Showing posts with label Netherlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netherlands. Show all posts

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Thursday, December 14, 1944. The tragedy of Lupe Vélez.

The great Mexican actress Lupe Vélez, pregnant with the baby of her recent fiance,  Harald Ramond (Harald Maresch) committed suicide after a dinner with friends in Los Angeles, leaving this note:

To Harald, May God forgive you and forgive me too, but I prefer to take my life away and our baby's before I bring him with shame or killing him. – Lupe.

How could you, Harald, fake such a great love for me and our baby when all the time, you didn't want us? I see no other way out for me, so goodbye, and good luck to you, Love Lupe.

Ramond confessed confusion, declaring that even after their recent break up he had promised to marry her.  In spite of the official ruling of suicide, there has been ongoing speculation about her death.

She had, at one time, been married to Johnny Weismuller.

May God rest her soul, and that of her child.

The Japanese murdered 150 Allied Prisoners of war near Puerto Princesa in the Philippine province of Palawan to prevent their liberation by American troops.

The Japanese attempted, but failed, to mount a large scale air attack on the U.S. Navy's invasion task force heading to Mindoro.    The U.S. Navy hit airfields on Luzon.

The HMS Aldenham was sunk in the Adriatic by a mine.  It was the last Royal Navy destroyer lost in World War Two.

Congress authorized the five start senior officer rank to address American commanders technically being junior to high ranking British ones.

The Germans banned the use of electricity in Holland.

Last edition:

Wednesday, December 13, 1944. USS Goshen commissioned.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Monday, December 4, 1944. The Dutch Famine.

"Sailors, aboard USS LST 392, discussing D-Day, when Ernie Pyle was their passenger and left his signature on their guns. Shown, left to right: SM3 Chas T. Repik, USNR; SC2c James F. Reardon, USNR; S1c Edward T. Wholley. (Bottom) BM2c Martin A. Reilly, USNR and RM2C Gint Middleton, USNR. Photograph released December 4, 1944."

The Germans cut Dutch bread rations to two pounds per week.

Martial law was declared in Greece.

" Troops of the 14th Chinese Division detruck at North Airstrip, Myyitkyina, Burma, and go into bivouac for night preparatory to boarding planes for China. 4 December, 1944."

Heilbroon was firebombed, resulting in the deaths of 7,147 people.

The Kishinami was sunk in the South China Sea by the USS Flasher.

Last edition:

Sunday, December 3, 1944. Dekemvriana (Δεκεμβριανά)

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Friday, November 17, 1944. Horrific losses at sea.

The Japanese aircraft carrier Shin'yō was sunk in the Yellow Sea by the USS Spadefish.  The Japanese landing craft depot ship Mayasan Maru was sunk in the East China Sea by the USS Picuda with the 3,856 lives.

Over the last few days, American submarines had effectively destroyed the numerical equivalent of an entire Japanese Army division.

The British 2nd Army took Wessem, Netherlands.

U.S. light tank destroyed by a German anti tank mine.  November 17, 1944.

The Allies agree with the Belgian government to have Belgian resistance forces lay down their arms.

Disarming resistance groups, which posed a danger to the governments of the liberated territories, was becoming a problem.

Last edition:

Thursday, November 16, 1944. Attack on the Siegfried Line.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Friday, November 10, 1944. The Explosion of the Mount Hood.

The USS Mount Hood, an ammunition ship, exploded at Seeadler Harbor at Manus Island in Papua New Guinea, killing all on board and damaging 22 other ships.

Imperial Japanese forces took U.S. airfields in China as part of Operation Ichi-Go.  The Japanese were gaining ground in China.

The Germans rounded up over 50,000 Dutch me in Rotterdam as slave labor, and effectively as hostages.

"Sgt. Sam S. McNealy, Morgantown, N.C., stands watch by his machine gun during the first snowfall of the year in this sector of the western front. 1st Army, Monschau, Germany. 10 November, 1944."

Last edition:

Thursday, November 9, 1944. Sorge meets his end.

Today in World War II History—November 10, 1939 & 1944

Today in World War II History—November 10, 1939 & 1944: 80 Years Ago—Nov. 10, 1944: Japanese take US Fourteenth Air Force air bases at Kweilin and Liuchow in their drive through southern China.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Monday, November 6, 1944.. The photo.

"Husband and wife serving in uniform meet for the first time on the continent--Lt. Jane I. Sunderbruch, Army Nurse Corps, assigned to an evacuation hospital, and her husband, Lt. Richard K. Sunderbruch, Davenport, Iowa. Signal Corps photographic officer. He was wounded in the Battle of Aachen, has since returned to duty. 6 November, 1944."  They survived the war. He died in 1992, she in 2006. They are buried together in Scott County, Iowa.

Walter Edward Guinness, 1st Baron Moyne, DSO & Bar, TD, PCk, British minister of state in the Middle East was assassinated by the Jewish terrorist group Lehi in Cairo.

The struggle over post war Palestine had begun.

Well, maybe begun again.  British rule in Palestine had never been particularly easy.

The German garrison at Middleburg in the Netherlands surrendered to the Canadian Army.

The French government repealed Vichy anti Semitic laws, but implementation would prove to be difficult to implement in terms of restoring their possessions and occupations.

Penicillin began production in large scale in Liverpool.

Last edition:

Sunday, November 5, 1944. The air and sea war off of Luzon.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Wednesday, November 1, 1944 Death of Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv and Metropolitan of Halych Andrey Sheptytsky

Andrey Sheptytsky, OSBM (Polish: Andrzej Szeptycki; Ukrainian: Митрополит Андрей Шептицький, romanized: Mytropolyt Andrei Sheptytskyi; had been the Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv and Metropolitan of Halych from 1901 until his death at age 79 on this day in 1944.  His maintained his office through numerous wars and six political regimes: Austrian, Ukrainian, Soviet, Polish, Nazi German, and again Soviet.  While he briefly supported the Ukrainian forces raised by the Germans in Poland, he recanted once the nature of the Nazi regime became apparent and openly opposed the Holocaust in Poland.  He wrote the pastoral letter, "Thou Shall Not Kill" protesting Nazi atrocities, which states:
Із Послання Митрополита Андрея Шептицького “Не убий” [21 листопада 1942 року]

Андрей Шептицький
Божою Милістю і Святого Апостольського Римського Престолу Благословенням Митрополит, Архієпископ Галицький і Львівський Єпископ, Кам’янецький Духовенству й вірним Мир о Господі і благословенство


[...] Дивним способом обманюють себе і людей ті, що політичне вбивство не уважають гріхом, наче би політика звільняла чоловіка від обов’язку Божого закону та оправдувала злочин, противний людській природі. Так не є. Християнин є обов’язковий заховувати Божий закон не тільки в приватному житті, але й в політичному та суспільному житті. Людина, що проливає неповинну кров свого ворога, політичного противника, є таким самим чоловіковбивником, як людина, що це робить для рабунку, і так само заслуговує на кару Божу і на клятву Церкви.

Християнин, і не тільки християнин, а кожна людина обов’язана з людської природи до любови ближнього. І не тільки християн, але й усіх людей буде Всев[вишній] Бог І[сус] Христос, справедливий Суддя, судити по всім ділам життя, а передусім по ділам милосердя і любови ближнього, як це описане в притчі про страшний суд (Мат. XXV). Чоловіковбивник не тільки, що не мав милосердя до вбитого, терплячого, ув’язненого, але ближньому зробив найтяжчу кривду, яку тільки міг зробити, відбираючи йому життя, і то може в хвилі, коли той ближній, на смерть не приготований, стратив через неї всяку надію на вічне життя! Тим вчинком скривдив він усі діти вбитого, жінку, старих батьків, які без помочі вбитого, засуджені, може, на голод і нужду. Та не тільки вбив ближнього, але й свою душу позбавив надприродного життя, Божої благодаті, та ввів її у пропасть, з якої, може, вже й не буде спасіння! Бо прокляттям неповинної крові викликав, може, в своїй душі демонів пожадливости, які кажуть йому в терпіннях і болях ближнього шукати власної радости.

[...] Світ гине з браку любови, гине з людської ненависти! Не переставаймо ж благати Всевишнього про обильні, теплі дощі його святої благодати з неба.

Вкінці звертаюся ще до вас усіх, Дорогих Братів, вірних та усильно взиваю до заховування якнайбільшого супокою. Воєнні часи приносять нам неодно терпіння і неодну спокусу. Йде лиш про це, щоб з Божою благодаттю тривати при Божому законі і сильно надіятися на Всевишнього, що його пресвята ласка оберне на наше добро всі терпіння, які нам зіслав. Досвіди принимаємо з Божих рук; нічого не діється без волі Небесного Отця, Бог, добрий Батько, змилосердиться над нами, простить наші гріхи і дасть діждатися благословенного часу миру.

The British and Canadians commenced Operation Infatuate with the goal of opening the port of Antwerp.

British troops landed on Walcheren island.

James Ralston resigned as Canadian Defence Minister after Prime Minister Mackenzie King rejected his request to impose conscription for overseas service.

The Royal Navy sank three Kriegsmarine vessels in combat off of Croatia.

A B-29 conducted the first overflight of Japan since the Doolittle Raid.  It was a reconnaissance mission.

The Japanese released paper balloons carrying bombs intended to reach North America for the first time.

The USS Abner Read was sunk in a kamikaze attack in the Leyte Gulf.

The HMS Whitaker was damaged beyond repair when torpedoed by the U-483 off of Ireland.

Pfc. Lawrence Hoyle, left, of Bangham, Ill., Browning Automatic Rifle man, and Pvt. Andrew Fachak, right, of McKeesport, P.A., both members of an infantry unit take shelter behind a blasted wall and keep an eye out for enemy snipers, near Maizeres Les Metz, France. 1 November, 1944. 357th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division.

Last edition:

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Friday, October 13, 1944. Black Friday for the Black Watch.

L-R: Pfc. Edward J. Motyl, Scitico, Conn.; Pfc. Joseph Bukea, Merdon, Conn., and Cpl. Tony Marinaro, Waterbury, Conn., warm themselves at a fire near a wayside shrine. as Pfc. John Rogus of Merdon, Conn., gets acquainted with a French peasant girl of the vicinity. 13 October, 1944. Urcourt, Metz sector, Doncourt-Jarny vicinity.

A British-Greek force landed at Piraeus, Greece.

The British took Carpineta, Italy.

A patrol returning to Corretta, Italy. The soldier in the foreground has a toy wagon carrying his machine gun. 13 October, 1944. 1st Armored Division.

The Germans retreated from Rovaniemi.

The Red Army broke through German lines at Riga.

The Germans hit Antwerp with V1s and V2s for the first time.

German POWs in the UK.

The Black Watch of Canada attacks at Hoogerheide, Netherlands, with disastrous results.

Navy Task Force 38 hits Formosa again, with the Japanese attempting to counter attack by air.

Last edition:

Thursday, October 12, 1944. Heroes and explorers.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Monday, October 9, 1944. The Fourth Moscow Conference Commences.

The Fourth Moscow Conference began, with Churchill, Stalin (of course), and W. Averell Harriman in attendance.  The Allies, knowing that victory was coming, discussed post war Europe.

Polish delegates attended some of the meetings.

As odd as it may seem, to many in Germany, the coming defeat was not yet a mental reality.  There's a lesson in there about believing what you want to believe, in spite of the evidence.

The St. Louis Cardinals took the 1944 World Series in the sixth game.

Infantrymen take break in fighting to enjoy coffee and doughnuts offered by Red Cross girls of Clubmobile "General Lee" somewhere in Luxembourg. 9 October, 1944.

The Canadian 3d Division landed at Breskens on the south bank of the Scheldt.

A U.S. task force bombarded Marcus Island.

 French Naval Minister Jacquinot, accompanied by ranking French naval officers, inspects a tank destroyer unit of the 2nd Free French Armored Division, manned by French marines, somewhere in France. 9 October, 1944.

Last edition:

Sunday, October 8, 1944 Passing of Fr. Nicolò Cortese and Wendell Willkie

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Tuesday, October 3, 1944. Breaking the Siegfried Line.

Finnish forces captured Taivalkoski.

The Red Army took Hiuma Island, Estonia.

The 1st Army broke through the Siegfried Line north of Aachen.

The first large group of Nazi prisoners that were captured by the Americans following their breakthrough of the Siegfried Line. 3 October, 1944. 117th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division.

The RAF broke the dikes around Walcheren Island, flooding it.

Partisans attempted to kidnap fascist Italian Social Republic Minister of the Interior.Guido Buffarini Guidi with tragic unsuccessful results.

The ME 262 became operational.

October 3, 1944 The Littlest War Dog

The I-177 was sunk by the USS Samuel S. Miles

The USS Seawolf was sunk by the USS Richard M. Rowell in a friendly fire accident.

Pack mule train of 26th Indian Mule Co. with British 13th Corps, moving through town of Marradi.

Last edition:

Monday, October 2, 1944. The end of the Warsaw Rebellion.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Monday, October 2, 1944. The end of the Warsaw Rebellion.

With Soviet troops across the Vistula not crossing the river, something often regarded as intentional, the Germans prevailed in defeating the Warsaw Uprising.  200,000 Poles were killed in the battle, most of them civilians, and central Warsaw destroyed.  Between 2,000 and 17,000 German troops were killed in the battle.  Around 15,000 Polish underground and Polish Home Army troops were killed. 15,000 went into captivity.

There's good reason to believe that Stalin saw the Poles and the Germans fighting in the city to his overall benefit.  It killed a lot of Germans, and it killed non communist Poles.

The Battle of Aachen commenced with an American offensive.

The Battle of the Scheldt commenced.

Pack train of 2nd Indian Mule Co., Royal Indian Service Corps, which helped supply British 1st Div. 2 October, 1944. Near Crespino, Italy.

Japanese resistance on Peleliu's Mount Amiangal was defeated.

Lucian Truscott appeared on the cover of Life Magazine.

Cpl. Charles A. Klein, 1929 45th Street, Pennsauken, New Jersey, seals his soldiers' ballet. 2 October, 1944. 6th Armored Division.

The first French regiment of Paris, France, recently organized and put in uniform, passes in review. 2 October, 1944.

 Execution of a French traitor who acted as a spy for the Germans and received 2000 Francs ($40.00) for his services. Traitor is tied to post as firing squad gets ready. 2 October, 1944.

Last edition: