Monday, September 16, 2024

Saturday, September 16, 1944. "Wacht am Rhein" approved.

Adolf Hitler approved the Ardennes Offensive "Wacht am Rhein", known in the west as the Battle of the Bulge.

Market Garden, the semi failed or wholly failed, hastily put together Allied invasion of The Netherlands hadn't even commenced yet and therefore makes for a remarkable contrast.  The Germans were planning a mid winter offensive and it was still summer, showing planning foresight, but also an appreciate at some level of the inevitability of further retreats into the winter.

"Members of an American airborne unit (82nd Airborne Division) flock to an American Red Cross Clubmobile for coffee and donuts on the eve of their takeoff for the airborne invasion of Holland. 16 September, 1944. Cottesmore Airdrome, England."  These troops are equipped with the then new M1943 Field Jacket and M1943 paratrooper field pants.  This uniform was new and replaced the ones that had been used just a few months prior in Operation Overlord.  The M1943 field jacket wa already becoming a universal issue item, although oddly the trousers were not.

The Red Army took Sofia, Bulgaria.  They then turned west to attempt to block the Germans from retreating from Greece.

The fronts were drawing close.

A general strike broke out in Denmark over deportations by the Germans.

The Royal Navy raided Sigli in Northern Sumatra.

The Second Quebec Conference ended.  The course of combat across the globe was ratified, wit there being an additional agreement for a campaign in Burma, and the British joining American forces in the Pacific in its final campaigns against the British, something the US would effectively recant on as the war drew to a close.

Gustav Bauer, German Chancellor in 1919 and 1920, and very briefly a prisoner of the early Third Reich, died.

Last edition:

Friday, September 15, 1944. Landing at Peleliu.

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