There used to be an era when Republicans cared about conservation.
Declaring American Forest Week
Date: February 21, 1925
In proclaiming American Forest Week, I desire to bring to the attention of all our people the danger that comes from the neglect of our forests.
For several years the Nation has observed Forest Protection Week. It is fitting that this observance be enlarged. We have too freely spent the rich and magnificent gift that nature bestowed on us. In our eagerness to use that gift we have stripped our forests; we have permitted fires to lay waste and devour them; we have all too often destroyed the young growth and the seed from which new forests might spring. And though we already feel the first grip of timber shortage, we have barely begun to save and restore.
We have passed the pioneer stage and are no longer excusable for continuing this unwise dissipation of a great resource. To the Nation it means the lack of an elemental necessity and the waste of keeping idle or only partly productive nearly one-fourth of our soil. To our forest-using industries it means unstable investments, the depletion of forest capital, the disbanding of established enterprises, and the decline of one of our most important industrial groups.
Our forests ought to be put to work and kept at work. I do not minimize the obstacles that have to be met, nor the difficulty of changing old ideas and practices. We must all put our hands to this common task. It is not enough that the Federal, State, and local governments take the lead. There must be a change in our national attitude. Our industries, our landowners, our farmers, all our citizens must learn to treat our forests as crops, to be used but also to be renewed. We must learn to tend our woodlands as carefully as we tend our farms.
Let us apply to this creative task the boundless energy and skill we have so long spent in harvesting the free gifts of nature. The forests of the future must be started to-day. Our children are dependent on our course. We are bound by a solemn obligation from which no evasion and no subterfuge will relieve us. Unless we fulfill our sacred responsibility to unborn generations, unless we use with gratitude and with restraint the generous and kindly gifts of Divine Providence, we shall prove ourselves unworthy guardians of a heritage we hold in trust.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, do recommend to the Governors of the various States to designate and set apart the week of April 27 – May 3, inclusive, 1925, as American Forest Week, and, wherever practicable and not in conflict with State law or accepted customs, to celebrate Arbor Day within that week. And I urge public officials, public and business associations, industrial leaders, forest owners, editors, educators, and all patriotic citizens to unite in the common task of forest conservation and renewal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
DONE at the city of Washington this twenty-first day of February in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-ninth.
The New Yorker premiered.
Bulgarian Prime Minister Aleksandar Tsankov declared that an internal state of war existed in the country.
David Samuel "Sam" Peckinpah was born in Fresno, California. Growing up in a family that had strong rural Californian roots, he was haunted in some ways by passing eras, which shows itself in his films. He was a film making genius whose works were nonetheless flawed by his wreckless demeanor and drug and alcohol abuse.
Robert Russin's Prometheus statute, which I've never liked, was placed in front of the Natrona County Library.
Russin also did the bust of Lincoln on Interstate 80 an the UW Family at the University of Wyoming.
Interesting to think that there was a time when an abstract work of art found acceptance in Central Wyoming. I cannot imagine that occurring now.
The Haicheng earthquake killed 2,041 and injured 27,538 in Haicheng, Liaoning, China. Warnings actually were given preceding the earthquake, perhaps saving thousands.
Edward Heath stepped down as head of the Conservative Party in favor of Margaret Thatcher.
The longest part of the Serum Run was undertaken by Leonhard Seppala with lead dog Togo. They ran through the dark across the dangerous ice of Norton Sound.
Seppala was Kven, a group related to the Lapps. He's a major figure in the history of the Siberian Husky dog breed.
The Saturday magazines were out.
A few interesting adds, the first for a range with a clock.
And the second for White Truck's 25th anniversary.
Of course, the humor magazine Judge was out as well.
And for the first time since the Second World War, we're off with a new political party, the Populists, in the guise of the old Grand Old Party of Wyoming, with which it actually shares very few values.
This should be, um, interesting.
January 14, 2025
No way they'll get through all this stuff, nor should they.
HB0002Hunting license application fees increase.TravelH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0003Animal abuse-predatory animals.TravelH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0004Snowmobile registration and user fees.TravelH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0005Fishing outfitters and guides-registration of fishing boats.TravelH Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel01/14/2025
HB0006Advance health care directives-dementia.Larsen, LH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0007K-12 post secondary education options.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0008School finance-average daily membership.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0009Young entrepreneurs-limiting license requirements.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0010Limited mining operations-amendments.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0011Manufacturing sales and use tax exemption-amendments.MineralsH Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue01/14/2025
HB0012Industrial production equipment-deferral.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0013Integrated test center-governance.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0014Solid waste municipal cease and transfer funding.MineralsH Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals01/14/2025
HB0015Limited mining operations-bonding amendments.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0016Used nuclear fuel storage-amendments.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0017Career technical education equipment grants amendments.EducationH Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education01/14/2025
HB0018Career technical education funding.EducationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0019Social media-parental consent for minors required.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0020K-12 school facility leasing.Sel Sch FacH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0021School finance-routine maintenance worker calculation.Sel Sch FacH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0022Water and wastewater operator-emergency response.Campbell, EH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0023Surrender driver's license-repeal.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0024Alternative fuel tax-electricity amendments.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0025Vehicle accident reporting-amendments.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0026Highway safety-child restraints.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0027Disabled parking windshield placards-revisions.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0028Commercial driver's licenses-revisions.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0029Severance tax distribution-highway fund.TransportationH Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation01/14/2025
HB0030Driver's licenses and IDs-revisions.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0031School safety and security.PendergraftH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0032What is a Woman Act.LienH Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor01/14/2025
HB0033Vehicle sales and use tax distribution-highway fund.TransportationH Introduced and Referred to H08 - Transportation01/14/2025
HB0034Department of transportation-efficiency study.TransportationH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0035Vacancies in elected office.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0036Hathaway scholarship-amendments.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0037Expulsion for possession of a deadly weapon.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0038Ad valorem taxation-payment and credit of penalties.RevenueH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0039Property tax refund program-revisions.RevenueH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0040Sales and use tax revisions.RevenueH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0041Environmental quality-irrevocable letters of credit.LawleyH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0042Regulation of surgical abortions.LawleyH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0043Age verification for websites with harmful material.LawleyH Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary01/14/2025
HB0044Loren "Teense" Willford Memorial Highway.DavisH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0045Removing otters as protected animals.ByronH Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel01/14/2025
HB0046Homeschool freedom act.StrockH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0047Secretary of state-expedited filings.BlockChain/TechnologyH Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals01/14/2025
HB0048Department of family services-confidentiality amendments.JudiciaryH Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary01/14/2025
HB0049Treatment courts-amendments.JudiciaryH Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary01/14/2025
HB0050Disclosure of sensitive information-law enforcement.JudiciaryH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0051Municipal courts-maximum penalties.JudiciaryH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0052State's right of appeal in criminal cases.JudiciaryH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0053Governmental claims-negligent investigations.JudiciaryH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0054Chancery court judges-district and circuit court assistance.JudiciaryH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0055Court automation fee-amendments.JudiciaryH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0056Cities and towns notice for zoning changes-amendments.FilerH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0057Fireworks on the 4th of July.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0058State lands-notice for mineral leases.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0059Limited mining operations-water quality testing.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0060Student eligibility in sports-amendments.LawleyH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0061State land lease preference amendments.BanksH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0062Prostitution amendments.HeinerH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0063Working animal protection act.Rodriguez-WilliamsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0064Chemical abortions-ultrasound requirement.NeimanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0065Executive orders repository.CorporationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0066Cities and towns-abandoned and nuisance properties.CorporationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0067Wyoming Community Development Authority-bond investment.CorporationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0068Tax increment financing.CorporationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0069Foreign adversary ownership or control of business entities.CorporationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0070Irrigation districts-bid requirements.CorporationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0071Insurance fraud reporting.CorporationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0072Protecting women's privacy in public spaces act.LawleyH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0073Recreation safety-rock climbing.Larsen, LH Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel01/14/2025
HB0074County clerks-frivolous filings procedure.Larsen, LH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0075Coal severance tax rate.CloustonH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0076Prior authorization-amendments.Brown, LH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0077Ride-share drivers-Wyoming registration required.StyvarH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0078Newborn safety device funding for safe haven providers.Rodriguez-WilliamsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0079Bond elections-voter threshold requirement.StyvarH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0080Stop ESG-State funds fiduciary duty act.KnappH Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals01/14/2025
HB0081Regulatory reduction-mortgage loan originator licensing.YinH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0082Provider enrollment-standards.LaborH Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor01/14/2025
HB0083Child custody-sex offense conviction presumption.PendergraftH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0084Pari-mutuel wagering-breakage.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0085Local approval for simulcasting.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0086Public property and buildings-amendments.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0087Consolidation of gaming.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0088Multi-family dwelling single stairwell exits.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0089Wind turbine blades-onsite disposal required.RigginsH Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals01/14/2025
HB0090Anthrax outbreak protocol.DavisH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0091Eminent domain energy collector systems amendments.AgricultureH Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture01/14/2025
HB0092Wyoming livestock board-memorandums of understanding.AgricultureH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0093Protect Wyoming's Lands Act.AgricultureH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0094Charter school authorizations-amendments.AndrewH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0095School generational account.Cap Fin & InvH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0096Prohibiting mask, vaccine and testing discrimination.McCannH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0097Property conveyances near critical infrastructure.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0098Property tax exemption for long-term homeowners-extension.ByronH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0099Access to public lands-corner crossing.ProvenzaH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0100K-12 uncertified personnel.AndrewH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0101Forest health grant program-3.WaterH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0102Attorney general-elected.HeinerH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0103Columbarium regulation.SherwoodH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0104Child tax credit.YinH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0105Breach orders due process.WaterH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0106Monument to America.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0107Wyoming generational investment account.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0108Firearm purchase protections.AllemandH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0109Trespassing-suspend hunting license.AllemandH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0110Trapping licenses-nonresident reciprocal licenses.DavisH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0111Hit and run-responsibility and penalties.Smith, SH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0112Industrial siting projects-county commissioner approval.Smith, SH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0113Insurance payments-not taxable.Smith, SH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0114Protecting religious assembly in states of emergency act.Smith, SH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0115Medical Ethics Defense Act.OttmanH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HB0116Driver's licenses-unauthorized alien restrictions.OttmanH Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations01/14/2025
HB0117Omnibus water bill-construction.WaterH Received for Introduction01/07/2025
HB0118Limitations on net land gains for the federal government.BanksH Introduced and Referred to H05 - Agriculture01/14/2025
HB0119Minimum easement standards.BanksH Received for Introduction01/07/2025
HB0120Administrative procedure-jury trial for penalties.StrockH Received for Introduction01/07/2025
HB0121Hospital pricing transparency.SinghH Introduced and Referred to H10 - Labor01/14/2025
HB0122Senior citizen service districts-authorization and renewal.ConnollyH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0123Adverse possession-property tax payment defense.NeimanH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0124Reduction in taxation act.FilerH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0125Repeal-unauthorized use of vehicle crime.WashutH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0126Sales tax on services-repeal.FilerH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0127Domestic violence protection orders-affirmative defense.StyvarH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0128Public health emergency-definition amendments.LucasH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0129School finance-dates for fund transfers.Larson, JTH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0130Homeowner tax exemption-amendments.HeinerH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0131Ballot drop boxes-prohibition.KnappH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0132Annual permits for specified commercial loads.Smith, SH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0133Sanctuary cities, counties and state-prohibition.GuggenmosH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0134Taxpayer funds-sexually explicit events prohibited-2.GuggenmosH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0135Autologous or direct blood donations.GuggenmosH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0136Volunteer first responder health insurance-revisions.ByronH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0137Revisor's bill.Mgt CouncilH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
HB0138Wyoming gaming commission amendments.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/10/2025
HB0139Interstate export of Wyoming horseracing.AppropriationsH Received for Introduction01/10/2025
HB0140Continuity of Permitting Act.FilerH Received for Introduction01/10/2025
HB0141Health mandates-CDC and WHO jurisdiction in Wyoming.LucasH Received for Introduction01/10/2025
HB0142Supplemental K-12 school facilities appropriations.Sel Sch FacH Received for Introduction01/10/2025
HB0143LaPrele dam rebuilding.YinH Received for Introduction01/10/2025
HB0144County canvassing board.NeimanH Received for Introduction01/13/2025
HB0145Absentee ballot return-required information.Smith, SH Received for Introduction01/13/2025
HB0146Animal estray penalty-amendments.NeimanH Received for Introduction01/13/2025
HB0147Prohibition of institutional discrimination.Rodriguez-WilliamsH Introduced and Referred to H04 - Education01/14/2025
HB0148University of Wyoming governance-elected trustees.Rodriguez-WilliamsH Received for Introduction01/13/2025
HB0149Adoption discrimination-keep kids first act.Rodriguez-WilliamsH Received for Introduction01/13/2025
HB0150Meat processors-composted materials.AndrewH Received for Introduction01/13/2025
HB0151Predator management district appointments and terms.LienH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0152Donated blood-mRNA disclosure.McCannH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0153Permanent vehicle registration.BanksH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0154False voting-amendments.BradyH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0155Workplace violence in health care.Brown, LH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0156Proof of voter residency-registration qualifications.BearH Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations01/14/2025
HB0157Proof of voter citizenship.BearH Introduced and Referred to H07 - Corporations01/14/2025
HB0158Legislature-electronic voting system.BearH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0159Protecting water from chemical abortion waste.BearH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0160Voter identification-revisions.TarverH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0161Hydrogen severance tax.TarverH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0162Interactive gaming.DavisH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0163Prohibiting employment of unauthorized aliens.Brown, GH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0164Medical prescriptions-off-label purposes.Brown, GH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0165Ranked choice voting-prohibition.WebbH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0166State auditor payment transparency.BrattenH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0167Local government reporting.BrattenH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0168Cultivated meat-prohibition.EklundH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0169Homeowner tax exemption-2025 and 2026.LockeH Introduced and Referred to H03 - Revenue01/14/2025
HB0170Nonprofit and trust entities-effective time for documents.LawleyH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0171Sexual exploitation of children-amendments.StrockH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0172Repeal gun free zones and preemption amendments.HaroldsonH Introduced and Referred to H01 - Judiciary01/14/2025
HB0173Independent candidate requirements.HaroldsonH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0174Carrying of concealed weapons-age requirement.HaroldsonH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0175Wyoming veterans museum capital construction.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0176Vacancies in public office-amendments.BrattenH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0177Statutory standing committee-federal review.WharffH Received for Introduction01/14/2025
HB0178Work allowance for voting.SherwoodBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
HB0179Department of transportation-land transfer.Larsen, LBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
HB0180K-12 mental health program-3.Larsen, LBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
HB0181Funeral contracts-investment and bonding requirements.Larsen, LBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
HB0182Elections-prohibiting use of secondary address.Brown, GBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
HB0183Net metering amendments.HeinerBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
HB0184Utilities-point of consumption and allocation agreements.WilliamsBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
HJ0001Amending Wyoming's act of admission for earnings.Cap Fin & InvH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HJ0002Foreign adversaries-prohibited property ownership.AgricultureH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HJ0003Support for rural schools.SherwoodH Received for Introduction01/06/2025
HJ0004Constitutional amendment-veterans property tax exemption.StyvarH Received for Introduction01/09/2025
SF0002Hunting licenses-weighted bonus points system.TravelS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0003Mule and whitetail deer-separate hunting seasons.TravelS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0004State park peace officers-definition and scope of authority.TravelS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0005School district vehicles-flashing lights authorized.CooperS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0006Residential property-removal of unlawful occupant.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0007Protection order amendments.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0008Protection orders-effective during appeal or review.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0009Restoration of rights amendments.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0010Settlement agreements for minors-parental authorization.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0011Use of fraudulent documents to wrongfully possess property.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0012Permanent protection orders.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0013Reading assessment and intervention amendments.EducationS Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education01/14/2025
SF0014Wyoming imagination library program.EducationS Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education01/14/2025
SF0015Oil and gas conservation commission-regulation of pits.MineralsS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0016Industrial siting-tribal notification.MineralsS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0017Carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery stimulus.MineralsS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0018Enhanced oil recovery-severance tax exemption.MineralsS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0019Impact assistance payments-maximum percentages and review.MineralsS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0020Oil and gas bonding-options and bonding pools.MineralsS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0021Ban on cell phone use in schools.SchulerS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0022Ground for termination of parental rights-guardianship.SchulerS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0023Handicap placards-health care providers' approval.LaborS Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor01/14/2025
SF0024Special license plates for multipurpose vehicles.BarlowS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0025Electronic lien and title system.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0026Protection of military equipment.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0027Wyoming national guard member referral-amendments.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0028ROTC endowment program.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0029Firearm hold agreement-limited liability.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0030Wyoming's investment in veteran's mental health.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0031Boards and commissions veteran ex officio members.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0032Unpaved roads speed limits-amendments.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0033Noncitizen driver's license and ID card-revisions.TransportationS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0034School finance-routine and major maintenance calculations.Sel Sch FacS Introduced and Referred to S04 - Education01/14/2025
SF0035Governmental claims-maximum liability amounts.JudiciaryS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0036Music therapy-use of title.LaborS Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor01/14/2025
SF0037Enhanced concealed carry in school zones.CooperS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0038Performance compensation-investment performance amendment.AppropriationsS Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations01/14/2025
SF0039Automatic transfer of automobile title upon death.OlsenS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0040Zoning protest petition-amendments.AppropriationsS Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations01/14/2025
SF0041Federal acts-legal actions authorized.AgricultureS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0042Resort hotel liquor licenses.GierauS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0043Temporary water use agreements amendments.AgricultureS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0044Fairness in sports-intercollegiate athletics.SchulerS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0045Wyoming state guard-amendments.Laursen, DS Received for Introduction12/19/2024
SF0046Water and sewer districts-bid requirements.LandenS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0047Board of trustees-systems of public recreation amendment.LandenS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0048Business property exemption.RevenueS Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue01/14/2025
SF0049Tangible personal property-index and depreciation.RevenueS Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue01/14/2025
SF0050Insurance holding company regulations-amendments.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0051Wyoming telecommunications act revisions.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0052Insurance amendments.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0053Trademarks and trade names-administrative cancellation.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0054Electricity production facilities on municipal property.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0055Third party filers.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0056Providing false information to registered agents.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0057911 service reporting.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0058Elimination of sales tax on firearms.OlsenS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0059Registered agents-release of records.CorporationsS Introduced and Referred to S07 - Corporations01/14/2025
SF0060Sales tax distribution rates.FrenchS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0061Pollution control property tax exemption-applicability.CaseS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0062Restrooms in publicly funded schools-2.Laursen, DS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0063State lands-fencing 2.CragoS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0064Wyoming Opposes Mandatory Electronic ID Devices-Livestock.SteinmetzS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SF0065Data privacy-government entities.BlockChain/TechnologyS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0066Digital ledger filing system development.BlockChain/TechnologyS Introduced and Referred to S09 - Minerals01/14/2025
SF0067Long-term homeowner tax exemption-revisions.RevenueS Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue01/14/2025
SF0068Government owned lands.RevenueS Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue01/14/2025
SF0069Homeowner property tax exemption.RevenueS Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue01/14/2025
SF0070Investment modernization-state nonpermanent funds.Cap Fin & InvS Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations01/14/2025
SF0071Ignition interlock restricted license-aggravated homicide.BrennanS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0072Summer vacation preservation act.BrennanS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0073Charter school funding-amendments.BrennanS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0074Immunity for drug overdose reporting.LaborS Introduced and Referred to S10 - Labor01/14/2025
SF0075Coroner investigations-disposition of decedent's property.CaseS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0076Protecting critical infrastructure from foreign adversaries.AppropriationsS Introduced and Referred to S02 - Appropriations01/14/2025
SF0077Compelled speech is not free speech.HutchingsS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0078Prohibition on distribution of unsolicited ballot forms.HutchingsS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0079District courts-change of venue.CragoS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0080Abandonment of water rights-limitations.WaterS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0081Tax exemption-property owned by the state.AgricultureS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0082Omnibus water bill-planning.WaterS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0083Large energy project funding-legislative approval.SteinmetzS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0084Country of origin label-USA beef.SteinmetzS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0085Constitutional enforcement of localities.IdeS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0086Alternative teaching certificate.Laursen, DS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SF0087Prescriptive easement for electricity delivery.CooperS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF00882025 large project funding.Nat Res FundS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0089Certificate of need repeal-2.CrumS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0090Youth organizations in schools.CrumS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0091Petroglyph, pictograph and historic inscription protection.Tribal RelationsS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0092Make carbon dioxide great again-no net zero.SteinmetzS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0093Tribal trust land sales and use tax exemption.Tribal RelationsS Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue01/14/2025
SF0094Wind River Reservation remote sales and use tax.Tribal RelationsS Introduced and Referred to S03 - Revenue01/14/2025
SF0095Special purpose depository institution-amendments.RothfussS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0096Wyoming Gold Act.IdeS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0097Trust code revisions.CaseS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0098School board trustees-party affiliation.OlsenS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0099Game and fish property tax exemption.TravelS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0100Child witnesses-courtroom procedures.SchulerS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0101Post-conviction DNA testing-procedure amendments.LandenS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0102Surviving parents of gold star veterans-exemptions.LandenS Received for Introduction01/10/2025
SF0103Terminating and defunding diversity, equity and inclusion.SteinmetzS Received for Introduction01/13/2025
SF0104Probate code revisions.CragoS Received for Introduction01/13/2025
SF0105An Act to Preserve State Territorial Sovereignty.IdeS Received for Introduction01/13/2025
SF0106Motor vehicle dealer and manufacturer warranty rates.BarlowS Received for Introduction01/13/2025
SF0107Freedom to work and build business.NethercottS Received for Introduction01/13/2025
SF0108Recreation safety-agritourism.BarlowS Received for Introduction01/13/2025
SF0109Open enrollment within Wyoming school districts.BrennanS Received for Introduction01/14/2025
SF0110Inclusion of crossing guards for governmental claims act.BrennanS Received for Introduction01/14/2025
SF0111Net metering revisions.CaseS Received for Introduction01/14/2025
SF0112Anesthesiologist assistants licensing.SchulerS Received for Introduction01/14/2025
SF0113Braider opportunity act.HutchingsBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
SF0114Missing persons-reporting requirement.LandenBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
SF0115Judicial review of agency actions-limitations.NethercottBill Number Assigned01/14/2025
SJ0001Convention of states.BarlowS Received for Introduction01/02/2025
SJ0002Resolution demanding equal footing.IdeS Received for Introduction01/06/2025
SJ0003Commemorating Nellie Tayloe Ross.NethercottBill Number Assigned01/10/2025
One craptacular one to watch:
Trespassing-suspend hunting license.
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Allemand and Campbell, K and Senator(s) French and Ide
AN ACT relating to game and fish; prohibiting hunters who are convicted of trespassing on private land from purchasing hunting, fishing and trapping licenses as specified; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
Section 1.W.S. 23‑3‑305(b) is amended to read:
23‑3‑305.Hunting from highway; entering or traveling through private property without permission; penalty; hunting at night without permission prohibited.
(b)No person shall enter upon, travel through or return across the private property of any person to take wildlife, hunt, fish, collect antlers or horns, or trap without the permission of the owner or person in charge of the property. Violation of this subsection constitutes a low misdemeanor punishable as provided in W.S. 23‑6‑202(a)(v) shall result in the person losing hunting, fishing and trapping license privileges for two (2) years from the date of the violation in addition to the penalties. For purposes of this subsection, "travel through and or return across" requires physically touching or driving on the surface of the private property.
Section 2.The game and fish commission shall promulgate all rules necessary to implement this act.
Section 3.
(a)Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this act is effective July 1, 2025.
(b)Sections 2 and 3 of this act are effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.
This bill is bullshit. It's notable that of the two persons whose names I recognize, both are from ranching families, at least kind of. One ran on "less government, more freedom" (Ide). This bill is for more government and less freedom.
The revival of an extraordinarily bad AG bill.
Attorney general-elected.
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Heiner, Allemand, Banks, Bear, Haroldson, Knapp, Lucas, Pendergraft, Webber and Winter and Senator(s) Boner, Kolb, Laursen, D, Pearson and Steinmetz
AN ACT relating to the attorney general; providing for the election of the attorney general; designating the attorney general as a state elected official; setting the attorney general's term of office; setting the attorney general's salary; providing for filling a vacancy in the position; repealing and modifying provisions for interim appointment; providing for the application of the Ethics and Disclosure Act and other laws to the office of the attorney general and attorney general as a state elected official; amending certain provisions regarding actions the attorney general takes requiring approval of or pursuant to the direction of the governor; prescribing additional duties of the attorney general; making conforming amendments; and providing for effective dates.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
Section 1.W.S. 9‑1‑601, 9‑5‑101(a), 22‑2‑105(a)(ii)(intro) and 22‑6‑117(a)(iv) are amended to read:
9‑1‑601.Appointment; term; removal; special assistant for legislative affairs; qualifications.
(a)Until the term of office of the attorney general commences following the 2026 general election, the attorney general of the state of Wyoming shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate in accordance with W.S. 28‑12‑101 through 28‑12‑103 and may be removed by the governor as provided in W.S. 9‑1‑202. Beginning at the 2026 general election, the attorney general shall be elected in a statewide election for a term of four (4) years.
(b)Prior to the 2026 general election, if a newly elected governor appoints an attorney general to take office prior to or during the legislative session next following the governor's election, the newly appointed attorney general designee shall become a member of the attorney general's staff to serve as a special assistant to the governor for legislative affairs. When the legislative session adjourns the attorney general's term of office shall terminate.
(c)Prior to his To be eligible for appointment or election, the attorney general shall have been a practicing attorney for at least four (4) years,. At the date of appointment, he shall be in good standing in the courts of record of this state and shall be a resident and elector of the state.
9‑5‑101.State building commission; composition; general powers and duties; conflicts of interest.
(a)The five (5) elected state officers governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer and state superintendent of public instruction shall constitute the state building commission. The governor shall be chairman of the commission, but in his absence from any meeting, one (1) of the members may act as chairman, and shall preside at the meeting. All votes taken to decide the commission's final action on any matter shall be recorded.
22‑2‑105.Terms of office and offices voted on at general elections.
(a)The terms of office and offices voted on at general elections are as follows:
(ii)Four Year Term. ‑ At the general election in 1974 and in every fourth (4th) year thereafter, there shall be elected the following officers: one (1) governor, one (1) secretary of state, one (1) state treasurer, one (1) state auditor, one (1) superintendent of public instruction, county clerks, county treasurers, county assessors, county coroners, county and prosecuting attorneys, district attorneys, sheriffs, clerks of the district court. At every general election there shall be elected the necessary member or members of the Wyoming senate and county commissioners. At the general election in 2026 and every fourth year thereafter, there shall be elected an attorney general. The question of retention of a circuit court judge or a magistrate of the circuit court shall be submitted:
22‑6‑117.Order of listing offices in partisan elections.
(a)The major party primary and general partisan election ballots shall contain the offices to be voted on in the following order:
(iv)Candidates for governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, and superintendent of public instruction and, beginning at the 2026 primary and general election, the attorney general;
Section 2.W.S. 1‑26‑509(k), 1‑31‑103, 1‑35‑103(a), 1‑35‑104, 7‑3‑102, 7‑22‑101(a)(vi), 7‑22‑102(a), (b), (c)(intro) and (d), 7‑22‑108(a), 8‑1‑102(a)(xii), 8‑2‑101(a)(vi), 9‑1‑101(b), 9‑1‑211(a) by creating a new paragraph (vi) and by renumbering (vi) through (viii) as (vii) through (ix), 9‑1‑602, 9‑1‑603(b) and (c), 9‑1‑604, 9‑1‑605(b) through (d), 9‑1‑608(a) and (b), 9‑1‑611(c), 9‑1‑618(b)(i), 9‑1‑633(a) and (b)(intro), 9‑1‑636(b) and (c)(intro), 9‑2‑3204(h)(i), 9‑3‑101(a) by creating a new paragraph (viii), 9‑4‑218(a)(iii), 9‑13‑102(a)(xii)(A) and (xvi), 9‑13‑108(a)(intro), 9‑14‑101, 9‑14‑102(c), 18‑3‑902(a), 22‑18‑111(a)(intro) and (i), 28‑1‑115(g)(ii), 28‑12‑102(c) and by creating a new subsection (d), 35‑7‑1004, 35‑11‑1507(a) and 35‑21‑110(a) are amended to read:
1‑26‑509.Negotiations; scope of efforts to purchase.
(k)Attorney's fees and other expenses awarded under this section from a public entity to a condemnee shall be reported by the public entity which paid the fees, to the Wyoming attorney general within sixty (60) days of the award. The Wyoming attorney general shall collect this data and report annually to the governor joint revenue interim committee and joint judiciary interim committee on the amount of all taxpayer funded fee awards, beginning July 31, 2014. The report shall identify the name of each party to whom an award was made, the name of each counsel of record representing each party to whom an award was made, the public agency which paid each award and the total amount of each award.
1‑31‑103.Commencement of action.
The attorney general or a county attorney shall may commence an action when directed by the governor, supreme court or legislature, or when upon complaint or otherwise he has good reason to believe that such an action can be established by proof. The attorney general may commence an action when requested by the governor, supreme court or legislature. A county attorney shall commence an action when directed by the governor, supreme court or legislature.
1‑35‑103.Violation of state contracts to be reported to attorney general; investigation; action to recover damages; employment of special assistants.
(a)Any officer, board or commission of the state of Wyoming, or their legal counsel, responsible for the enforcement of any contract between the state of Wyoming and any person, having reason to believe that there has been a violation of the terms of the contract to the damage of the state of Wyoming, shall report the matter to the attorney general of the state of Wyoming. The attorney general shall make such investigation of the matter as is necessary. Upon completion of the investigation and finding of probable damages to the state of Wyoming, the attorney general may bring suit in any court of competent jurisdiction to recover all damages that the state of Wyoming may have incurred by reason of the breach of contract, or for any money or other property that may be due on the contract. Subject to the governor's approval he The attorney general may employ specially qualified assistants or counsel to aid in any investigation of such action.
1‑35‑104.Actions under control of attorney general; settlement or compromise with approval of governor.
The attorney general shall control all investigations and actions instituted and conducted in on behalf of the state as provided in W.S. 1‑35‑103 and has full discretionary powers to prosecute all investigations and litigation and, with the approval of the governor, to settle, compromise or dismiss the actions.
7‑3‑102.Appointment of attorney general to represent state on joint commissions.
The governor shall appoint the attorney general is hereby appointed as the commissioner who shall represent Wyoming upon any joint commission created by Wyoming and any one (1) or more states for the purpose of negotiating and entering into agreements or compacts for cooperative effort and mutual assistance in the prevention of crime and in the enforcement of the respective criminal laws and policies of Wyoming and any other state and for the establishment of agencies deemed desirable for making effective any agreement or compact.
(a)As used in this article:
(vi)"Five (5) Six (6) state elected officials" means the governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and superintendent of public instruction;
7‑22‑102.Authority to contract; general conditions.
(a)The state or a local government may contract with private entities for the construction, lease (as lessor or lessee), acquisition, improvement, operation, maintenance, purchase or management of facilities and services as provided in this article, but only after receiving the consent of the five (5) six (6) state elected officials as to site, number of beds and classifications of inmates or prisoners to be housed in the facility.
(b)No contract shall be entered into or renewed unless the contracting governmental entity, with the concurrence of the five (5) six (6) state elected officials, determines the contract offers substantial cost savings to the contracting governmental entity and at least the same quality of services provided by the state or by similar local governments.
(c)After receiving the majority consent of the five (5) six (6) state elected officials as to the site, number of beds and classifications of inmates or prisoners to be housed in the facility, the state or the local government may contract with private entities for the construction, lease (as lessor or lessee), acquisition, improvement, operation, maintenance, purchase or management of facilities, either:
(d)The state or the local government may reject or return prisoners from outside the state. Prisoners or inmates of out‑of‑state, nonfederal jurisdictions shall not be incarcerated in any facility operated by a local government entity under this article without the consent of the majority of the five (5) six (6) state elected officials.of this state. At no time shall the number of prisoners from out‑of‑state, nonfederal jurisdictions incarcerated in a facility operated by a local government entity under this article exceed thirty percent (30%) of the capacity of that facility. Any out‑of‑state, nonfederal prisoner shall be returned to the jurisdiction of origin to be released from custody by them, outside the state of Wyoming at the appropriate time.
7‑22‑108.Monitoring; right of access.
(a)The contracting governmental entity at the contractor's expense, shall employ an individual to be responsible for monitoring all aspects of the private contractor's performance under a contract for the operation of a facility pursuant to W.S. 7‑22‑102. The individual employed as contract monitor shall be qualified to perform this function by reason of education, training and experience as determined by the five (5) six (6) state elected officials. At a minimum, the contract monitor shall have completed at least the same training required by this article for detention officers and shall have served a minimum of three (3) years as a detention officer. The monitor, with the approval of the contracting governmental entity, shall appoint staff as necessary to assist in monitoring at the facility, which staff shall be at the contractor's expense and will be solely responsible to the contract monitor. The monitor or his designee shall be provided an on‑site work area by the contractor, shall be on‑site on a daily basis, and shall have access to all areas of the facility and to inmates and staff at all times. The contractor shall provide any and all data, reports and other materials that the monitor determines are necessary to carry out monitoring responsibilities under this section.
(a)As used in the statutes unless the legislature clearly specifies a different meaning or interpretation or the context clearly requires a different meaning:
(xii)"Elected state official" means the governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and superintendent of public instruction;
8‑2‑101.Distribution of statutes, supplements and session laws.
(a)Statutes, supplements and session laws shall be distributed as provided by contract with the publisher or as directed by the management council, to the following, without charge:
(vi)One (1) copy to each of the five (5) six (6) elected state officers officials;
9‑1‑101.Location of seat of government; residence of state officials; deputies authorized; state superintendent of public instruction physical office designation.
(b)The governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, state auditor, attorney general and state superintendent of public instruction shall reside and maintain their offices at the seat of government.
9‑1‑211.Vacancy in office of governor; successor designated; order of succession; proclamation on succession.
(a)If the governor is removed, dies, resigns or is unable to act, the state officer appearing highest on the following list who satisfies all constitutional qualifications for governor and is not under impeachment by the house of representatives shall act as governor until the disability of the governor is removed or a new governor is elected and qualified:
(vi)Attorney general;
(vi)(vii)State superintendent of public instruction;
(vii)(viii)Vice‑president of the senate;
(viii)(ix)Speaker pro tem of the house of representatives.
9‑1‑602.Vacancy in office.
In case of A vacancy in the office of attorney general the governor shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy in accordance with the provisions of be filled as provided by W.S. 28‑12‑101(b) 22‑18‑111, except the vacancy shall be subject to senate confirmation as provided in W.S. 28‑12‑101 and 28‑12‑102.
9‑1‑603.Duties generally; retention of qualified practicing attorneys; matters in which county or state is party or has interest; assistance to county and district attorneys in felony trials; coordination of county and school safety activities.
(b)With the approval of the governor The attorney general may retain qualified practicing attorneys to prosecute fee‑generating suits for the state if expertise in a particular field is desirable.
(c)Upon the failure or refusal of any district or county attorney to act in any criminal or civil case or matter in which the county, state or any agency thereof is a party, or has an interest, the attorney general may, at the request of the board of county commissioners of the county involved or of the district judge of the judicial district involved, act on behalf of the county, state or any agency thereof, if after a thorough investigation the action is deemed advisable by the attorney general. The cost of investigation and the cost of any prosecution arising therefrom shall be paid out of the general fund of the county where the investigation and prosecution take place. The attorney general shall may also, upon direction of the governor, investigate any matter in any county of the state in which the county, state or any agency thereof may be interested. After investigation, the attorney general shall submit a report of the investigation to the governor and to the district or county attorney of each county involved and may take such other action as he the attorney general deems appropriate.
9‑1‑604.Office in state capital; private practice prohibited; exception.
The attorney general shall keep an office in the state capital, shall not open an office elsewhere and shall not engage in any private practice except to consummate business pending at the time of his election or appointment if not in conflict with the duties of his office.
9‑1‑605.Approval of public securities and official bonds; water rights proceedings; investigation of misconduct of county official; commencement of action.
(b)Under the direction of the governor The attorney general shall institute and pursue proceedings to maintain the state's and its citizens' rights in the waters of interstate streams.
(c)Upon representation to the governor attorney general of misconduct or malfeasance in office or the commission of a crime by any county officer in the state and if the governor attorney general believes the ends of justice demand or the matter will not be properly investigated and prosecuted by the sheriff and by the district attorney of the county, the governor may direct the attorney general to may investigate the case.
(d)Upon completion of the investigation, the attorney general shall report the results of the investigation and his recommendations to the governor. If the governor and the attorney general determine that the attorney general should may institute a criminal or civil action,as the attorney general shall commence the actiondeems appropriate. The attorney general shall have the authority and duty vested in district attorneys in this state.
9‑1‑608.Assistant attorneys general.
(a)With the approval of the governor, The attorney general may appoint assistant attorneys general necessary for the efficient operation of his office. Each assistant attorney general shall be a member in good standing of the Wyoming bar and shall serve at the pleasure of the attorney general. The assistants shall act under the direction of the attorney general and his deputies. The attorney general, his deputies or his assistants may appear in any courts of the state or the United States and prosecute or defend on behalf of the state. An appearance by the attorney general or his staff does not waive the sovereign immunity of the state.
(b)With the approval of the governor The attorney general may appoint special assistant attorneys general for any purposes. A person shall not be employed as an attorney or legal counsel by any department, board, agency, commission or institution of the state, or represent the state in that capacity, except by the written appointment of the attorney general. Written appointment of the attorney general shall not be required for the employment of legal counsel by elected state officials.
9‑1‑611.Division of criminal investigation; created; definitions; director; appointment; qualifications.
(c)With the approval of the governor, The attorney general shall appoint a director who is the chief administrative officer and chief agent of the division.
9‑1‑618.Agents to be safeguarded as peace officers; general assistance to state, county or local authorities; investigative duties.
(b)The division shall investigate:
(i)Suspected criminal activity when directed by the governor attorney general to do so;
9‑1‑633.Wyoming law enforcement academy; director; appointment; term; qualifications; employees; salaries; curriculum and training programs; fees; disposition.
(a)A director of the Wyoming law enforcement academy shall be appointed by the attorney general with the consent of the governor. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the attorney general. He The director shall have administrative and operational experience in criminal justice and such other qualifications as are satisfactory to the attorney general governor.
(b)The director may employ assistants, instructors and other personnel as approved by the attorney general.with the consent of the governor. The attorney general may appoint the director as a peace officer, if qualified pursuant to W.S. 9‑1‑701 through 9‑1‑707. The director may appoint full‑time staff instructors who qualify pursuant to W.S. 9‑1‑701 through 9‑1‑707 to perform as peace officers. Persons appointed as peace officers pursuant to this subsection shall be considered peace officers only:
9‑1‑636.Division of victim services; created; appointment of director and deputy director; administrative and clerical employees; definitions.
(b)With the approval of the governor, The attorney general shall appoint a director who is the chief administrative officer of the division. The director is responsible to the attorney general for the operation of the division and shall serve at the pleasure of the attorney general.
(c)With the consent of the attorney general and the governor, and subject to legislative appropriation, the director may:
9‑2‑3204.General services division.
(h)The general services division shall:
(i)Manage and control all state motor vehicles and equipment including their identification, purchase, lease, replacement, repair and permanent assignment, except for state owned or leased vehicles personally used by or assigned to the governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general or superintendent of public instruction;
9‑3‑101.Salaries; amount; date of payment.
(a)Salaries for clerk of the supreme court and district court reporters shall be determined by the supreme court as authorized by legislative appropriations. Subject to constitutional limitations the following state officers and members of the judiciary shall receive the salaries indicated by the figures following their respective titles:
(a)There is created an account known as the "federal natural resource policy account." Funds within the account may be expended by the governor on behalf of the state of Wyoming and its local governments, to take any of the actions specified in this subsection related to federal land, water, air, mineral and other natural resource policies which may affect the tax base of the state, wildlife management, state species, recreation, private property rights, water rights or leasehold rights. Funds also may be expended for preparing and participating in environmental impact statements and environmental assessments, including analysis of economic or social and natural or physical environmental effects on the human environment. Funds also may be expended for coordinating and participating in rangeland health assessments pursuant to W.S. 11‑2‑207. The governor may expend funds from the federal natural resource policy account for:
(iii)Investigating, initiating, intervening or otherwise participating in litigation, or taking any other legal action by the state, a state agency or the counties of the state individually or jointly, that furthers the purposes of this subsection. In carrying out this subsection, the attorney general, or the counties, with approval of the governor, may retain qualified practicing attorneys to act for the state or the counties, including providing representation in other forums with the federal government or other state or county governments that may preclude or resolve any outstanding issues or attempting to influence pertinent federal legislation;
(a)As used in this article:
(xii)"Public employee" means any of the following state employees:
(A)The attorney general and the director of any department of the executive branch appointed by the governor under W.S. 9‑2‑1706, or the director of any legislative agency;
(xvi)"State office" means the state offices of governor, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, auditor, secretary of state, attorney general and member of the state legislature;
9‑13‑108.Disclosure required.
(a)Not later than January 31 annually, each of the state's five (5) six (6) elected officials and each member of the Wyoming legislature shall file a financial disclosure form with the secretary of state. The form shall be signed by the elected official or legislator filing it and under a certification that it is accurate. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the financial disclosure form shall contain the following information current as of January 15 of that year:
9‑14‑101.Second amendment defense.
The attorney general may seek to intervene or file an amicus curiae brief in any lawsuit filed in any state or federal court in Wyoming, or filed against any Wyoming citizen or firm in any other jurisdiction for damages for injuries as a result of the use of fire arms firearms that are not defective, if in his judgment, the action endangers the constitutional right of citizens of Wyoming to keep and bear arms. The attorney general is directed to advance arguments that protect the constitutional right to bear arms. Before intervening in any lawsuit pursuant to this section, the attorney general shall obtain the approval of the governor.
9‑14‑102.Unauthorized federal agency actions.
(c)The attorney general may seek to take action before the federal environmental protection agency, the federal occupational safety and health administration or any other federal agency or in any state or federal court to stop the enforcement, administration or implementation of rulemaking or other actions taken by those agencies any federal agency if, in his judgment, the rulemaking or other action exceeds the authority granted by the United States congress or otherwise rests on questionable authority. Before intervening in or initiating any lawsuit pursuant to this section, the attorney general shall obtain the approval of the governor.
18‑3‑902.Attorney general to commence action; petition served with summons; pleading; trial; judgment; change of judge.
(a)Whenever it appears to the governor attorney general on the verified complaint of qualified electors or the board of county commissioners of the county that any county officer is guilty of misconduct or malfeasance in office,he may direct the attorney general to may commence and prosecute an action in the district court of the county in which the officer is an official asking for the removal of the officer. The action shall be commenced by the filing of a verified petition in the name of the state of Wyoming signed by the attorney general setting forth the facts constituting the misconduct or malfeasance in office.
22‑18‑111.Vacancies in other offices; temporary appointments.
(a)Any vacancy in any other elective office in the state except representative in congress or the board of trustees of a school or community college district, shall be filled by the governing body, or as otherwise provided in this section, by appointment of a temporary successor. Subject to W.S. 28‑12‑101(b) with respect to the office of attorney general, the person appointed shall serve until a successor for the remainder of the unexpired term is elected at the next general election and takes office on the first Monday of the following January.Provided, if a vacancy in a four (4) year term of office occurs in the term's second or subsequent years after the first day for filing an application for nomination pursuant to W.S. 22‑5‑209, no election to fill the vacancy shall be held and the temporary successor appointed shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term.The following apply:
(i)If a vacancy occurs in the office of United States senator or in any state office other than the governor, member of the state legislature, the office of justice of the supreme court and the office of district court judge, the governor shall immediately notify in writing the chairman of the state central committee of the political party which the last incumbent represented at the time of his election under W.S. 22‑6‑120(a)(vii), or at the time of his appointment if not elected to office. The chairman shall call a meeting of the state central committee to be held not later than fifteen (15) days after he receives notice of the vacancy.At the meeting the state central committee shall select and transmit to the governor the names of three (3) persons qualified to hold the office. Within five (5) days after receiving these three (3) names, the governor shall fill the vacancy by temporary appointment of one (1) of the three (3) to hold the office.If the incumbent who has vacated office did not represent a political party at the time of his election, or at the time of his appointment if not elected to office, the governor shall notify in writing the chairman of all state central committees of parties registered with the secretary of state.The state central committees shall submit to the governor, within fifteen (15) days after notice of the vacancy, the name of one (1) person qualified to hold the office.The governor shall also cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the state notice of the vacancy in office.Persons qualified to hold the office who do not belong to a party may, within fifteen (15) days after publication of the vacancy in office, submit a petition signed by one hundred (100) registered voters, seeking consideration for appointment to the office.Within five (5) days after receiving the names of persons qualified to hold the office, the governor shall fill the vacancy by temporary appointment to the office, from the names submitted or from those petitioning for appointment or in the case of the office of the attorney general, the governor shall submit a name or fill the vacancy in accordance with W.S. 28‑12‑101;
28‑1‑115.Submission of state agency plans to legislature; contents; purposes.
(g)For purposes of this section and W.S. 28‑1‑116, "state agency" means:
(ii)Offices of the five (5) elected state officials and the governor, secretary of state, state auditor, state treasurer, attorney general and state superintendent of public instruction; and
28‑12‑102.Senate consideration of gubernatorial appointments; procedure; roll call vote required.
(c)Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, if the senate does not consent to a nominee for a given office, the governor shall submit the name, address and biography of another person for senate consideration if the legislature is still in session. If the legislature has adjourned, the governor may make a temporary appointment as provided in W.S. 28‑12‑101(b). No person rejected by the senate shall be appointed to or serve in, either temporarily or otherwise, the public office for which his nomination was rejected.
(d)If the senate does not consent to a nominee to fill a vacancy in the office of attorney general submitted by the governor pursuant to W.S. 22‑18‑111(a)(i), the governor shall submit the name of another person from those provided pursuant to W.S. 22‑18‑111(a)(i) for senate consideration if the legislature is still in session. If there are no qualified persons remaining for consideration then the process outlined in W.S. 22‑18‑111(a)(i) shall begin again. No person rejected by the senate under this section shall be appointed to serve in the office of attorney general. If the legislature has adjourned, the governor shall make a temporary appointment as provided in W.S. 28‑12‑101(b) from persons whose names are submitted pursuant to W.S. 22‑18‑111(a)(i).
35‑7‑1004.Personnel to administer provisions.
The attorney general by and with the consent of the governor may employ such personnel as necessary to administer this act. Such personnel shall serve at the pleasure of the attorney general at such compensation as may be approved by the Wyoming personnel division. Said personnel shall be assigned such duties as may be necessary to assist the commissioner in the performance of his responsibilities under this act for the efficient operation of the work of the office.
35‑11‑1507.Injunction proceedings; penalties.
(a)When, in the opinion of the governor attorney general, a person is violating or is about to violate any provision of this article, the governor attorney general shall direct the attorney general to apply to the appropriate court for an order enjoining the person from engaging or continuing to engage in the activity. Upon a showing that the person has engaged, or is about to engage in the activity, the court may grant a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order or other order.
35‑21‑110.Statewide protection order registry.
(a)The Wyoming attorney general or another agency designated by the governor shall establish a statewide registry of protection orders related to domestic violence and shall maintain a complete and systematic record and index of all valid temporary and final civil and criminal court orders of protection.
Section 3.
(a)Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this act is effective July 1, 2025.
(b)Section 2 of this act is effective January 4, 2027.
January 16, 2025
Amongst the bills is a proposal to create a "Monument To America" on state school trust lands of a size and design similar to Mt. Rushmore.
Gray Celebrates Committee Passage of Proof of Citizenship, Residency
Requirements to Vote
CHEYENNE, WY – On January 15th, the Wyoming
Legislature’s House Corporations Committee passed House Bill 156 and House Bill
157, which require proof of United States citizenship and proof of Wyoming
residency to register to vote in Wyoming. Both bills represent the number one
plank of Secretary Gray’s election
integrity reform agenda. Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck
Gray testified in support of both bills.
“I am very pleased by the committee’s passage
of these common-sense, conservative, election integrity bills,” Secretary Gray
said in a statement. “By requiring documentary proof of United States
citizenship and Wyoming residency, we will ensure only Wyomingites are voting
in Wyoming elections. I want to commend the committee’s passage of these
bills, and look forward to continuing to work with the Legislature to achieve
meaningful, conservative reform.”
A video of the committee meeting can be found here.
Another bad bill.
Basically, this is a WFC attack on teacher certification, allowing school districts and charter schools to employ teachers as young as 18 years old who lack certification.
K-12 uncertified personnel.
Sponsored by: Representative(s) Andrew, Bratten, Guggenmos, Haroldson, Heiner, Kelly, Neiman, Singh and Strock and Senator(s) Biteman, Brennan, Kolb and Scott
AN ACT relating to education; allowing school districts and charter schools to adopt policies to employ persons without holding a certificate or permit issued by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board; specifying requirements for the adoption of policies; authorizing school districts and charter schools to obtain criminal histories and request fingerprinting; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date.
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
Section 1.W.S. 7‑19‑106(a) by creating a new paragraph (xlii), 7‑19‑201(a) by creating a new paragraph (xxxvi), 21‑3‑111(a) by creating a new paragraph (xxiv), 21‑3‑304 by creating a new subsection (s) and 21‑7‑303(a) and by creating a new subsection (e) are amended to read:
7‑19‑106.Access to, and dissemination of, information.
(a)Criminal history record information shall be disseminated by criminal justice agencies in this state, whether directly or through any intermediary, only to:
(xlii)School districts and charter schools to obtain background information on applicants for employment who do not hold a certificate or permit issued by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board if the school district board of trustees or the charter school governing board has adopted policies and procedures authorizing employment without certification or permit under W.S. 21‑3‑304(s) or 21‑3‑111(a)(xxiv).
7‑19‑201.State or national criminal history record information.
(a)The following persons shall be required to submit to fingerprinting in order to obtain state and national criminal history record information:
(xxxvi)Applicants for employment by a school district or a charter school who do not hold a certificate or permit issued by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑802 if the school district board of trustees or the charter school governing board has adopted policies and procedures authorizing employment without certification or permit under W.S. 21‑3‑304(s) or 21‑3‑111(a)(xxiv).
21‑3‑111.Powers of boards of trustees.
(a)The board of trustees in each school district within the state may:
(xxiv)Adopt policies and procedures to employ school district administrators, teachers and other personnel without a certification or permit issued by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑802. The policies and procedures adopted under this paragraph shall require a person applying for employment without holding a certificate or permit to be not less than eighteen (18) years of age and submit to a criminal history background check.
21‑3‑304.Charter school; requirements; authority.
(s)A charter school governing board may adopt policies and procedures to employ administrators, teachers and other personnel without a certification or permit issued by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑802. The policies and procedures adopted under this subsection shall require a person applying for employment without holding a certificate or permit to be not less than eighteen (18) years of age and submit to a criminal history background check.
21‑7‑303.Certificate or permit required; exception.
(a)Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), (c),or (d) or (e) of this section, no person shall teach or supervise in a public school in this state and receive compensation therefor out of any public fund who at the time of rendering such services is not a holder of or a candidate and qualified for a certificate or permit issued or to be issued under the laws of this state and the rules and regulations of the Wyoming professional teaching standards board pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑802.
(e)A person may be employed as an administrator, teacher or other personnel by a school district or a charter school without holding a certificate or permit issued by the Wyoming professional teaching standards board pursuant to W.S. 21‑2‑802 if the school district board of trustees or the charter school governing board has adopted policies and procedures authorizing employment without certification or permit under W.S. 21‑3‑304(s) or 21‑3‑111(a)(xxiv).
Section 2.This act is effective July 1, 2025.
January 17, 2024
Commentary on Facebook after the passage of the bill out of committee on aliens needing their drivers' licenses more prominently marked to note their alien status makes it plain that a lot of Wyomingites have no idea that there are legal alien residents in the US, or how drivers license work.
Rep. Yin of Teton County, a Democrat, proposed taking a proof of citizenship bill to its logical extreme and require all registered voters, not just new registrants, to prove their citizenship. Republicans reacted with horrified unintentional irony.
A proposal to violate Wyoming's act of admission:
State of Wyoming
Resolution demanding equal footing.
Sponsored by: Senator(s) Ide, Biteman, French, Hutchings, Laursen, D, McKeown, Smith, D and Steinmetz and Representative(s) Allemand, Banks, Bear, Neiman, Smith, S and Winter
A JOINT RESOLUTION demanding that the United States Congress, in consultation with the legislature of the state of Wyoming, extinguish the federal title in those public lands and subsurface resources in this state that derive from former federal territory, and do so in recognition of the sovereign rights of this state, as set forth in its congressional act of admission into the union, and in recognition of the solemn duties resting upon Congress under the admissions, property, claims, and guarantee clauses of Article IV of the United States constitution so that the state of Wyoming shall, in due course, obtain full admission into the Union of States upon an equal footing with the original states in all respects whatsoever.
WHEREAS, an indispensable element of state sovereignty is the capacity to exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over the soil within state borders; and
WHEREAS, a constitutional state does not exist in those places where a state's independent sovereignty and legislative jurisdiction do not apply; and
WHEREAS, the original states jealously retained complete sovereignty and jurisdiction over all of the territory within their external boundaries, including unappropriated former British crown lands claimed by the states under both the articles of confederation and the United States constitution; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Admissions Clause, article IV, section 3, clause 1 of the United States constitution, new states admitted into the Union of States are admitted upon an equal footing with the original states as to political rights and as to sovereignty, including territorial sovereignty; and
WHEREAS, section 2 of the Wyoming act of admission provides that "The said state shall consist of all the territory included within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of the twenty-seventh meridian of longitude west from Washington with the forty-fifth degree of north latitude and running thence west to the thirty-fourth meridian of west longitude; thence south to the forty-first degree of north latitude; thence east to the twenty-seventh meridian of west longitude, and thence north to the place of beginning." This section excepts only the lands dedicated to Yellowstone National Park within this border and any lands as may be subsequently added to that park by Congress; and
WHEREAS, under the equal footing doctrine, the new state of Wyoming became entitled to exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over all of the territory dedicated to its purposes by virtue of Wyoming's act of admission, excepting only Yellowstone National Park and additional lands as Congress may subsequently choose to add to the park; and
WHEREAS, more than forty-six percent (46%) of the surface and more than sixty-nine percent (69%) of the subsurface resources of the state of Wyoming, as described by Wyoming's act of admission, remains under federal "title"; and
WHEREAS, lands and subsurface resources under federal title in the state of Wyoming are subject to a supreme and complete federal political jurisdiction without limitation, analogous to the municipal powers of the state itself, including police power, and also special maritime and territorial jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. § 7(3); and
WHEREAS, as a consequence of supreme and complete federal political jurisdiction without limitation over the aforementioned forty-six percent (46%) of the territorial extent of the state of Wyoming and over sixty-nine percent (69%) of its subsurface resources, the state can exercise no jurisdiction in those places in a sovereign and independent capacity and, for this reason, this land and these resources cannot be, and have never been, part of the sovereign and jurisdictional state of Wyoming despite the fact that this land and these resources were included, under Wyoming's act of admission, as being lands committed to the purpose of the new state; and
WHEREAS, in order that the sovereign and jurisdictional state of Wyoming may obtain equal footing as to political rights and sovereignty with the original states, to which it is entitled under the Admissions, Claims and Guarantee Clauses of the United States constitution, the federal title in the aforementioned land and resources must be extinguished by Congress in compliance with its constitutional mandate to dispose property under the Property Clause; and
WHEREAS, continued failure on the part of Congress to fulfill its duty to dispose of the aforementioned land and resources has resulted in two constitutional violations including: 1. Congress has admitted into the Union of States an entity that is less than and different in dignity or power, from those political entities which constitute the Union, and 2. Congress is exercising over the aforementioned land and resources of the state of Wyoming a form of government that the United States Supreme Court has termed "repugnant to the constitution" and that is notoriously denied to the United States under the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
Section 1.That the members of the Wyoming legislature commit to upholding article IV, section 3, clause 2 of the United States constitution and Wyoming's act of admission.
Section 2.That the members of the Wyoming legislature demand that Congress confirm to the Wyoming Legislature, on or before October 1, 2025, its intent to dispose of the federal title in the aforementioned land and resources and its intent to do so in a manner as to subserve the long withheld sovereign interests of the people of the state of Wyoming.
Section 3.That the members of the Wyoming legislature recognize this state's firmly established and popularly supported public land culture and economy that are integral to the state of Wyoming and therefore propose that the lands above mentioned be disposed of to the state of Wyoming and, thereby, be maintained as state public lands.
Section 4.That the members of the Wyoming legislature recognize that the state of Wyoming has authority to absolve Congress of its constitutional duty to dispose of any portion or all of the former territorial lands remaining within this state's borders.Accordingly, this legislature expresses its willingness to negotiate cession to Congress of the state's sovereign jurisdiction over any lands that may be mutually recognized as of national interest.
Section 5.That the secretary of state of Wyoming transmit copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress and to each member of the Wyoming Congressional Delegation.
January 18, 2025
The damage after week one:
HB0002Hunting license application fees increase.TravelH Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel01/16/2025
HB0003Animal abuse-predatory animals.TravelH Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel01/16/2025
HB0004Snowmobile registration and user fees.TravelH Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel01/16/2025
HB0005Fishing outfitters and guides-registration of fishing boats.TravelH Introduced and Referred to H06 - Travel01/14/2025
HB0006Advance health care directives-dementia.Larsen, LH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0007K-12 post secondary education options.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0008School finance-average daily membership.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0009Young entrepreneurs-limiting license requirements.HarshmanH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0010Limited mining operations-amendments.MineralsH Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals01/17/2025
HB0011Manufacturing sales and use tax exemption-amendments.MineralsH COW:Passed01/17/2025
HB0012Industrial production equipment-deferral.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0013Integrated test center-governance.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025
HB0014Solid waste municipal cease and transfer funding.MineralsH 2nd Reading:Passed01/17/2025
HB0015Limited mining operations-bonding amendments.MineralsH Introduced and Referred to H09 - Minerals01/17/2025
HB0016Used nuclear fuel storage-amendments.MineralsH Received for Introduction01/02/2025