Showing posts with label Tattoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tattoos. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Monday, March 3, 1924. End of the Caliphate.

The Turkish National Assembly ended the Ottoman Caliphate.  It had been in existence for 407 years and claimed religious sovereignty over Islam.  The Assembly also ordered that Abdulmejid II and his harem were to be deported by March 15.  The official deposing of Abdulmejid would come at 2:00 a.m. on March 4.

He did not welcome the news and warned that the ending of the caliphate would cause the rise of extremism in Islam, which his role as the religion's leader of Muslims tempered.  He proved to be correct.  He lived the rest of his life in Europe, at first in Switzerland, and then in Paris, where he died in 1944.  His exile was not an easy one at first, and he was disappointed that Muslims did not demand the restoration of his office.

The Teapot Dome investigation continued.

And the local Piggly Wiggly was robbed.  That location is now a tattoo parlor.

Last prior:

Saturday, March 1, 1924. The Nixon Nitration Works Disaster.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Percentage Tattooed

 From the Twitter feed of Simon Kuestenmacher:

I admit, I just hate this trend.  And if its 46% of Americans, that means its well over 50% of younger Americans.

I've wondered what it was in the US. Over my lifetime, It's gone from something only certain veterans and members of motorcycle clubs had to being darned nearly universal for people under 40.  I have to confess that while tattoos have gotten better, I hate this trend.

Related thread:

The Evolution and Rise of theTattoo.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Coast Guard Drill Instructor

A couple of comments.

This is a female Coast Guard Drill Instructor.


1.  The recruits behind her are all female. This photo dates to March 18, 2021.  I wonder if the Coast Guard has retained separate recruit training for men and women?  I hope so, as that practice is a wise one that should be retained service wide.

2.  Note the M1911 campaign hat.  We've discussed the campaign hat here before, but it was once an Army and Marine Corps field hat that went into a use decline starting with the helmet but which was revived for DI use by the Marines in the 1950s, followed by the Army.  I know that Air Force DI's wear a blue one, but does the Navy now also? That the Coast Guard does surprises me.

Note also, Coast Guard DI's must wear the same hat irrespective of sex, as opposed to the hideously ugly separate DI hat foisted upon Army female DI's which should be ditched.

3.  Note the arm tattoo. . . of course.  I'll be glad when the tattoo trend is over, although its unlikely to pass on before I do.