Friday, January 17, 2025

Wednesday, January 17, 1945. The Red Army enters a destroyed Warsaw.

The Red Army finally took a destroyed Warsaw.  Hitler reacted by sacking generals Smilo Freiherr von Lüttwitz and Walter Fries.

Von Lüttwitz, who had seen combat in World War One and Two, went on to be a general in the Bundesherr.  He died in 1975 at age 79.  

Freis was subjected to a trial for his role in the city following in which Hitler requested a death sentence.  Amazingly, the court refused and Fries survived the war as well and died in 1982 at age 88.

The SS marched prisoners out of Auschwitz.

Swedish businessman and humanitarian Raoul Wallenberg disappeared after being detained by the Soviets in Budapeast.  He likely died in a Soviet jail cell two years later.

The German SS Donau was sunk by the Norwegian resistancde in Oslofjord

AP War Correspondent, Olen Clemente, Point Barrow, Alaska, at 3:00 p.m., Christmas Day, 1944. Photograph released January 17, 1945.

Last edition:

Tuesday, January 16, 1945. Der Führerbunker.

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