Ostensibly exploring the practice of law before the internet. Heck, before good highways for that matter.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Korean War Display, National Museum of Military Vehicles
Monday, January 22, 2024
Pretty Nose. 1851-1952.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Monday, April 19, 1943. The end of the Warsaw Ghetto commences, SMERSH founded.
The final phase of the destruction and reoccupation of the Warsaw Ghetto commenced under SS Polizeifuhrer Jürgen Stroop.
Stroop was an unrepentant Nazi and was sentenced to death in a post-war war crimes trial in 1947, and then handed over to Poland, which also convicted him. He was executed in Poland in 1952.
233 Belgian Jews bound for Auschwitz escaped when a raid by three members of the Belgian resistance attacked the train. 118 were able to ultimately escape.
Fourteen members of the White Rose resistance group are found guilty of crimes against the German state and executed.
The General Directorate of Counterintelligence ("SMERSH" СМЕРШ) of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR came into existence, but secretly, and maybe actually earlier. It was a counterintelligence directorate. Like most Soviet intelligence and counterintelligence agencies, it was sinister and scary by its nature, and average citizens of the USSR had reason to fear it, a fact that was compounded by circumstances inside contested and occupied regions of the Soviet Union which caused average Soviet citizens to collaborate with the Germans in large and small ways.
The British government removed the restriction on ringing church bells that had been put in effect when the UK was under threat of invasion. The move marked the passing of that phase of the war.
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Poster Saturday: Guard Your Freedom.
Friday, October 21, 2022
Wednesday, October 21, 1942. Mark Clark's Mission, Eddie Rickenbacker's plight.
Today in World War II History—October 21, 1942: Maj. Gen. Mark Clark lands by submarine at Cherchel, Algeria, for a clandestine meeting with the Vichy French in preparation for the upcoming Allied invasion.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Saturday, September 2, 1922. Anthracite Coal Strike Ends.
Country Gentleman, for its Saturday issue, ran the second part of a story that it started the week prior.
It's interesting to note, FWIW, that in depictions of rural children from this era, such as this one, they're commonly depicted sans shoes. A lot of these illustrations, while romanticized, are fairly accurate, which would suggest that farm children, at least in some parts of the country, did typically omit footwear in the summer. That certainly doesn't ever seem to have been the case here, however.
The Saturday Evening Post came out with a portrait by Charles A. MacClellan of an attractive, but very serious looking, woman which is apparently entitled "Back To School"
Judge went to press with certainty that at least beer was going to be exempted from Prohibition.
Judge was correct, of course. Not only beer, but alcohol in general, would come back starting a decade later, although not all at once with a sudden repeal of Prohibition at the national level, as so often imagined.
Interestingly, this has a modern parallel in that what had been constitutionalized, a ban on alcohol, was reversed even though not everyone was in favor of that reversal, leaving the states to sort it out, which they did, but not instantly. The Dobbs decision effectively does that with another issue.
Whether allowed or not, today, even eventually, it's not now for me, as this is colonoscopy day.
I've been dreading it and really pondering changing course. It's not so much the procedure itself, it's the medications they require the day and early morning of which cause . . well. . . diarrhea. I hate being sick, and I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Having said that, according to something I read, 1 in 23 men get colorectal cancer, which sounds like a lot. But that's 4.35%, which doesn't. In an abstract fashion, I feel that everyone ought to get this simple diagnostic tool, but I'm hypocritical enough to be reconsidering it.
Again, it's the diarrhea medication that I'm dreading at the time I type this out. I'd rather skip eating several days prior, which seems like it ought to do the same thing.
The United Mine Workers and the Policy Committee of the Anthracite Coal Operators came to an agreement for a year, which brought to an end the dangerous strike that had been going on for some time.
Friedrich Ebert, President of the German republic, declared the Deutschlandlied to be the national anthem, but only the third stanza of the song. It remains the German national anthem today, having regained that position in the Budesrepublik in 1952, again starting with the third stanza. The militant first stanza was used during the Third Reich.
Friday, February 4, 2022
Wednesday, February 4, 1942. Men of miscalculation.
February 4, 1942: In North Africa, British retreat ends at Gazala, Libya. Japanese take Ambon, Netherlands East Indies, from a small Australian garrison. British troops surround Egyptian palace in Cairo to force King Farouk to abdicate.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Monday, June 14, 1909 Shackleton returns. The Age of Exploration. The Age of Assassination.
Ernest Shackleton returned to London and received a hero's welcome. King Edward VII knighted the Antarctic explorer.
After World War One Shackleton, his health no doubt strained due to the rigors of his trials in exploration, died in the Falklands at age 47. As a practical matter, the Great War effectively ended the final age of exploration.
Japanese Prince Itō Hirobumi was forced to resign as Japan's Resident-General of Korea. Three months later, he would be assassinated, which would lead Japan to annex what had been a protectorate.
Four Caribbean monk seals (Monachus tropicalis) were brought to the New York Aquarium. They were the only ones ever held in captivity.
The last known monk seal died in 1952 and NOAA declared them extinct in 2008.
Burl Ives was born. The charming folk singer and actor was a popular folk figure for many years, in spite of a 1930s association with far left wing politics.
Last prior edition: