Saturday, September 17, 2022

Sunday, September 17, 1922. Separations.

The Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania declared its autocephalous nature at the conclusion of a conference.   That status would be recognized by the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1937.

Metropolitan Visarion Xhuvani, the head of the Albanian Orthodox Church during its unrecognized autocephalous stage.

Today there are seventeen autocephalous, i.e., self-governing, Orthodox Churches, with the most recent one to be granted that status being the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.  The topic can be a bit controversial in a larger Apostolic Christian sense, as the Catholic Church, which is also comprised of self-governing churches, and which by far makes up the largest body of Christians on Earth, does not recognize the theological claim of the Orthodox Churches that occupant of the Chair of St. Peter is the head of all the Apostolic Christian churches.  For its part, Orthodoxy recognizes the legitimacy of the Chair of St. Peter, but holds its occupant to be the "First among Equals".  The Catholic Church recognizes the legitimacy of the Orthodox Churches, but disputes its position on that point.

Orthodox Churches that obtain autocephalous status must do so through the Patriarch of Constantinople, who is the head of the "Mother Church".

The Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico formed through the union of a number of similarly minded parties.  Its goal was and remains independence for Puerto Rico.

Flag of the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico.

The viability of Puerto Rico as a potential independent state is increasingly questionable.  It would always have been a small country, but the territory has become increasingly economically distressed.  Finding a legitimate reason for it not to obtain statehood, however, is also increasingly difficult to do.

The Kansas City Speedway held its first race.

The USGS guys were out again.

This photograph below is interesting.  It's the first one I can recall of a man wearing a t-shirt as outerwear.

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