Sunday, September 29, 2019

It's that season again. . .

UW football mascot "Cowboy Joe" in 2017, Library of Congress.  I don't have any photographs of UW football games as I've never been to one.

"Did you see the Missouri game?"

So I was asked, followed on my part by some stumbling hesitation, to be answered "um, no."

"That would have been a good game to see", came the reply from the female questioner, my complete lack of knowledge on the query being amplified in my mind by the fact that she obviously knew the details of the game and I, a man, who in spite of the early 20th Century onset of societal gender confusion, did not, and football being, in spite of the aforementioned, regarded as manly.*

Yes, it's football season.

As noted here before, I don't follow football. . .at all.  I still don't know who won the Missouri game even though I had two kids at it.

For that latter reason, I briefly thought, as I have before, that I really ought to make an effort to learn something about and follow football. But I gave that up after deliberating it.  I know that I'm just not going to.  I can't muster up the interest.

Indeed, not only can I not muster up the interest, I'm really sick of discussions about professional football even though its not rational.  I can't understand why anyone follows it all.  It's boring, and its played by individuals who bear no close relationship to the physical form of most men and no close relationship to the physical form of any women. That may seem like an odd comment, but I really think it's not possible to really enjoy a sport you can't play.  Most human beings can't play the sport that is reflected by professional football.  College ball at least has the university association with it, although the era in which the "student athletes" had a universal association with the student body in a student sort of way is long over.  Having said that, I have now met a college football player for the first time since I was in college, and there's something to the contrary as well.

Of course, I suppose the counter to that is that as kids they could play football, and lots of men did as high school students. The professional game may be played by Goliath like freaks, but then all professional sports reflect that winnowing process to a degree. And that argument is probably correct.

None of which makes the game any more interesting to me.


*Women may serve in combat in 2019 under the societal determination that all issues of biology, genetics and evolution aside, that's the nice and kind thing to do, but they sure can't be football players on a team with men. After all, that's serious.

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