Friday, September 27, 2024

Saturday, September 27, 1924. Politicin'


John W. Davis (standing center with white hair), candidate for president in 1924, with Clem L. Shaver, Democratic National Committee Chairman standing to his right.

Pres. Coolidge with Natl. Laundry Owner's Assn., 9/27/24

Pres. Coolidge with Natl. Assn. of Retail Druggists,

Coolidge with Natl. Assn. of Local Preachers of Methodist Episcopal Church, 9/27/24

"Bonus bar".

The Saturday magazines were out.  The Saturday Evening Post pictured a Rockwell of a downtrodden man and a dog.

County Gentleman featured a duck hunter freshening up his decoys.

Colliers featured a woman working on her car.

Governor Zheng Shiqi of China's Anhui province telegraphed China's President Cao Kun for military aid to resist the Fengtian troops.

Last edition:

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