Showing posts with label Truk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Truk. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sunday, April 30, 1944. Pre fab. Draft McArthur?

US trucks being landed at Hollandia.

The U.S. Navy bombarded Satawan while the US air assault on Truk continued.

Prefabricated homes, aimed for the post-war market, went on show in London.

Draft MacArthur?

Last prior edition:

Saturday, April 29, 1944. More friendly fire, Raid on Truk, More German strikes in the Channel.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Saturday, April 29, 1944. More friendly fire, Raid on Truk, More German strikes in the Channel.

Just a few days after U.S. ships shelled US Army troops at Slapton Sands in Operation Tiger in a friendly fire incident, the PT-346 was sunk, killing nine sailors and wounding nine, by Marine Corps Corsairs.

Lieutenant James Burk ordered medic John Frkovich to take his Burk's life jacket so he could survive and treat the wounded. Wilbur Larsen, USNR, received the Navy Marine Corps medal for saving wounded non-swimmer Forrest May's life.

Japanese torpedo bomber making a run on the Yorktown in a counter to the attack on Truk.

An American air raid on Truk destroyed most of the island's Japanese aircraft.

On New Guinea, the captured Japanese airfields at Hollandia and Aitape become operational for Allied aircraft.

The HMCS Athabaskan was sunk in the English Channel by the T24, once again showing active Kriegsmarine activity in the Channel.  The T24 picked up 83 men as prisoners, 44 were rescued by the Allies, and 123 went down with the ship.

The I-183 was sunk off the Bungo Strait by the USS Pogy.

The U-421 was sunk at Toulon in an American air raid.

Stars and Stripes, April 29, 1944.

While I can't post it due to an active copyright, The Saturday Evening Post came out with a classic illustration called "Arm Chair General" by Norman Rockwell.

Last prior edition:

Friday, April 28, 1944. Day Two of Execise Tiger.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Friday, February 18, 1944. Operation Jericho and Operation Hailstorm

Mosquitoes over Amiens prison. Mosquitos and Typhoons featured in the raid.

Royal Air Force and Royal New Zealand Air Force aircraft breached the walls of the Amiens prison, allowing 258 prisoners to escape.

French Resistance members were staged outside to spirit escapees to freedom, or at least away from the Germans.  2/3s of them were recaptured.  However, half of those due to be executed did escape, although many escapees were shot by guards as they felt.  Resistance escapees exposed over sixty Gestapo agents and informers, which was a blow to the Germans.  Prisoners re arrested by the French were simply let go.

The mission was requested by somebody, but the details of it remain a secret to this day.

Heavy fighting occured at Anzio on the Anzio Campoeone Road.  German armored reserves  consisting of the 26th Panzer Division and 29th Panzer Grenadier Division were committed to the attack but Allied artillery prevents significant gains. 

The HMS Penelope was sunk off of Naples by the U-410.

At Cassino attacks by Indian and New Zealand forces fail to advance.

The Battle of Karavia Bay, a nighttime action, ended up blocking the Japanese port.

The Red Army captured Staraya.

Lots of Japanese Imperial Navy ships were headed to the bottom in Truk Lagoon.

Truck was a Japanese disaster.

The Germans lost the U-406 and U-7, the latter in an accident.

Marines landed on Engebi Island, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands.

President Roosevelt vetoed the Bankhead Bill ending food subsidies.