Monday, August 14, 2023

Watching the horror show the nation's politics has become. . .

I really wonder what would occur if steps were taken to honor the founders' original warnings about political "factions".

What if there were steps taken, and it would require a Constitutional Amendment to do it, to simply provide that political parties could have no role in elections?  No party identifications in races, no "primaries" that are primary elections, no qualification to be on the ballot simply because a party has chosen you.  The winner of a race would be the top vote getter between two finalists who had gone through that process to be in the general election.

For President, no primary at all. Just the general election, and the top two vote getters take office, top as President, and second place to Vice President.

And beyond that, no organization of Congress by party lines.  There would still be a speaker, etc., but no "caucuses".  Just go there and do your freaking job.

It won't happen, but some reform of this process is really necessary.

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