Thursday, August 17, 2023

A statement that ought to simply disqualify a person from voting. . . for anything.

As an aside, during the next presidential election I will remember what gas prices were before the last election and vote accordingly.

Concluding paragraph in a letter in the Tribune on something else. 

That statement is, frankly, dumb. What the crap is that even supposed to mean?

Does it mean the voter is going to hope for high gas prices?  High gas prices mean that Wyoming's petroleum is marketable, which means a high daily rig count.  If the price is low, it means that it isn't marketable and a low daily rig count.

Does it mean that the writer is upset with Saudi Arabia and wants our politicians to do something about that?  High prices usually mean Saudi Arabia is helping to keep the prices high.

Or is he mad at Putin and wants the government to be more active in bringing Putin down, the quickest way to an end of the war in Ukraine.  Putin also benefits from high petroleum prices.

Probably none of these things.

The writer probably wants prices at the pump low, low, low, at the wellhead high, high, high, and other things that defy the laws of economics.

Sure, I want the things that I use to be free, for me.  And the things I sell to be expensive, for everyone else, and still purchased.  But free markets don't really work that way.

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