Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Wednesday, August 15, 1923. The toll of the explosion.

The papers reported followup information on the Kemmerer mine disaster.

At the same time, De Valera made the front page of the Casper page for his arrest.

De Valera, like other Irish Republican leaders, had come out of hiding and many of them were being arrested.  He was campaigning for a position in the Dail, oddly enough, but under the abstentionism thesis in which people were elected and refused to take office.  It's a policy I've frankly never grasped and De Valera was soon to abandon it.

Tidal waves killed over 300 people on the west coast of Korea.

The first U.S. Navy Reserve air station was founded near Boston.

A KKK rally was broken up in Steubenville, Ohio by a crowed that reacted to their presence in a hotel violently.

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