Sunday, October 15, 2023

Friday, October 15, 1943. Flight 63.

American Airlines Flight 63 crashed near Centerville, Tennessee, killing all ten people on board.

The aircraft involved.

The CAB found:
Inability of the aircraft to gain or maintain altitude due to carburetor ice or propeller ice or wing ice of some combination of these icing conditions while over terrain and in weather unsuitable for an emergency landing.... Weather conditions which, had their nature been anticipated, should have precluded the dispatch of the flight in an aircraft not equipped with wing or propeller deicing equipment.
 Civil Aeronautics Board, CAB File No. 4889-43

The British 8th Army took Vinchiaturo.

The British also reestablished their base at Spitzbergen.

The Japanese staged an air raid on Oro Bay, New Guinea, but sustained heavy losses.

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