Gen. Émile Lemonnier of the French Army was executed by the Japanese for, as a captive, refusing to sign an instrument of surrender to the Japanese in Indochina. He was 51 years of age.
The last few years of his life must have been one of unrelenting mental torment.
The cowardly weasel ordering his execution, Captain Kayakawa was himself executed after the war..
I know some will excuse the latter's actions based on culture, but he was a weasel.
It was day two of the firebombing of Tokyo.
It's extremely difficult not to be morally troubled by this action. There are military justifications of it, but by and large, it was a monstrous attack upon a civilian population right down to the infant level. It survives as a reminder that even in World War Two, in which the Allies held hte moral high ground, not all Allied actions were morally licit.
In our own day, in which we have a President who stands by as rockets rain down on a civilian population, and in which that same President sat a war out due to shin splints, it rains buckets of blood on our own heads.
The Australians landed at Wide Bay, Papua New Guinea.
Smiling Albert Field Marshal Kesselring arrivee from Italy to take command of the German armies in the west.
The Germans withdrew from from the pocket west of the Rhine between Wesel and Xanten in the face of British and Canadian pressure.
The German offensive around Lake Balatron began to encounter heavy Rad Army resistance..
The U-275 struck a mine and was sunk off of East Sussex. The U-681 was sunk off of the Isles of Scilly by a U.S Navy B-24.
FDR involved Spanish representatives with their hands out no American aid will be forthcoming so long as the Franco dictatorship continued.
Good for FDR.
Today, King Donny would probably be giving warm smooches to Francoist delegates.
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