Friday, September 2, 2022


This morning, I'd note, there's a pile of commentary that President Biden's speech was divisive.

Surely, this is absurd.

It might have been, but for a period of years now the GOP has been entertaining QAnon conspiracies and, running up to the election, the administration made an outright attempt to subvert it.  During this period, the leader of the party, Donald Trump, has been anything but conciliatory.  He's been mean, nasty and a liar.  Picking up on his lead, those who have run behind his flag have been as well.  This state will send into office, probably, two candidates who based their campaigns on his lies and were hardly nice in their campaigns.

For months around here, I've seen a few flags flying that outright state "Fuck Joe Biden", language that when I was growing up would not have been tolerated in this fashion about anyone.

And members of the GOP, like me, who have refused to follow in line are referred to by extreme right wing zealots, more than a few of whom started off as, and really still are, Rust Belt Democrats, as RINOs.

Well, have the vapors if you wish, but this would seem to demonstrate the old maxim that it's the stuck hog that squeals the loudest.

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