Friday, July 23, 2021

"Imagine". I'm imaging a world in which John Lennon's vapid pop mush anthem isn't played anymore.


You know, the John Lennon song.

The opening ceremonies of the Olympics are on right now and, of course, somebody had to decide that this song, essentially expressing the exact same sentiments as The Communist Manifesto, must be played.

What Lennon "imagined" in his song was a world so devoid of values of any kind, and so demanding of universal group think, that there's be a sort of bland world peace of the lazy vapid.  Of course, no world can be created that would be peaceful dedicated only to the proposition of believing nothing whatsoever.  

What keeps this Marxist musical memento going is hard to say.  A lot of it is that songs that might be genuinely devoted to peace require people to devote themselves to something pretty significant.  Ave Maria, for example, would be a better option, but that's going to make somebody mad, as that would require a certain set of beliefs, at least at some level.  Imagine doesn't require you to do anything other than not think.

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