Wednesday, February 27, 2019

More bills becoming law. 2019 Wyoming Legislature.

Another selection of bills have been signed into law by Governor Gordon.

A formal bill signing has been requested for the following bills:
Bill No.
Enrolled Act #
Bill Title
SEA No. 0061
Educational attainment executive council.
SEA No. 0064
Order of protection-tolling during imprisonment.
SEA No. 0065
Operation of motorboat while intoxicated.
HEA No. 0095
Wyoming Cowboy and Cowgirl Legacy Week.
HEA No. 0096
Common college transcript-implementation.
HEA No. 0098
K-3 reading assessment and intervention program.
HEA No. 0104
Veterans' skilled nursing facility.
HEA No. 0106
Mixed martial arts regulation.
HEA No. 0107
Alcoholic beverages-business flexibility.
HEJR No. 0003
Medal of Honor cities.
The governor will act upon these bills:
Bill No.
Enrolled Act #
Bill Title
SEA No. 0057
Voting systems and ballots.
SEA No. 0058
Hospital cost study.
SEA No. 0059
Firemen's retirement fund plan b-contribution.
SEA No. 0060
Pari-mutuel fee distribution-state fair account.
SEA No. 0062
Student expulsion hearing requirements.
SEA No. 0063
County regulation of livestock grazing.
SEA No. 0066
Controlled substances education and administration.
SEA No. 0068
Opioid prescription limits.
HEA No. 0097
Presentence investigation reports-judicial discretion.
HEA No. 0099
Program evaluation standards.
HEA No. 0100
Wyoming Utility Token Act-property amendments.
HEA No. 0101
Unclaimed life insurance benefits.
HEA No. 0102
Special electric utility agreements.
HEA No. 0103
District court filing fees.
HEA No. 0108
Driver's licenses.

A really interesting one in this set is the one that designates certain towns and cities as Medal of Honor cities.  It's set out below:




A JOINT RESOLUTION to designate cities and communities in the state of Wyoming as Medal of Honor cities or communities to honor the Medal of Honor recipients connected with the cities or communities.

WHEREAS, the Medal of Honor is our nation's highest award for valor presented to veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States for acting with conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty at the risk of one's life during combat with an enemy of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the Medal of Honor medal is widely respected by the military and public alike; and

WHEREAS, Wyoming has been home to seventeen (17) Medal of Honor recipients from the United States Army, Unites States Navy and United States Marine Corps who served in five (5) wars, from the Civil War to the Vietnam War, over a period of one hundred seven (107) years; and

WHEREAS, seventeen (17) recipients who earned Medals of Honor, were born in, or laid to rest in six (6) cities and three (3) unincorporated areas in the state of Wyoming; and

WHEREAS, Wyoming's Medal of Honor recipients are not presently honored by Medal of Honor markers in their cities or other communities with which they were associated; and

WHEREAS, "Medal of Honor City or Community" markers in public places across Wyoming will preserve the legacy of service and sacrifices of Wyoming's recipients; and

WHEREAS, Wyoming deeply appreciates the service and sacrifice of its Medal of Honor recipients and the positive roles they have played in their communities for more than one hundred (100) years.


Section 1.  The Wyoming legislature hereby designates Casper, Greybull, Cheyenne, Laramie, Powder River, Rock Springs and three (3) unincorporated areas, Platte River, Elkhorn Creek and Bluff Station as "Medal of Honor" cities and communities and encourages the creation of Medal of Honor markers in public places in the designated cities and communities.

Section 2.  That the Secretary of State of Wyoming transmit copies of this resolution to the governing body of each Medal of Honor city or community, the Governor of the State of Wyoming, the Wyoming Veteran's Commission, the Wyoming Association of Municipalities, the Wyoming County Commissioners Association and state organizations of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars.


Speaker of the House

President of the Senate


TIME APPROVED: _________

DATE APPROVED: _________

I hereby certify that this act originated in the House.

Chief Clerk

It's a neat idea, but it contains an error.  Little Powder River isn't an incorporated municipality.  It used to be, but ceased to be quite some time ago.

I'm amazed that there's seventeen Wyomingites associated with the Medal of Honor, but then this notes that it does go back to the Civil War.  At one time the Medal of Honor was the only medal issued by the United States military, and even civilians were eligible early on in some military circumstances.  Peace time awards were in fact common early on, and were particular common in the Navy, where more than one sailor lost his life trying to save drowning individuals.

Well, it's a neat idea.

Another surprising one is one that seeks to restrict counties from restricting livestock grazing.




AN ACT relating to counties; prohibiting counties from eliminating livestock grazing on public or private lands as specified; and providing for an effective date.

Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:

Section 1.  W.S. 185207 is amended to read:

185207.  Continuation of existing uses; effect of alteration or addition; future use after discontinuation of nonconforming use.

(a)  A zoning resolution enacted under the provisions of W.S. 185201 through 185206 shall not prohibit the continuance of the use of any land, building or structure for the purpose for which the land, building or structure is used at the time the resolution is adopted and it is not necessary to secure any certificate permitting such continuance. However, the alteration or addition to any existing building or structure for the purpose of effecting any change in use may be regulated or prohibited by zoning resolution. If a nonconforming use is discontinued any future use of such land, building or structure shall be in conformity with the provisions of the resolution regulating uses in the area in which the land, building or structure is located.

(b)  A county shall not enact a zoning resolution or take any other action that eliminates livestock grazing on any private land or land owned by the county without first complying with the provisions of this article.

Section 2.  This act is effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.


Speaker of the House

President of the Senate


TIME APPROVED: _________

DATE APPROVED: _________

I hereby certify that this act originated in the Senate.

Chief Clerk

I'm unaware of any counties acting on grazing in any fashion, but obviously there was a concern that one might.

February 27, 1919. Back Home.

Welcome Home Parade, February 27, 1919.  Wilson standing with Secretary of War Newton Baker.

Nurse Beatrice McDonald, who was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross on this day in 1919, at the Welcome Home Parade. The first nurse to be so decorated.  She'd remained at her British military post after being seriously wounded.

The wounded back home, including those who were immigrants, were receiving training of various types, including learning how to speak English.

Those other North American soldiers in the Great War. The soldier from what is now Canada.

World War One era Canadian poster urging the purchase of Victory Bonds.

"Now" Canada?


Perhaps we should start there.

The Dominion of Canada, and that is what Canada was in 1914-1918, was somewhat smaller than it is today, as it did not include the Dominion of Newfoundland, which included modern day Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Atlantic coast of what is now Quebec.


Okay, let's take a step back before we move on.  It'll be important to the story. . . at least for American readers and maybe for readers who aren't English, Australian or Canadian or New Zealanders (among others).

We're all familiar with the British Empire.  What most people are less familiar with, however, is the late stage of the British Empire in which Dominion status was granted to many of the nations in the empire.   Indeed, Canada was the first British Dominion.

British Dominions in the late stages of the reign of Queen Victoria.

To be a Dominion meant that the territory remained part of the Imperial British structure but that the Dominion was a largely self governing entity within the British Empire. The concept is very hard for us to grasp today, but in the late stages of the British Empire an imperial concept not unlike the Roman one was heavily advanced on a theoretical basis by its proponents. To be a citizen of the Empire meant that you could freely move about within it and that you were "British". The individual British Dominions governed their own domestic affairs but foreign affairs remained the domain of the mother of parliaments, the British Parliament, exercised on a theoretical basis through the sovereign, the Crown.  Canada, consisting of Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan and the gigantic territories to their north, made up the Canadian Dominion, having been granted that status in 1867.*  Labrador and Newfoundland were not included, and that also did not include the Atlantic coast of Quebec, which were retained by the United Kingdom as colonies.  In 1907 that territory was granted Dominion status, but it was not incorporated into Canada.**   We'll cover both.

 Newfoundland had its own army as it was an independent dominion.  In this rather simple recruiting poster, it pretty clearly called upon pride in the British Empire.

When the United Kingdom entered the Great War in 1914, it did so as an Empire.  That is, the English Parliament declared war for the United Kingdom, it's Empire, and its Dominions.  Everyone came along with the British declaration of war. That is, Dominions, such as Australia or Canada, did not vote to join the war, they were simply included in the British declaration.  World War One would be the only and only time that this would occur.***

So rather obviously, Canada's relationship to the United Kingdom was obviously quite different than it was today, and by extension, it should likewise be obvious that the relationship of the British to the English was quite a bit different as well.

Canada became an English possession in the first place when the English took it as part of the fruit of the victory in the French and Indian War, which was the North American Expression of the Seven Years War between France and England.  France lost, and with it, it lost New France, although it hadn't tried very effectively to retain it.  In a weird way, and relevant to our examination here, that set the stage for the American Revolution as the English Colonist in the "thirteen" colonies to the south of New France greatly feared the French and were accordingly baffled when the English Crown, recognizing the difficulty of absorbing a French population, granted concessions to the residents of Quebec which allowed them to retain their language and religion.

As this isn't intended to be a history of Canada, we'll skip largely forward at this point, but what this did was to create a situation in which the English were free to expand to the west of Quebec, which had resisted efforts to woo it by the Americans during the Revolution, as long as it could effectively contest with the United States, which was doing the same.  And the English did prove adept at that contest, in no small measure because of the Quebecois assistance in it.  This created the odd demographic situation that Canada possessed in 1914 when the UK declared war on its behalf, and indeed it greatly impacts it today.

Because it had already started to colonize it, that region which had been New France and which became Quebec remained largely French and Catholic in population.  The English made inroads into settling Quebec with British immigrants however.**** To the west, and east, of Quebec, Canada was settled principally by British, but not exclusively so. Early on the French had penetrated all the way to the Pacific and the Arctic in both what would become the United States and Canada and, reflecting their Catholicity, had intermarried extensively with the native populations, giving rise to a "mixed", i.e., Metis, population in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Montana.

That brings up the third Canadian demographic we haven't explored here at all, which is the native population, or in current Canadian parlance, the "First Nations".  As immigration to Canada had never been as extensive as it was to the United States, native populations remained (and remain) much more present everywhere than in the U.S. No Canadian province or territory lacked a native population, which was also true of the small Dominion of Newfoundland.  Canadian Indians were subjects of the Crown, but did not step into full citizenship until 1947.

We don't want to overemphasize our point here.  While Canada was principally populated by people of British extraction, following the defeat of the French in the French and Indian War, it wasn't exclusively by any means.  This poster advertising 160 acres of free land in what I think is a Scandinavian language.

Immigration to Canada, after the defeat of France in the Seven Years War and prior to the end of the Second World War, was overwhelmingly from 1) the British Isles, followed by 2) the United States, followed by, other European places.  The border, if not open in reality was open as a fact and therefore the flow of citizens between the United States and Canada was extremely common, as it remains.*****  Some well known "Canadians" are in fact Americans by birth and the vice versa is highly true.  Native born Canadians, for example, died in as officers of the Seventh Cavalry at Little Big Horn just as the Indian (and Metis) combatants there moved back and forth across the border and would take open or simply available refuge there.  John Garand, the famous U.S. government arms designer, was a Canadian by birth.  Father Duffy of the Fighting 69th, was as well.  In contrast, many an Albertan cowboy or rancher was an American.

But immigration, it cannot be ignored, was dominated by the British before other peoples.

English, Scots and Irish immigrants, all residents of the Empire, could and did move to Canada without restraint.  Economics dominated their relocation, but while they did everything imaginable by way of work, it was land that was the giant draw, particularly for the Scots and English.^

Toronto, 1911.

Canada today is second only to the United Kingdom among western nations in the degree to which it is urban.  18.9 % of the Canadian population today is rural.  In the 1910s, however, well over half of the Canadian population was rural, although the percentage of the national population that was rural was declining in Canada, just as it was in the United States.  Still, Canada was expanding its wheat belt, just as the United States was, and actively recruiting Europeans to immigrate to Canada as farmers.  This was as strong inducement to Europeans in general and to the British in particular.  

Canada, going into World War One, had a population that was over 50% rural.  In much of of that vast territory, its citizens, keeping in mind that Indians were not citizens, were of British extraction and many of them were distinctly English or Scots.  In the maritime region, which was dominated by the Dominion of Newfoundland (not part of Canada) fishing was the dominant industry followed by agriculture.  In every Canadian province agriculture was the dominant industry, although fishing was a significant industry in British Columbia.  Logging (silvacuture) was a significant industry in all the provinces except the prairie provinces (for obvious reasons).  The prairie region was already a giant wheat belt by 1914.  It was also a major cattle and horse growing region.

Indeed, the fact that Canada was a major wheat producing nation did create some of its early demographic diversity as it had lately been attracting Slavic immigrants from the grain growing regions of Russia.  It had likewise attracted some agricultural immigrant groups of German extraction like the United States, some of whom were Anabaptist as in the U.S.

The major demographic split in Canada, however, was to be found in the French dominated or influenced regions, although the way that this would play out in World War One (and World War Two) is different than might be supposed.  In Quebec the majority of Canadians were Quebecois, the descendants of the original Norman French colonists.  Mixed in with them, in Quebec, were Irish immigrants who were their co-religious and English immigrants who had not been deterred by living in a province in which the street language was French.

Which takes us to the Canadian soldier of World War One.

When the British declared war in August 1914, as already noted, they did so for Canada and Newfoundland as well.  This then set those Dominions to the tasks of raising armies.  They didn't have much of one to speak of before that.

It isn't true, as is sometimes maintained, that Canada lacked a military structure.  Canadians have conveniently forgotten that almost completely.  Canada did have one, but since 1776 Canada's only real potential enemy had been the United States.  Given that, prior to its Confederation, Canada had sought to defend itself in part with British troops and in part with militia.  This gave Canada a rich militia history.

Recruiting poster for the Canadian Navy, circa 1915.  The British Navy had long recruited very young men, down to age 13, who could be enlisted by their parents.  It's interesting to note that the Canadian Navy was following suit by advertising for boys.  Also note the call to Empire patriotism with the finishing phrase of "God save the King".

Indeed, Canadian militia proved superior to American militia in the War of 1812 and outfought the Americans consistently.  The War of 1812 has come to be viewed in the United States as a contest between the U.S. and the UK, but in reality American attempts to invade Canada during the War of 1812 not only failed but were handily repulsed.  Canadian militia, moreover, advanced down into the United States during the war.  The lessons were sufficiently learned by the U.S. that the U.S. didn't attempt to ever invade Canada again, although there was a weird attempt by Irish Fenian's to launch a raid into Canada following the Civil War which was likewise easily repulsed.   Following Confederation it became increasingly clear that the U.S. had given up on it prior dream of forcibly incorporating Canada.

Canada had a mounted service heritage that dated back to the Boer War and to an extent to the militarized Royal Canadian Mounted Police.  It's notable that one of the great episodes of Canadian service in World War One was the cavalry charge in 1918 at Moreuil Wood.

Which did not mean that the Canadian militia disappeared.  Canadian militia fought inside of Canada during Riels' Rebellion, an event which was sufficiently close in time to World War One, like the Indian Wars in the United States, that at least one Canadian officer of the Great War had served in it.  Canada, moreover, raised units that were essentially raised militia units, or in one case a private Canadian unit of the English army, to serve in the Boer War, which is fairly analogous to how the United States approached the war with Spain in the same period.  Going into World War One, therefore, Canada had a well established volunteer and militia system, as well as a very small standing professional army.  It already also had a Navy, although its navy was tiny.

Canadian units tended to make reference to British regional military units. The 173d Overseas Battalion was obviously making reference to Scots units in the British Army.

Relying upon this heritage, the Canadian government set about forming units for World War One, many of which had strong militia and Empire heritage, and others which relied heavily upon the local and private militia unit history of prior Canadian wars.  The effort raised raised over 620,000 men for service in World War One of which about 424,000 served overseas.  If the effort seems small, it must be kept in mind that 1) Canada's population was small, and 2) this doesn't include the units separately raised in the Dominion of Newfoundland which would add to that figure slightly, with an additional 8,707 joining their forces (and over 3,000 Newfoundlanders joining the Canadian forces).

Another example of the Canadian forces, this time headquartered in Montreal, making reference to British military traditions.  This unit would have been recruiting English speaking Canadians for the this Canadian unit.  It wasn't the only unit that attempted to draw English speaking men from Quebec into English speaking units. Separate efforts were aimed at French speaking Quebecois

51,748 Canadians died during World War One.

While the number of Canadians joining the Canadian armed forces is impressive, given the size of the county, by 1917 Canada was set to follow the UK's path and enact conscription. This will prove to be significant for our story, which admittedly is developing slowly.  Conscription was in fact enacted resulting in massive public outcry.

Conscription protests in Montreal.

Canada ultimately would have conscription, but it would prove largely ineffective.  Still, the last Canadian soldier killed in World War One would be a conscripted Canadian.

This poster was specifically aimed at French speaking Quebecois for the 178th French Canadian Regiment, commanded by a French Canadian officer.  The effort tried to appeal to a presumed French Canadian sympathy for the French, which was in fact largely absent, by showing Notre Dame de Paris receiving direct shell fire.  Nothing analogous to this exists in American wartime recruiting efforts.

Conscription was unpopular everywhere in Canada (and so unpopular of concept in Australia that Australia did not adopt it).  While conscription came to be a fact, and while some conscripts, as noted, did go overseas, for the most part Canada relied upon volunteers to supply troops to its effort in aid of the United Kingdom.  This makes Canada stand out, in comparison to the United States and to the United Kingdom. Canadian conscripts existed, and served well, but most Canadian soldiers were volunteers.

And they were mostly English speaking volunteers.

French Canadians were not drawn to the cause in anywhere near the percentages that English speaking Canadians were.  Indeed, they were singularly unenthusiastic about the war.  Efforts were made to call upon patriotism for the old country, but that old country was too far removed for those cries to be taken seriously or with ardor by French Canadians.  Most of the volunteers would come, therefore, from English speaking Canada.

And English speaking Canada, at this time, was much more English and much less Canadian than it is today.

That is not to say that Canadians did not have a national identity. They did, but it was not as distinct or pronounced as it is now. English speaking Canadians, moreover, tended to look towards the United Kingdom as their strong cultural home.  Quite a few of them were in fact recent immigrants from the UK. The exception would prove to be Irish Canadians, who did serve in large numbers but whose feelings about the war were mixed.

And that English speaking Canadian was very likely rural, although French speaking Canadian solders were quite likely to be rural as well.

So what does this tell us?

Well it tells us that the Canadian army of World War One resembled the American Army in some ways, but not in others. Canadians were a healthy vigorous group of recruits, like the Americans, but they were also surprisingly English in outlook and heritage in most units.  The United Kingdom was still admired and respected as the founding country of Canada and a very close Canadian participation in the "British" forces, of which they were part, shows that.  The British Expeditionary Force was British, to be sure, but it was also Canadian, New Zealander, Australian and Newfoundlander.  Canadian identity would in fact be changed by, and to an extent formed by, World War One.

As a rural people, Canadians were also familiar with outdoor life and outdoor skills to a large degree.  They resembled rural Americans strongly in that fashion, except in some instances they came from lands that were wilder than those that Americans did.  The U.S., while still quite rural, also had many large cities where as Canada had vast tracks of wilderness, as it still does.  Rural Canadians, the majority of the population, made their living on farms and ranches, but also in the forest and wilderness in some instances.

All of this would still be true during World War Two, although to a lesser degree.  It does mean, however, that Canadians of that era were indeed considerably different than the average Canadian today in innumerable ways, and indeed to the extent that many Canadians of that era would undoubtedly disapprove of the views of contemporary Canadians.

In that, frankly, something has been lost.

*Prince Edwards Island was not part of the original confederation but joined it in 1873 after flirting with the idea of separate dominion status or even joining the United States.

**The Dominion of Newfoundland has a unique history in that its the only British colony to have been granted Dominion status and then lost it.  Newfoundland's economy couldn't endure the Great Depression and early in that horrible event the Dominion's parliament asked the British to resume direct rule of the Dominion, which it did.  It ruled the territory in this fashion until after World War Two when it chose to be incorporated into Canada in 1949 as the province of Labrador and Newfoundland.

***By World War Two dominion status had evolved to where the English parliament could not longer do this. The one slight exception was a point of debate, that being whether or not the English could declare war for the Irish Free State, which had obtained dominion status following World War One.  The Irish government took the position that it could not and the British did not push the point.

****We are using the term British here intentionally, and not English, as we are including the English, Scots and Irish here, all who had a significant role in this (I suppose I should include the Welsh but I'm not really familiar with a lot of Welsh influence in Canada).

*****It might surprise Americans to learn that one of the things that the Canadian Conservative Party has been criticizing Trudeau for is the large number of illegal aliens crossing into Canada from the United States.

^My immigrant ancestors to Canada do not seem to have been drawn by the same inclination, except in the probably case of the Norman French who came so long ago.  My Irish ancestors established themselves first in Quebec as they were "transported" there for the crime of being Catholic and owning a jewelry store (at least reportedly. . . at least a couple of them were involved in the uprising at Vinegar Hill which would have been another matter).  The Scots ancestors were jewelers as well who came over for that reason, and is so typical in these stories crossed back and forth across the U.S. border at various times owning stores in Canada or the United States.  Other Irish immigrants went immediately to work in the city of Montreal  Apparently nobody in that line had the farming instinct.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2019 Legislature. A few more bills.

A few more bills being signed into law:

A formal bill signing has been requested for the following bills:
Bill No.
Enrolled Act #
Bill Title
HEA No. 0079
Guardianships-reintegration planning authorized.
HEA No. 0081
Lifetime fishing licenses for permanently disabled persons.
HEA No. 0085
Court supervised treatment program account.
The governor will act upon these bills:
Bill No.
Enrolled Act #
Bill Title
HEA No. 0075
Environmental quality council-voting amendments.
HEA No. 0076
Family college savings program-repeal.
HEA No. 0077
Wildlife and natural resource trust account board-duties.
HEA No. 0078
Procurement amendments.
HEA No. 0080
Child labor penalties.
HEA No. 0082
Rights of way-communications services.
HEA No. 0083
Driver's licenses-medical alert designation.
A formal bill signing has been requested for the following bill:
Bill No.
Enrolled Act #
Bill Title
SEJR No. 0004
Tardive Dyskinesia Awareness Week.
HEA No. 0088
Local regulation-subdivisions.
HEA No. 0089
Mental health and substance use coverage parity.
The governor will act upon these bills:
Bill No.
Enrolled Act #
Bill Title
HEA No. 0084
Child protective service workers-training.
HEA No. 0086
Electronic notice-portable electronic device insurance.
HEA No. 0087
Collection agency board-members.
HEA No. 0090
Real estate brokers-retention of records.
HEA No. 0091
Payment processor-state government.
HEA No. 0092
Water service-public utility exemption.
HEA No. 0093
Livestock brands-amendments.

There is something indescribably odd about a summit between the leaders of North Korea and the United States in Vietnam

Who won the Vietnam War?  Can of Saigon Gold Limited Edition Premium Lager brewed by Vietnam's largest brewery, owned by Thai ThaiBev.  This is from their Vietnamese language website, using English language, and some sort of stylized Oriental dragon.  At some point you have to suspect that the NVA really cashed in their chips at the American party favor table.  Maybe Donald Trump, who never had  the chance to try this breweries 1960s big item, "33 Beer", but if he wants to, it's still offered as "333 Beer".

Indeed, a lot of it is weird.

First of all, there's the odd budding friendship between the U.S. and Vietnam, and by Vietnam, we partially mean the government of Vietnam which we had hoped to keep coming to power in the first place and which we fought against for well over a decade.

And then we only got involved in Vietnam in the first place when the North Korean invasion of South Korea suddenly sparked out interests in trying to make sure that the French didn't go down the tubes in Indochina.

And the meeting is in Hanoi, which has been the seat of the Communist government of Vietnam since the French departed, but which now has a Victoria's Secret, which suggests that while we may have lost the war, we're winning the peace there.

Heck, Coca Cola Vietnam was recently voted one of the two most sustainable, i.e,. green, companies in Vietnam.  Coca Cola Vietnam?

Well, heck, what can we say about that.  The Communist government privatized its largest beer producer which was bought by ThaiBev.  It's big brand, among several, is Saigon Beer.  Not Ho Chi Minh City beer.

Anyhow, North Vietnam received more aid from Communist China than it did from the Soviet Union during the war, and up to 100,000 Chinese troops were in the north during the war, but immediately after the war the two Communist countries had a falling out and they've reverted to their default not liking each other at all, even though both are evolving away from real Communism into some sort of weird corporate capitalism pretty quickly.

And then there's Donald Trump, who had a deferment during the war after having attended a military prep school, now ending up in Vietnam, to meet Kim Jong-un, the Communist monarch of North Korea, who has never been in anyone's military but who attended private school in Switzerland, which is about as non Communist as you can get.

Kim Jong-un has gotten over his exposure to the West, apparently, even though in Stalinist Russia that would have resulted in a prison sentence, only to become the dictator of an inherited Stalinist theme park.  This is so much the case that he's going to the summit, or rather to the Vietnamese border, on an armored train.  Armored trains are something that haven't been real military technology since at least World War Two and are really something out of the Russian Civil War. They're absurd, but everything about North Korea is absurd.

2019 Wyoming Legislature. . and two more bills head to the Governor's desk. And another tax bill dies.

The bill to remove certain considerations from County's and vest them with the School Facilities Commission has passed the legislature and is on its way to Governor Gordon's desk.  It'll be interesting to see what he does with it.

The bill, as we've noted here before, came about as a plan by a Freiss backed private school in Teton County ran afoul of Teton County's building limitation size.  This bill would take such considerations away from counties and vest them with the School Facilities commissions, but it would also stand on its head the local control principal that generally the GOP likes.  If this consideration can be taken away from counties, others can be as well, and there's no guaranty that future administrations will necessarily be friendly to generally conservative interests.  I wonder if Gordon might veto the bill. If he does, it doesn't appear to have enough support for a veto override.

We'll know soon.

And a bill legalizing hemp farming on the state level, which does nothing to legalize it at the Federal level, has passed.  If Gordon signs it, prospective hemp farmers will still require a license from the Federal government, which is at least theoretically fairly restrictive.

At the same time, the proposed lodging tax died.

Lodging taxes have generally been well received by Wyomingites as, the argument goes, we don't pay them.

Well, we do a bit, but the way it works does give rise to that logic.  Various counties impose the tax, and as people rarely stay in hotels in their own counties, you're taxing visitors, which we are usually okay with.

Not this year, apparently. The proposal to raise the limit on the lodging tax, just like the big box retailer income tax, bit the dust.  We've read a lot about government in Wyoming hurting for money in recent years, but the legislature is clearly unwilling, this year, to take it on in the form of alternatives to the severance tax.