Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Thursday, January 22, 1925. An emergency in Alaska and Life Magazine's Boob Issue.

Dr. Curtis Welch, Nome Alaska's only physician, sent a radio telegram via the U.S. Army Signal Corps alerting Alaska of a diphtheria outbreak.  A second one was sent to the U.S. Public Health Service warning of the desperate need for antitoxin.

It didn't quite mean the same thing as it commonly means now.  It mean "Boob" as in a stupid person.  The other meaning, according to an on line etymology dictionary dates back to 1929, although it was surely around earlier.

FWIW, recall this meaning still being relatively common amongst older people in the 70s, but even then it was a bit disconcerting when used by them if you were younger.

Last edition:

Tuesday, January 20, 1925. The Soviet–Japanese Basic Convention

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