Showing posts with label Battle of Rimini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Battle of Rimini. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Thursday, September 21, 1944. A sort of Estonian civil war.

Estonians, some in the Red Army, and some in German Estonian units, others in Waffen SS units fought each other at Porkuni.

The Red Army units prevailed.

This presents the complicated picture of the war in the Baltics.  The Soviets were widely disposed by most residents of the Baltic States, but there were, and always had been, Baltic communists who saw the Soviet Union as an ally.  Estonian resistance to Soviet occupation, on the other hand, had started with the pre World War Two Soviet invasion and continued on after World War Two in the form of the Estonian Forest Brothers.

The Germans had never desired any sort of independence for Estonia and had not supported it in any sense.  

Interestingly, during the war, Finland never came into play in this even though the Estonians are a Baltic Finnic people and in the 1920s there had been serious considerations given to an Estonian Finnish union, with such efforts being committedly opposed by the Soviets.   The East Karelian Uprising of 1921-22 fit into this, as that territory lay between the two nations to some degree and was occupied by Finnic people as well.

The Battle of Rimini ended in a Canadian, Greek and New Zealander victory.

The Satsuki was sunk by US aircraft in Manila Bay.

The Cardinals took the National League Pennant for the third time in a row, defeating the Boston Braves.

Pfc. Calvin Stempien, Monroe, Mich., levels covering fire from his foxhole while members of his engineer unit construct a bridge over the Meurthe river, under enemy fire. 21 September, 1944.

Last edition:

Wednesday, September 20, 1944 Nijmegen liberated.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Wednesday, September 13, 1944. The Execution of the SOE Agents.

The first meeting of American troops of General Patton's Third U.S. Army forces with French troops of General Patch's Seventh U.S. Army took place recently when their long reconnaissance arms met at Autun, France. Here Adjutant Emile Lancery, Bouhy, France, left, whose native group landed near Toulon, is shown shaking hands with Sgt. Louis Basil, Follansbee, W.Va., in the first scout vehicle of the Combat Command. 13 September, 1944. Combat Command B, 6th Armored Division.

Greek, Canadian and New Zealand forces attacked the Germans at Rimini, Italy.

The Red Army took the Warsaw suburb of Praga.  That evening, the Soviet air force began dropping supplies to the Home Army in Warsaw.  The action was undertaken due to US and UK pressure.

The Greek People's Liberation Army and the collaborationist Security Battalions fought at Melgalas.

The Navy begana pre invasion bombardment of Peleliu and Angaur.

SOE agents Yolande Beekman, 32, Madeleine Damerment, 26, and Noor Inayat Khan, 30, were executed at Dachau.

Yolande Beekman.

Madeleine Damerment

Noor Inayat Khan.

The USS Warrington sunk in the 1944 Great Atlantic Hurricane.

Last edition: