Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wednesday, September 17, 1924. Upset with the Six Nations.

Governor General of Canada Julian Byng ordered the termination of the Six Nations Confederacy Council and ordered that it be replaced by an elected body.

This followed the Council's attempt to bring its existence to the attention of the League of Nations.

The Six Nations are the Mohawk, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Seneca and Tuscarora.  They have a large reserve in Ontario.

The Polish Border Protection Corps was established by Poland to protect against Soviet invasion and address bandits crossing the border.

Calvin Coolidge gave an electronic signal from the Oval Office to commences electrical generation from the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project.

Prince Wolfgang of Hesse married Princess Marie Alexandra of Baden over the objections of Wolfgang's uncle, the former German Kaiser Wilhelm II.  The couple would have no children.

She died in an American air raid on Frankfurt am Main on January 29-30, 1944.  She had been working as an aid worker there.  He joined the Nazi Party and was appointed a Landrat (district administrator) of Obertaunuskreis, a landkreis in the state of Hesse.  He remarried after the war and died in 1989 at age 92.

Last edition:

Tuesday, September 16, 1924. RBI record.

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