly related to a Mexican revolutionary of that name from earlier times, may not have thought his appointment likely to last long as he entered Douglas with one Maria Rodriguez, whom the press informed to be 23 years of old and "beautiful", the broad hint being that the relationship between the two may not have been fully proper.  Justice Pesqueria was married to someone else and had nine children.  He was ostensibly arrested for bringing Senorita Rodriguez across the border, but that may have well been a pretext.  Of course, the relationship could have been fully innocent.

Clearly not innocent were the attentions being paid to a bank cashier's wife by a banker, which was resulting in a scandal in Buffalo.

The attentions of prominent men may have been drawn in an improper fashion to women in Sonora and Wyoming, but in Washington D. C. prominent women were seeking the attention of the United States Supreme Court.

Leaders of the Women's National Party were in town to attend a session of the court which was to hear a case pertaining to an Ohio referendum which potentially stood to push women's suffrage over the top and into the Constitution.

And a group of men came to thank the President for allowing them to grow their hair and beards while in the service of the United States during World War One.

Members of the House of David religion, about which I know next to nothing, their tenants preclude the cutting of hair and favor the growing of beards.  The President had intervened on their behalf during the Great War, for which they came to offer their appreciation.

The religion, which still exists, is often recalled today for fielding a barnstorming baseball team early in the 20th Century.

In Turkey the Turkish Grand National Assembly convened in Ankara in a move that was on its way towards the establishment of the modern Turkish republic.  On the same day an Allied conference announced its intent to recognize Armenian sovereignty and allow Greece to administer a Turkish Smyrna.

And ice hockey premiered on this day as an Olympic sport.