Sunday, June 14, 2009

Monday, June 14, 1909 Shackleton returns. The Age of Exploration. The Age of Assassination.

Ernest Shackleton returned to London and received a hero's welcome.  King Edward VII knighted the Antarctic explorer.

After World War One Shackleton, his health no doubt strained due to the rigors of his trials in exploration, died in the Falklands at age 47.  As a practical matter, the Great War effectively ended the final age of exploration.

Japanese Prince Itō Hirobumi was forced to resign as Japan's Resident-General of Korea.  Three months later, he would be assassinated, which would lead Japan to annex what had been a protectorate.

Four Caribbean monk seals (Monachus tropicalis) were brought to the New York Aquarium.  They were the only ones ever held in captivity.

The last known monk seal died in 1952 and NOAA declared them extinct in 2008.

Burl Ives was born.  The charming folk singer and actor was a popular folk figure for many years, in spite of a 1930s association with far left wing politics.

Last prior edition:

Thursday, June 10, 1909. The Lincoln penny introduced.


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