Friday, September 13, 2013

A return to the pocket watch

My son related to me today that in school there'd been a discussion on wristwatches.  Kids, the class observed, don't wear watches anymore.

"What do they do?" I asked.

"They check their phones."

"A return to the pocket watch then" I replied.

It is really.  Or at least partially. But people omitting wristwatches to check the time on their phones, which they carry all the time, are checking the time on something that's bigger than old pocket watches were.

Oh, sure, phones do more. . . but so did pocket watches.  They both marked status for one thing.  And they both could carry photos, although a pocket watch carried only one, if one. Both are, or were, treasured items, with pocket watches being more treasured in their day than Iphones are today.  And both spawned accessories for carry.

They aren't identical, of course. But things change to some degree less than we suppose.

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