Sunday, September 22, 2024

Friday, September 22, 1944. Stiffening resistance in the Netherlands.

Polish paratroopers attempted to reach the Rhine and meet up with British airborne trapped on the opposed bank Arnhem.  Elst was taken by 30th Corps.

3rd Bn., 157th Inf. Regt. walking across footbridge over canal lock. Igney, France. 22 September, 1944. Note that the machine gun crewmen are carrying M1911 pistols as personal arms.  This unit of the 45th Infantry Division was equipped at this point with M1943 combat boots, but still wearing older pattern field jackets.

45th Infantry Division tank crossing the Moselle.

The 3d Canadian Division took Boulogne and Operation Undergo commenced to take Calais.

The Red Army took Tallinn, Estonia.

The U.S. Army took Giogo Pass in Italy.

A regiment of the Army's 81st Infantry Division was committed in Peleliu to reinforce depleted elements of the 1st Marine Division.

Last edition:

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