Friday, September 16, 2022

The debate long time couples have.

F:  Should I do X?

M:  I don't know, what do you want to do?

F.  I don't know, that's why I asked.

M.  Do X.

F:  Maybe I should do Y.

M.. . . .

F. Well, I probably shouldn't do X, as Y would work out better

M: Well, then do Y.

F:  But there are also the following 2,752 options, which I shall now detail in mind-numbing thoroughness.

Approximately an hour later.

F:  Which should I do?

M:  I don't care, do what you feel you should.

F: Well, if you are going to be that way. . . 

M:  Do X.

F:  What about Y?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jewish-mother jokes are certainly passe, if not worse; but there is the one about her giving her son two ties, one red, one blue. When he appears in the red, she asks, What was wrong with the blue?

Sheridan WY