Showing posts with label Wyoming (Evanston). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wyoming (Evanston). Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Thursday, October 12, 1944. Heroes and explorers.

Ground was broken for St. Paul's Memorial Hospital in Evanston, Wyoming.

The Battle of Rovaniemi began between the Germans and Finns.

Finns arriving in a wrecked Rovaniemi.

The Germans arrested the American Fifth Army advance on Bologna at Mount Cavallara.

U.S. Army Sgt. Jack J. Pendleton performed the actions that resulted in him being awarded a posthumous Medal of Honor.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on 12 October 1944. When Company I was advancing on the town of Bardenberg, Germany, they reached a point approximately two-thirds of the distance through the town when they were pinned down by fire from a nest of enemy machineguns. This enemy strong point was protected by a lone machinegun strategically placed at an intersection and firing down a street which offered little or no cover or concealment for the advancing troops. The elimination of this protecting machinegun was imperative in order that the stronger position it protected could be neutralized. After repeated and unsuccessful attempts had been made to knock out this position, S/Sgt. Pendleton volunteered to lead his squad in an attempt to neutralize this strongpoint. S/Sgt. Pendleton started his squad slowly forward, crawling about 10 yards in front of his men in the advance toward the enemy gun. After advancing approximately 130 yards under the withering fire, S/Sgt. Pendleton was seriously wounded in the leg by a burst from the gun he was assaulting. Disregarding his grievous wound, he ordered his men to remain where they were, and with a supply of handgrenades he slowly and painfully worked his way forward alone. With no hope of surviving the veritable hail of machinegun fire which he deliberately drew onto himself, he succeeded in advancing to within 10 yards of the enemy position when he was instantly killed by a burst from the enemy gun. By deliberately diverting the attention of the enemy machine gunners upon himself, a second squad was able to advance, undetected, and with the help of S/Sgt. Pendleton's squad, neutralized the lone machinegun, while another platoon of his company advanced up the intersecting street and knocked out the machinegun nest which the first gun had been covering. S/Sgt. Pendleton's sacrifice enabled the entire company to continue the advance and complete their mission at a critical phase of the action.

British paratroopers landed at Athens. 

Italian Catholic partisan Alfredo Di Dio was killed in action fighting in the defense of the breakaway Italian Ossola Republic.

The U.S. Navy struck targets on Formosa by air.

Norwegian born Canadian Arctic explorer Henry Larsen reached Vancouver after sailing from Halifax through the Northwest Passage over 86 days.

Last edition:

Wednesday, October 11, 1944. To Have and Have Not.