Sunday, September 11, 2022

ZZ Top: That Little Ol' Band from Texas

I started my review here on this documentary a long time ago and failed to finish it for some reason.

Anyhow, this will be a surprising entry here, probably, but this "rockumentary" is on Netflix right now and it's worth watching.

I suppose I should qualify that by saying it's worth watching if you like ZZ Top. But maybe it's worth watching even if you don't.  Indeed, I sort of like the Clash, but there's a rockumentary out there on them that's really good, even if I can't recall its name.

Anyhow, this look at ZZ Top, filmed before the recent death of one of its members is a nice, and fannish, look at the band, it's origins and where it was just prior to the noted death.  It touches on their rise as a Southern Rock/Blues band into a rock band, including a period of time in which they sat out for a while and why they did so.

It's a nice look at the band, and better, frankly, than some documentaries of this type.  Worth watching.

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