Showing posts with label Mike Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mike Johnson. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

2024 Election Post Mortem, Part 3. First muted expressions of regret edition.

Alas, there's not that much time left until January 20, but the old thread was simply too large to keep going.

December 29, 2024

A major spat has broken out in the GOP between those who dislike H1B visas, which Donald Trump previously called "very bad" and "unfair", and those like Elon Musk who support them.  Maga figures have been throwing rocks at Musk, and Musk told them to go "fuck themselves in the face", an unlikely insult for a man whose obsessed with epic level procreation (which is a fascination of certain elements of the far right).

Yesterday Trump came down in favor of H1B visas, claiming he's always liked visas in general, which isn't true, but then Trump doesn't particularly worry about truthfulness.

Bannon also said this past week that Mike Johnson has "got to go".  One of Trump's sons claimed that the "vast majority" of Republicans were enemies, along with the Democrats.

Mike Johnson appears to have very little chance of retaining his position as Speaker of the House.  Guess leopards ate his face.

December 30, 2024

Donald Trump:
The extension of the Debt Ceiling by a previous Speaker of the House, a good man and a friend of mine, from this past September of the Biden Administration, to June of the Trump Administration, will go down as one of the dumbest political decisions made in years. There was no reason to do it - NOTHING WAS GAINED, and we got nothing for it - A major reason why that Speakership was lost. It was Biden’s problem, not ours. Now it becomes ours. I call it “1929” because the Democrats don’t care what our Country may be forced into. In fact, they would prefer “Depression” as long as it hurt the Republican Party. The Democrats must be forced to take a vote on this treacherous issue NOW, during the Biden Administration, and not in June. They should be blamed for this potential disaster, not the Republicans!

Donald Trump, head of the GOP, the party of fiscal responsibility. 


Trump endorsed Johnson for speaker.

December 31, 2024

Harriet Hageman was named incoming chair of the Anti-Woke Caucus.

I didn't know that there was one, but apparently it exists and is dedicate to fighting "woke" ideologies in government, business and society.


More here:  Case.


My message to incoming President Trump is that first and foremost Canada will never be the 51st state of the U.S.

Pierre Poilievre, head of Canada’s Conservative Party.

January 3, 2024.

Today the new House of Representatives is sworn in, and the first attempt to chose a Speaker of the House will be made.


Johnson keeps his seat.

January 4, 2024

An interview with Senate Whip Barrasso.  As per usual, not much content, unfortunately.

Something indicating an award for real content, and character:

Cheney receives 2nd highest civilian award from Biden

January 10, 2024

Prosecutor Jack Smith's report will be released to the public.  Trump tried to prevent this from occurring.


Trump will be sentenced by a New York judge today on his multiple felony convictions in the one case that made it all the way through the court.  They will be state law felony convictions.


J. D. Vance resigned his Senate seat yesterday in preparation for being sworn in as Vice President on the 20th and waiting out the interregnum until he can take the oath of office as President.

Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted is widely anticipated to be the individual who will take Vance's place until the 2026 election.


Newsletter from Sen. Lummis:

Any athlete knows the pressure of going to battle on the court, fighting for their season, their teammates and their future. Throughout the past four years, female athletes have had to battle opponents who are bigger, faster, and stronger, but that is because biological males have stepped onto the field. This season, the Wyoming Cowgirls volleyball team courageously decided to forfeit their games against San Jose State University, a team that allowed a biological male to compete against female athletes.

Title IX is supposed to recognize the distinct biological differences between men and women and protect female athletes from harm on the playing field. The Mountain West Conference failed the Wyoming Cowgirls, and the woke policies of athletic organizations are failing women and girls across the nation. I joined my Republican colleagues to reintroduce The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, a bill that reaffirms Title IX be treated as "recognized based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth" and does not adjust it to apply to gender identity. 

Little girls who grow up with Olympic dreams should not have to see those goals crushed underneath the foot of a man competing against her. I am proud to fight for women and girls across the Equality State, and the nation.

Happy Trails,


January 14, 2025

How many senators have shown up drunk to vote at night?...And how many senators do you know have gotten divorced for cheating on their's for is so ridiculous you guys hold yourselves to a higher standard.: 

Sen Mullin, Hegseth confirmation hearing.

Duckworth: How many nations are in ASEAN? 

Hegseth: We have allies in South Korea, Japan, and Australia 

Duckworth: None of those countries are in ASEAN

Same hearing. 

January 15, 2025

A NPR panelist on NPR's Politics stated that after reviewing the biographies of former Secretaries of Defense and of War, Hegseth is the least qualified nominee for that position of all time.

Last edition:

2024 Election Post Mortem, Part 2. What's going on?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The 2024 Election, Part XVII. Standing on their feet or crawling on their knees.

April 24, 2024

And, yes, we already have yet another edition.

First, this:

Russo Ukrainian War

The aid bill passed the Senate 79 to 18.  Wyoming's two Senators, who normally would have voted yes, voted no, so they can bow down to the Populist Party.

Mike Johnson, after receiving intelligence briefings on the Russia war in Ukraine and praying about it, reversed his prior position heroically.  Wyoming's two Senators, who undoubtedly are not in favor of Russian winning the war in Ukraine, and who must at least suspect that voting against aid to Ukraine might mean the butchered bodies of American soldiers in Europe next year or the year thereafter, voted against it anyway.

Politicians are rarely held responsible for willfully wrong votes. Cheney was penalized by the voters for doing the right thing, but had the courage to do it anyhow.  Lummis and Barrasso are doing the wrong thing so as to avoid suffering her fate.  When the day comes, and if Russia prevails there's a good chance of it happening, and Russia crosses the Curzon Line, or the Balkan frontier, and the US finds itself obligated by its NATO treaty to defend Europe, assuming that Donald Trump, who hasn't upheld his oath to the Constitution, or his marital vow(s) would honor our treaty obligations, will those Wyoming politicians, who are too old to serve themselves, at least recognize that they have blood on their hands?

Probably not.

Let's look just a little bit on some of the current local races.


Lummis isn't running for reelection, but Barrasso is.

Barrasso is in political trouble as his opponent, Reid Rasner, who is from the Populist Party, is giving him a real run for the money, or so it seems.  Barrasso, therefore, is running to the right of himself.

No Democrat has announced as of yet.

Wyoming House District 35

NCSD employee Christopher Dresang is running against Rep. Tony Locke, R-Casper, a Freedom Caucus member.  Dresang is a Casper native who is a graduate of the Catholic school system's St. Anthony’s, and then Natrona County High School, Casper College, the University of Wyoming, and Montana State University-Bozeman.  Locke, unlike many Freedom Caucus members, is actually from Wyoming and has a MS in engineering, making him all the more unusual as he's highly educated and yet apparently a populist.

Wyoming House District 56

Jerry Obermeuller, who was a really good legislator, announced last weekend he was not running for reelection and expressed the hope that a Republican (non Populist) did.  

Elissa Campbell announced her run for that seat yesterday.  She's a Wyoming native, unlike the numerous imports that make up the Invader wing of the Freedom Caucus, and she owns a consulting agency in Casper.  She has two BA's, one in Philosophy, one in Environmental Ethics from the University of Wyoming.   The press interview lacked very much useful content, and all we really know is that she's a mammal.  Those who know her, however, feel that she'll be much like Obermeuller in outlook.

Wyoming House District 57

Another Wyoming native, and a former teacher, Julie Jarvis, is running against Jeanette Ward, an Illinois Populist who the Wyoming Education Association has been taking on, and a prominent member of the Invader wing.  Ward is amongst the most extreme in every fashion of the Populist, and was an extreme school board member in her native state of Illinois.  Ward has managed to keep her patrim fairly quiet, so nobody has every really looked at it much, even though her presentation alone has a fish out of war element to it.  Jarvis is Wyoming Basque from Buffalo, and came out swinging against her.

This promises to be an interesting race as every Basque I've ever known was really smart and extremely feisty.  Jarvis grew up, it might be noted, in a farming family. What kind of family Ward grew up in is a mystery.

April 30, 2024

Wyoming House District 34

Freedom Caucus member Rep. Pepper Ottman will face rancher, businessman and conservationist Reg Phillips in the primary election.

Presidential Campaign.

In a semi amusing story, I've been watching some Democrats like Robert Reich be absolutely hysterical about the Robert F. Kennedy race all season long, as they insisted that Kennedy was a Trump funded effort to draw Democratic votes away from Biden. The same logic, I'd note, applied to the No Labels effort which failed.  In both instances, it always seemed to me that these efforts would draw votes away from Trump, not Biden.

Well, turns out, I'm right.  In recent polls, the RFK campaign is drawing Trump voters.  Well, of course it would.  It features at lease one of the goofball populist elements, anti vaccines, without the boatload of moral sludge that comes out of a box of Trump Toasties.  There's really nothing in the RFK effort that would draw Biden voters.  There's quite a lot that might draw Trump voters who otherwise don't quite like the smell of Trump.  Now, reportedly, he's targeting Trump voters.

He stands no chance of winning.  But in the general election, while he'll draw some voters from Biden as well, it's really those who would otherwise feel compelled to vote for Trump that are attracted to him.  And there are no doubt still a surprising number of voters who aren't Democrats, but don't like Trump, but otherwise would feel compelled to vote for Trump.

May 7, 2024

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan has endorsed Joe Biden, stating that Trump has no moral compass.

Meanwhile, Trump, in trial in New York, seems to be cruising to be jailed for contempt of court if his current conduct keeps up.

Wyoming House District 42

Rob Geringer, s running for the state House against incumbent Freedom Caucus member Ben Hornok, stating that Wyoming's Republicans are losing their supermajoirty advantages by focusing on small differences.

Geringer is the son of the former Governor by that name.

May 9, 2024

Wyoming County Clerk's acting pursuant to requirements of the law purged 83,000 voters from the rolls, eliminating those who did not vote in the 2022 general election.

Wyoming, acting out of an imaginary fear of voter fraud where it doesn't exist, has eliminated same day registration, which means that a lot of those 83,000 that will show up to cast their votes this fall or this summer will be told to pound sand.

The Deadline to Register To Vote in the Primary is May 15.

Lots of people will ignore that.  A lot of them will then bizarrely blame the Democrats.

Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has indicated he won't vote for Donald Trump, and is going to write in a Republican.

May 10, 2024

Donald Trump reportedly asked for 1B for his campaign.  His campaign is noting that no quid pro quo was asked for.

May 11, 2024

Barron Trump, age 18, has declined to be a RNC delegate.

May 12, 2024

Christie Neom has been banned from two more South Dakota tribes meaning she's been banned from 20% of the landmass of her state.

RFK Jr, who previously was in favor of no restrictions on abortions, has changed his position to oppose abortion of viable infants, which is still a bloody position.

May 15, 2024

The largest Hispanic organization in the US, UnidosUS, has endorsed Joe Biden.

May 20, 2024

Tyler Cessor, executive director of the Wyoming Outdoor Council, has announced that he's running as an independent for House District 57, meaning that whoever prevails in that district, now occupied by Jeanette Ward, will face a candidate in the fall.

Cessor immediately was accused by Ward of aligning with the "radical Democrats" but it's clear that Ward is in trouble.  With a 100% failure of her bills in the legislature and a record of being amongst the most populist of the "Freedom Caucus", she appears to be facing a real fight to retain her seat.

My guess, and it's just that, is that Ward will go down in the primary, and Cessor do poorly in the general.

Trump received the NRA's endorsement over the weekend. The extent to which the firearms' users organization has been extreme, so that's not surprising.  What was interesting is that in a speech to the organization, Trump completely froze up when his teleprompter failed for 35 seconds.  Use of a teleprompter is sadly common amongst modern politicians, and sometimes explains the poor quality of their oration, but Trump supporters have been harsh on Biden for using one.

May 27, 2024

Trump went to a NASCAR Race yesterday.

Hillary Clinton spoke, for reasons that are unfortunate and indeterminable, and stated that the Democrats didn't do enough to protect infanticide prior to the repeal of Roe.

For some unfathomable reason, the Democrats always choose to embrace things that make it impossible for some, who would vote for them, to do so.

The Secretary of State's office has published a list of who is running for office.  We'll look first at the race for Washington seats:

This is really surprising in that there are a fair number of Reid Rasner signs around, and I thought he had official registered to run. Apparently he has not.

And there's no earthly reason for John Holtz to try this again, as he will fail.

And a Democrat is now in the race against Hageman.  She will lose, but at least somebody is trying.

State races are remarkably devoid of Democrats, all of which shows that the primary is the election that counts, and the state needs to move rapidly away from party affiliated elections.

May 29, 2024

Donald Trump endorsed John Barasso.

The current candidate roster.

Recent related threads:

Not a profile in courage.

Last prior edition:

The 2024 Election, Part XVI. The Compromised Morals Edition

Friday, May 10, 2024

Wars and Rumors of War, 2024. Part 5. A Wider War.

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

Matthew, Chapter 24.

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill

April 14, 2024.

The Middle Eastern War.

This was mentioned yesterday, but in North America we're waking up to the news that Iran, the supplier of drones to Russia, used a huge number of drones in an airborne assault on Israel yesterday which was combined with missiles.

Because that's going to serve somebody's interest?

This was retaliatory in nature, of course, but it was also monumentally stupid on the part of Iran.

Almost all the Iranian munitions were shot down.  The few that got through caused minor damage. The US participated in the airborne defense.

Russo Ukrainian War

Ukraine's defense chief warned that its battlefield situation has significantly worsened in recent days.

Mike Johnson, pick up your copy of John Stuart Mill.

April 17, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

Ukrainian forces destroy Russian air defense systems in Crimea

The Middle Eastern War

Israel has carried out a retaliatory air strke on Iran.  The details are sketchy at this time, but drones appear to be involved.

A big difference appears to be that Israel hit its targets, as opposed to Iran, which demonostrated an inability to get theirs through, although the US, UK and France helped Israel in its defense.

China v. US

A hacking campaign by China called Volt Typhoon has gained access to telecommunications, energy, water and 23 pipeline operators targeted, amongst other infrastrucure.

It should be obvious that China is preparing for war against the US, which will come over Taiwan.

April 19, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War/Middle Eastern War/China v. Taiwan.

Massively belatedly, the House of Representatives voted 316-94 to advance military aid to Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel.  A final vote will come on Saturday, as this was procedural.

Isolationist are having a fit and will now take a run at removing Speaker Johnson, the latter having found his courage this week, at long last.

April 20, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War/Middle Eastern War/China v. Taiwan.

After months of delay at the hands of a bloc of ultraconservative Republicans, the package drew overwhelming bipartisan support, reflecting broad consensus.

About bloody time, and better late than never, assuming it's not too late.

Finally, Mike Johnson, who apparently prayed about the matter, found his courage.

April 22, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

In listing to This Week, I learned that a majority of GOP Congressman voted against aid to Ukraine.


Some of the commentary on the weekend shows suggest that Speaker Johnson may have changed his mind in part because of intelligence briefings. If that's the case, we ought to be truly fearful of Russia winning the war.

MJT tried to insert an amendment into the bill which would have required all those who voted for the bill to become Ukrainian conscripts.

Middle Eastern War

Air strikes in Razah killed 22 people.

The US is imposing sanctions on the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, a unit for ultra Orthodox Jews, most of whom do not serve in the Israeli military and who are exempted from universal male conscription that the country generally imposes.

It's difficult to see how attempting to sanction a single unit would work.

April 24, 2024

Middle Eastern War

Pro Palestinian demonstrations are causing havoc across campuses in the US as protesters.

Anti-Semitic elements in these protests have been very notable, including delusional ones such as LGBTQ supporting protesters supporting, effectively, Hamas, even though Hamas would likely put a 9mm to their heads if they were in Palestine.

Stay tuned to see if the Horst Wessel song reappears.

Russo Ukrainian War

The aid bill passed the Senate 79 to 18.  Wyoming's two Senators, who normally would have voted yes, voted no, so they can bow down to the Populist Party.

Iran v. Everyone

Four Iranians were arrested for a hacking scheme aimed at Federal agencies.

April 25, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

Ukraine deployed M57A1 ATACMS ballistic missiles against Russian targets in Crimea.  The new missiles vastly increase Ukraine's ability to hit deep into Russian held territory.

The sudden appearance of the missiles suggest that Ukraine was supplied them prior to the recent funding bill, which was only signed into law yesterday, but withheld use of them until the bill was passed.

Russia, regarding the bill, predictably squealed like a stuck pig or like Donald Trump complaining about being on trial for his prurient interest, while it itself has used long range missiles fairly indiscriminately in Ukraine.

Pope Francis in an interview with CBS News declared that a "negotiated peace is better than a war without end", calling on warring parties in Ukraine and the Middle East to negotiate.

Of interset here, perhaps, the Vatican recently released its "Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity”, the same appearing on April 8.  While I've noted it elsewhere, I suspect that Catholics in particular, or at least some Catholics, have grown so weary of documents issued by Pope Francis that they're being ignored and dreaded at this point.  Indeed, many Catholics are holding their breath on what will come out of the Synod on Snyodality.  Anyhow, Dignatas Infinita, which people were holding their breath on before it came out (it had been announced that something was coming out) didn't receive very much attention from the world at large and frankly from Catholics as well, as sure sign that just too darned much is being generated by this Papacy.

What notice it drew from Catholic circles tended to focus on the concept of "infinite dignity", and what that meant.  I haven't followed the results of that, and there wasn't that much discussion of it to start with.  The Pope, however, drew a lot of flak for his statements on transgenderism, which are perfectly in line with Catholic beliefs.  We'll deal with that elsewhere.

What surprisingly didn't receive much attention was his statements on war, which were:


38. Another tragedy that denies human dignity, both in the past and today, is war: “War, terrorist attacks, racial or religious persecution, and many other affronts to human dignity […] ‘have become so common as to constitute a real ‘third world war’ fought piecemeal.’”[64] With its trail of destruction and suffering, war attacks human dignity in both the short and long term: “While reaffirming the inalienable right to self-defense and the responsibility to protect those whose lives are threatened, we must acknowledge that war is always a ‘defeat of humanity.’ No war is worth the tears of a mother who has seen her child mutilated or killed; no war is worth the loss of the life of even one human being, a sacred being created in the image and likeness of the Creator; no war is worth the poisoning of our common home; and no war is worth the despair of those who are forced to leave their homeland and are deprived, from one moment to the next, of their home and all the family, friendship, social and cultural ties that have been built up, sometimes over generations.”[65] All wars, by the mere fact that they contradict human dignity, are “conflicts that will not solve problems but only increase them.”[66] This point is even more critical in our time when it has become commonplace for so many innocent civilians to perish beyond the confines of a battlefield.

39. Therefore, even today, the Church cannot but make her own the words of the Pontiffs, repeating with Pope St. Paul VI: “jamais plus la guerre, jamais plus la guerre!” [“never again war, never again war!”].[67] Moreover, together with Pope St. John Paul II, the Church pleas “in the name of God and in the name of man: Do not kill! Do not prepare destruction and extermination for people! Think of your brothers and sisters who are suffering hunger and misery! Respect each one’s dignity and freedom!”[68] As much now as ever, this is the cry of the Church and of all humanity. Pope Francis underscores this by stating, “We can no longer think of war as a solution because its risks will probably always be greater than its supposed benefits. In view of this, it is very difficult nowadays to invoke the rational criteria elaborated in earlier centuries to speak of the possibility of a ‘just war.’ Never again war!”[69] Since humanity often falls back into the same mistakes of the past, “in order to make peace a reality, we must move away from the logic of the legitimacy of war.”[70] The intimate relationship between faith and human dignity means it would be contradictory for war to be based on religious convictions: “The one who calls upon God’s name to justify terrorism, violence, and war does not follow God’s path. War in the name of religion becomes a war against religion itself.”[71]

These statements are not really novel, but they certainly call into question the concept of a just war, while not abrogating it completely.  This is interesting as well as certainly in the region itself the Ukrainian Catholic Church, if not backing the war openly, seems to be generally. 

I would note here something that's widely misunderstood.  Wars today, while they do feature civilian death, and Russia certainly has been indiscriminate in its use of airborne munitions on Ukraine, and Israel has been leveling parts of Gaza, is actually less destructive on civilians that it was some 80 years ago and that is the overall actual trend.

April 26, 2024

Middle Eastern War

Hamas proposed to lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state, which we have a long dormant thread in the hopper on, were to be created.

More specifically, it proposed:

“a fully sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and the return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with the international resolutions,”

Israel is unlikely to accept that, but more than that, is such a tiny rump state even viable? 

Meanwhile, Hamas and Palestinian groups have shelled the construction area for the humanitarian pier.

May 1, 2024

Middle Eastern War

Russia and China are hosting a conference on "Palestinian reconciliation" which seeks to give Hamas a role in the West Bank.

The move is particularly cynical for China, which occupies a large landmass, Tibet, which was an actual independent nation with its own ethnicity more recently than Israel's gaining of independence and which further suppresses its Muslim population.

Further ironic are university protests across the nation effectively in support of Hamas which feature groups that, if they appeared in areas of their outright control, would be murdered.  A person can imagine that these protests are in support of Levantine independence in the region, or against Israeli actions in Gaza, but you have to jump through some uncomfortable hoops to get there.

May 2, 2024

Middle Eastern War

College campus protests in the US have grown large.

Shades of 1968, or something else?

Columbia has severed ties with Israel.

Russo Ukrainian War

Ukraine will start operating F-16s after May 5.

May 3, 2024


Niger has invited Russian troop to encamp at an airfield used by US troops.

Middle Eastern War

Campus arrests in the US continued yesterday.

All of this is helping Trump, so the irony stands a good chance of being that the protests get Trump elected who 1) is more pro Israeli than Biden, 2) will be anti-Islamic, and 3) whose views on Putin stand a good chance of getting the US into a war with Russia when Russia invades a NATO country.

But, hey, protests are fun.  You can feel like you are really doing something, even if you aren't doing anything positive.

The UN reports that it would take until 2040 to rebuild the homes in Gaza that have been destroyed.

Given that Gaza isn't economically viable and a crap hole, it shouldn't be rebuilt, which should be obvious to all, but won't be as the Arab nations don't want the Levantines to move, and the Levantines are too politically juvenile to grasp that their future is elsewhere.

May 5, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

The Russians are in Ocheretyne and Arkhanhelske.  Ukrainian forces have been struggling with a lack of artillery ammunition due to the circus in the U.S. Congress.

May 6, 2024

Middle Eastern War

Cease fire talks have broken down.

May 7, 2024

Middle Eastern War

Israeli ground forces entered Rafah following a series of air strikes.

Russo Ukrainian War

It appears clear that the Russians are building towards a more pronounced offensive in the north.

May 9, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

The Ukrainian government has passed a bill to conscript prisoners.

Not a good sign, really.

The President has not signed it into law as of yet, and it doesn't allow conscription of those convicted of the worst offenses or having more than three years left on their sentence.

May 10, 2024

Middle Eastern War

Israeli ground forces entered actually only went as far as the crossing into Rafah, which they now control.  President Biden has indicated that the US will scale back military support for Israel extensively if Israel enters the city.  Israel has indicated that it intends to do so none the less.

The US has withheld a shipment of 3,000 areal bombs to Israel over the potential that they'd be used in Rafah.

And this concludes this edition.

Related threads:

Iron Domes and Chutzpah

Last prior edition:

Wars and Rumors of War, 2024. Part 4. "Maybe I shall find them among the dead."

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist, 65th Edition. Reprehensible and Admirable.

The actions by Wyoming's GOP in regard to its Republican Governor, that is.  That's reprehensible.

Here's the story:

The corpse of the GOP is really beginning to smell.

Accountability?  The Wyoming GOP, solidly in the grips of Dixiecrats, isn't looking at much of the world realistically, and as House Member Jerry Obermeuller pointed out in his op ed in the Trib, the claim that it admires Wyoming's "traditionalism" is a joke.  It's assaulting that traditionalism, looking more to the traditionalism of the post Reconstruction South.  It's frightening.

But then there was this:

Wonders Never Cease

As Fr. Franco points out, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is suddenly acting like a responsible real conservative, just as Governor Gordon has been all along.    The Wyoming GOP, which had been badly behind the curve recently, might not be noticing this, but with even populists dumping Congress and some in real election trouble, we might barely, only barely, hope that the Trump Reign of Terror may be starting to wane.  

Johnson has made much of his being a religious man, which he genuinely is.  He apparently prayed before ultimately taking this action, and he suddenly seems to have a spine.  

Wyoming's lone Congressman, attuned to her populist base, voted against the aid.  This will please the populists, who are not conservatives.  Secretary of State Gray, no doubt, would state he was against the aid package if asked, but nobody will bother to ask him.  He's running for Governor right now, and the State best dearly hope that a traditionalist, such as the type Obermueller mentioned, runs.  

But here's the thing.  Politics are fickle.  If Putin wins in Ukraine and in a year or two rolls in to Poland and the Balkans, the very people today who have a Sweet Home Alabama type of view of the world will be all for the fight, which they won't be in.  And nobody will remind them either, as all of the Trumpist will claim they were never for him, when that day comes.

Sadly, it appears to have a strong chance of coming.

But, as Fr. Franco noted

The prophet Ezekiel famously said: if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live. None of the transgressions which he has committed shall be remembered against him; because of the righteousness which he has done, he shall live. 

Things have a way of going in directions we can't predict.  Maybe there's hope yet.

Last prior edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist, 64th Edition. Things authentic and important.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

119th Congress, Part 2.


February 4, 2024

The House of Representatives will move forward with a  $17.6 billion bill this week that provides military aid to Israel and replenishes U.S. weapons, but leaves out more help for Ukraine.

It will not pass the Senate. 

The Senate apparently left the House out of its efforts to negotiate on these topics, which shows the level of dissention between the two bodies.

Ukraine has become an increasingly hot topic in the House, which is strongly influenced by Trump, who is a Putin fan.

February 5, 2024

Mexican Border Crisis

February 6, 2024

Yesterday Mitch McConnell urged Republicans to vote for the Senate bill then in a closed door meeting urged them to vote against it.

President Biden threatened to veto the House's stand-alone aid package to Israel.


Matt Gaetz and Elise Stephanik have co-sponsored a resolution that Donald Trump did not engage in insurrection or rebellion against the United States on January 6, something that clear is an attempt to address the 14th Amendment in that insurrection may be excused under it.

Having said that, a resolution that it didn't occur will not excuse it, and this will not get through the Senate.


The House failed to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas. All the Democrats voted against this, and the following Republicans retained their integrity on this matter; Rep. Tom McClintock (CA-05), Rep. Ken Buck (CO-04),  and Rep. Mike Gallagher (WI-08). Rep. Blake Moore (UT-01) also voted no, but on procedural grounds to that this may be brought back up again, even though it should not.

Look for all four, including Moore, to suffer the same fate as Liz Cheney.

February 14, 2024

Yesterday the House managed to get the Big Top in order and the GOP was able to impeach Mayorkas.

This now goes to the Senate, which will have to deal with it, but he'll retain his job.

Wyoming's Congressman Harriet Hageman will be a Senate Trial Manager for the impeachment.

Impeachments, which were rare up until Bill Clinton was wrongfully impeached, were once rare.  Now they're becoming extremely common, a sign of the collapse of American government.

The Senate voted aid for Ukraine. Wyoming's Senator John Barrasso voted against it, then came out with a statement noting his strong support for Ukraine.  Clearly he's worried about the strong MAGA base in Wyoming.

February 26, 2025

Russo Ukrainian War

Two separate discharge petitions to bring funding for Ukraine are being introduced into the House on different bills, one being the bill that has already passed the Senate.  There seems to be optimism that one of them, that being the unique House bill in particular, will pass in this end run around politically castrated Trump eunuch, Mike Johnson.

February 28, 2024

One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter, so I stand before you today ... to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.

Mitch McConnell, earlier today.

Personally, I suspect the almost certain election of Trump this Fall, and the descent of the GOP into a nativist, isolationist, Evangelist, Populist Party had a lot to do with this.

This is, frankly, not a good development at all.

March 1, 2024

The House passed a stopgap funding bill yesterday.

March 10, 2024

President Biden has signed the bill.

March 14, 2024

The House of Representatives took passed a bill which might ban TikTok due to its Chinese ownership and fears that it exploits information for the benefit of the PRC.

Oh my, what will over endowed teens and twenty-something girls now do?

I have to admit that I find it almost impossible to care about this, which in turn contributes to my cynicism.  I don't know if the Chinese are mining vast amounts of data from TikTok  and frnakly I'm in favor of banning the vast amount of the Internet that's hypersexualized porn of some sort in any event. But that's not why it's being banned.  I can't help suspecting that its being banned as this is a feel good moment for a body that's done almost nothing.

Address the border?  Nope.

Address Russian aggression in Ukraine?  Nyet.

Let's ban TikTok instead.

Well, if I was there, I'd probably vote to ban it too.  It's trash.  I just find it amusing that this, and seemingly this alone, is the one thing they seem to be able to do.

March 21, 2024

Republican Congressmen have introduced a bill, the details of which I have not yet learned, to raise Social Security retirement age to 69.


This follows a series of comments by Republican figures recently, at first taken to have been made in a gadfly like fashion, that taking retirement is not a proper thing to be doing in the first place.

The Social Security System does need to be immediately addressed, and pushing the age limit up would help keep it funded, but there are other ways to do that and at some point it becomes manifestly unfair as well as a retardant on the economy.  We already are enduring a gerontocracy in the US, and this would make it worse. 

March 22, 2024

Wisconsin Rep. Mike Gallagher is leaving the House of Representatives next month, dropping the GOP majority in the House down to one vote.  Meanwhile, Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed a motion to remove Johnson, but it's a motion that doesn't have to be taken up.

The chances of the Republicans losing the House before November are now about 50/50, and with each example of Republican dysfunction, the corpse of the dead GOP starts to smell more and more.  While nobody is yet predicting it (I'm about to), the Democrats will take the House and the Senate in the Fall.

March 23, 2024

The Senate passed the budget bill so the government will avoid shutting down, again.  This just before they went home on recess, again.

Last prior edition:

119th Congress, Part 1.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Wars and Rumors of War, 2024. Part 3. The Putin's Cheerleaders Edition.

February 13, 2024

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
Matthew, Chapter 24.
If your position is being cheered by Vladimir Putin, it’s time to reconsider your position.
Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney, whom I did not care much for as a Presidential candidate, has gone on to be an absolute hero in the Senate.  It's tragic that he's leaving this year.

Equally tragic is that the once pro defense Republican Party has not only retreated into isolationism, it's gone into America First isolationism, last seen advanced by the likes of the Bund and Lindbergh just prior to World War Two. 

February 15, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

The Ukrainians sank the Caesar Kunikov amphibious ship near Alupka with naval drones.

North Korea v. South Korea

North Korea announced that it will take a more aggressive approach to disputed waters near its border with South Korea.


Myanmar announced it will begin to commence its citizens, male and female, to fill a 60,000 man shortage.

February 17, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

Avdiivka has fallen to the Russians after months of fighting.

Severe ammunition shortages are becoming a factor in Ukraine, something that has set in since Republicans following Putin Fan Boy Donald Trump's views have held up aid.

Germany and France both signed bilateral security agreements with Ukraine on February 16.

Putin was bragging up the T-90


And now the Russian Navy.

2011 Navalny designed poster about Putin's United Russia party, declaring it to be a "party of crooks and thieves".

Alexei Navalny became the latest Putin opponent in Russia, or outside of it, to die under mysterious circumstances. The 47-year-old politician reportedly collapsed in a penal colony, where he was serving a sentence for "extremism".  Trump mouthpiece Lord Haw Haw Carlson excused the death in an interview.

February 18, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War.

A series of rising reactions to the failure of the US to provide ongoing aid to Ukraine is resulting in ramping pressure on the weak Leader of the House, Mike Johnson.

Johnson came into office declaring himself on a mission from God (literally) but so far he's pretty much been a puppet of Trump's, the strings being his extraordinarily weak position, one that is now even weaker as Santos was predictably replaced with a Democrat.  Between the refusal to act on the border due to Trump and Ukraine, there's frankly a pretty good chance, in my view, that the Democrats might flip the House in the fall.

At any rate, we'd first note that Congress went on vacation without acting.  President Zelenskyy commented that dictators did not go on vacation.

President Biden urged Congress to act.

Vice President Harris pledged US support.

National Review has an editorial aimed at Johnson urging he get off his duff and do something.

A bill in the House provides 47.7 billion for Ukraine, $10.4 billion for Israel, with has strong House report for some interesting reasons, $4.9 billion for the Indo Pacific, including Taiwan and $2.4 billion for supporting U.S. Central Command operations, including funding to offset efforts to deter Houthi
militant attacks in the Red Sea.

Matt Gaetz stated: ". . . I think that is a lot more significant to my constituents than which dude gets to run Crimea"

Presumably one of those things is getting conscripted when Poland and the Baltic States are invaded, which may well be coming, and fighting the first real toe to toe, peer to peer war, since World War Two.

About 400 Russians have been arrested for attending Navalny memorials.

Mexican Border Crisis

Democrats are also exploiting the GOP's Trump ordered failure to act on the border by exploiting the topic, which is now becoming an asset for them.

February 19, 2024

Hamas Israeli War

Israel set a deadline for the start of Ramadan in which it will invade Rafah if its hostages are not freed.

That would be March 10.

While seemingly missed, this may be a change in position towards a negotiated resolution of the conflict, as prior to this Israel has essentially taken the position that it will not be restrained, no matter what.

Papua New Guinea Tribal Warfare

53 people were killed in intertribal warfare on Papua.

February 20, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War
I don’t like this reality. Vladimir Putin is an evil war criminal.Vladimir Putin will not lose this war.
Mike Johnson last week.  Lindbergh said the same thing about Hitler.

Defecting Russian helicopter pilot Maxim Kuzminov was murdered in Spain.

Donald Trump posted that somehow the death of a Russian opposition leader who was put in a gulag by his Trump's buddy Putin, was sort of about him.

February 21, 2024

Hamas Israeli War

The US vetoed a cease fire resolution in the UN.

February 22, 2024

Trump in a Fox News interview stated, regarding nuclear war, the following:
I worry about their safety too. These people, everyone in this room is in great danger. We have a nuclear weapon that if you hit New York, South Carolina is gone

FWIW, and Trump is receiving criticism on this, the yield of a nuclear weapon is sufficient by a long measure to destroy South Carolina from a strike in New York.  Prevailing wind patters, also, would not carry the fallout there.

Anyhow, I'm noting this here as a recent item on NPR's Politics discussed Trump's fear of nuclear war, which apparently is very pronounced. 

I don't give Trump credit for deep thought s on very much.   The Internet has allowed a lot of those in the shallow end of the pool to have voice as if they know what they're talking about, and frankly I'd include Trump in those in the shallow end of the pool.  But apparently nuclear war is one thing he actually thinks about and has opinions on, and he's afraid of it.

That doesn't really surprise me too much.

Trump came of age in in the 1960s which was at a time that the fear of nuclear war was quite pronounced.  It remained that way in the 1970s, and by the early 1980s I recall being forced to read  A Republic Of Grass. which urged that we surrender to the Soviet Union, essentially, right then and there rather than face the prospect of nuclear war, which lefties were certain Ronald Reagan was going to get us into.  I recall some on the right saying "there are worse things than death" in response to such things, which is harsh, but true.

But if your values end at yourself, maybe there aren't.

Russo Ukrainian War

Prominent Russian milblogger Andrei Morozov committed suicide after refusing Russian military command orders to delete his reports on high Russian casualty rates around Avdiivka.

Iranian sources told Reuters that the country provided hundreds of short-range ballistic missiles to Russia in early January. 

That certainly helps Russia, but it also shows that industrially its a shadow of the former USSR.

Putin gave a car to the North Korean Communist Monarch.

February 23, 224


The Houthis on sent shippers and insurers a formal notice of a ban on vessels they deem linked to Israel, the U.S. and UK from sailing in waters bordering Yemen. They also declared they are going to use submarine weapons.

Russo Ukrainian War

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Ukraine has a right to use its Western-supplied weapons to defend itself against Russia, up to and including targeting sites within Russia.

February 24, 2024

Armenia is suspending its membership in Russia's Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

February 25, 2024


The US and UK struck 18 Houthi targets yesterday.


Russo Ukrainian War

In a speech marking the two-year point in the war, President Zylenskyy indicated 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers have lost their lives so far, which is actually about half of what I previously saw estimated some time ago.

Two separate measures are being introduced to provide aid to Ukraine that go around Mike Johnson, who has proven to be a Trump flunkie.

King Charles praised President Zylenskyy for his countrymen exhibiting something that Johnson is not, that being courage.


Fifteen Catholics were murdered at Sunday Mass.

February 26, 2024

Hamas v. Israel

The PM of Israel made it clear that it is Israel's intent to enter Rafah no matter what.  A ceasefire will merely delay that.

Russo Ukrainian War

Two separate discharge petitions to bring funding for Ukraine are being introduced into the House on different bills, one being the bill that has already passed the Senate.  There seems to be optimism that one of them, that being the unique House bill in particular, will pass in this end run around politically castrated Trump eunuch, Mike Johnson.

ISW reports that there were more Russians casualties taking Avdiivka, 47,000, than in the entire Soviet Afghan War.

February 29, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

Russia has taken Stepove, seven miles northwest of Avdiivka. Ukrainian have pulled back from Stepove and the neighboring village of Sieverne.

Maybe the Russians will put up a monument to Mike Johnson there.

March 1, 2024

Russo Ukrainian War

A Ukrainian missile strike killed 19 troops, injured 12 and Colonel Roman Kozhukhov, a respected commander in the occupied Donetsk in Ukraine.  They were at a medal ceremony.

Donald Trump's Minister of Propaganda, Tucker "Lord Haw Haw" Carlson, stated that Donald Trump's object of affection, Vlad Putin, was stating something "dumb" when he justified the assault on Ukraine on the object of denazification.

China v. Taiwan

The PRC Coast Guard patrolled prohibited and restricted waters around Taiwan-controlled Kinmen.

Mexican Border Crisis

Both President Biden and would be president Trump were on the Mexican border yesterday.

March 2, 2024

Hamas v. Israel

The United States is going to air drop humanitarian relief into Gaza.

Russo Ukrainian War

Transnistria, breakaway sliver of Moldova, which itself is a Cyrillic using region of Romania that's a separate country as the Russians oppose Moldova uniting with Romania, asked Russia for "protection" from Moldova.

March 3, 2024

Houthis v. the West

A fertilizer ship hit days ago by the Houthis has sunk.

Russo Ukrainian War

For unknown reasons, North Korean munitions shipments to Russia appear to have stopped.

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