The French military objected to the draft Dawes Plan on the basis that it would return the Ruhr's railroads to German control.
The Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was created in the USSR for Russian ethnic Germans. The capital city was the ironically named Kosakenstadt, which is now called Engels. Ethnic Germans had been a feature of the Russian demographic map since Catherine the Great, who was of course German, had invited them in. They were not all of one uniform background, however, as they varied by religious confession considerably.
The German invasion of Russia in 1940 resulted in the Republic being eliminated. Ultimatly the German population of the USSR was subject to heavy repression, with many people deported to work camps for being ethnic Germans. Some ethnic Germans of military age joined the German forces. While the heavy repression ended following the march of time and the death of Stalin, remaining German populations in Russian heavily immigrated to Germany starting in the 1980s, before reunification, even though by that time they tended not to be even able to speak German.
Gloria Vanderbilt, socialite, actress and fashion figure was born. As I don't know much about her and frankly care even less, that's about all I'll note.
The President met with the Good Roads Association, something that relates to something we posted yesterday.
He also met with the Gold Star Mothers.