Friday, July 26, 2024

Wednesday, July 26, 1944. Cobra advances.

U.S. infantrymen advancing beyond St. Lo, July 26, 1944.

The 1st Army took Marigny and St. Gilles, and crossed the Lessay-Perieres Road.

A really remarkable photograph of US troops near Saint Giles ,with editing marks, July 26, 1944.  The armored vehicle appears to be a M3 Lee/Grant, which according to all sources had been fully replaced by the Sherman by this time.  It might be a M31 tank retriever, however, which was based on the same vehicle and retained the 75mm gun and the turret.  From this angle, the crane would not be visible.  The edits clearly intended to cut out evidence of the 75mm gun, which would make the vehicle appear to be a Sherman.

After six months of combat, the Red Army took Narva, ending the Battle for Narva Bridgehead.

The Battle of Ilomantsi began between the Finns and the Red Army.

The 1st Ukrainian Front took Deblin.

President Roosevelt began a two day conference at Pearl Harbor on strategy in the Pacific.  At the conference MacArthur urged an advance on the Philippines while Nimitz argued for making Taiwan the first priority and bypassing the Philippines.  Roosevelt listened, but did not decide.

Fighting raged on around Aitape.

Japanese forces on Guam launched a banzai charge against Marines fighting for control of the island

The USS Robalo hit a mine sinking the sub off of Palawan Island.  There were four survivors who disappeared forever into Japanese captivity.

The I-29 was sunk by the USS Sawfish in a submarine on submarine action.

The U-214 was sunk by the HMS Cooke in the English Channel.  The U-2323 hit a mine off Kiel and sank.

A pilot with family in Merriam, Kansas, decided to buzz the family home with disastrous results.

The Merriam Bomber Crash of 1944

Oklahoma State Highway 89 was officially designated.

Last edition

Tuesday, July 25, 1944. Operation Cobra commences. Operation Spring does as well.

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