Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Sunday, September 10, 1944. Reaching Germany, Freeing Luxembourg, Continuation War lost.

The US 3d Armored Division occupied St. Vith and accordingly reached the German border.  St. Vith is in the German speaking border region of Belgium.

Luxembourg was liberated.

Gen. Eisenhower approved what would become Operation Market Garden, Field Marshall Montgomery's concept for an airborne assault in the Netherlands.

The U-20 and U-23 were scuttled in the Black Sea.

The Red Army attacked German forces holding a suburb of Warsaw.

The RAF launched Operation Paravane, an attempt to sink the Tirpitz.

Finland signed a formal armistice with the Soviet Union which restored the 1940 borders and required reparations to be paid by Finland.  Finland had, accordingly, lost the Continuation War, but the Soviet terms were remarkably generous.

"Soldiers from Co. A, 145th Inf., 37th Div., in position on a hillside where they had the Japs surrounded.Bougainville. 10 September, 1944."

Last edition:

Saturday, September 9, 1944. A coup in Bulgaria.

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