Tuesday, September 24, 2019

September 24, 1919. President Wilson in Cheyenne.

The Cheyenne State Leader lead with Wilson's arrival, also noting that the first vote didn't look promising for the League of Nations.

On this day in 1919, Woodrow Wilson, touring in support of the Versailles Treaty arrived in and was greeted by the City of Cheyenne.

The Laramie Boomerang noted the President had in fact been in Laramie and at about the time it had predicted the day prior.  But he only remained in town for ten minutes and chose not to make a middle of the night speech.

He was in Laramie first, where he did not speak. But he did acknowledge the crowed in the early morning hours.

Cheyenne gave the touring President a big welcome, as had other cities he'd been in.

Casper's paper got the time wrong.  Note the use of Simplified Spelling for Cheyenne, which was a movement at the time.

Wilson was only 63 years old, but he looked older, worn down by the the burdens of his Presidency, and this schedule was grueling and soon to prove too taxing.

His next stop was Pueblo, Colorado.

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