Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Echoes of political disruption near and far

And, after just coming into office, Gen. Kelly engineered the canning of Anthony "The Mooch" Scaramucci.

Well, good riddance in my view, if for no other reason than that he's yet another graduate of Harvard Law School, which he credits with his success in business.  Harvard (and Yale) law schools seem to be the golden ticket, which they should not be. Graduate from a law school and you ought to be required to try at least a dozen small claims cases.  If you haven't, the bread line for you.

While having gone to Harvard Law School is reason enough, in my view, to get the axe, an additional reason centered on his volatile personality and in particular the language he used in an interview with a New Yorker reporter.  That latter event unfortunately says something about the nature of a lot of language in the law, I fear, as lawyers are pretty bad about using off color language amongst themselves.  Of course, American speech has coarsened enormously over recent years anyhow, so this is yet another example of how the public tends to be shocked by language used in one camp that they may very well, in some circumstances, use themselves.  There was a lot of "we can't even repeat this" in the press, but quite frankly language of that type, no matter how disgustingly vulgar, is pretty common.

Not that the wealthy Scaramucci is destined for the breadline.

Of interest, the Italian American Scaramucci was raised in a Catholic family but has been married twice.  His second wife Deidre Ball. filed for divorce from Scaramucci after a few years of marriage and having one child with him, and while being second with another, citing her dislike of Donald Trump as a reason.

Closer to home Cindy Hill resurfaced on the front page of the local paper again when her defamation suit against Tim Stubson was dismissed. That it would be dismissed was widely regarded as inevitable by anyone with a legal background so that's no surprise.  She, however, was not taking it gracefully as she was complaining in print about the judge who rendered the decision and indicating in a less than graceful way that she'd appeal the decision to the  Wyoming Supreme Court.  No doubt she will, where the decision of the lower court will be affirmed.

Stubson's comments, which appeared on Facebook related to his reasons and that of those in his camp regarding the bill that was found unconstitutional that basically deprived her of power. That bill was at the center of a full scale war in the GOP between what we might term the old guard and radical tea partyers.  That war seems to have died down and the tea party camp basically lost, or at least they've been fairly quiet for some time.  Stubson would be Congressman now but for LeLand Christensen, or put another way LeLand Christensen would be Congressman now but for Stubson, as they split the majority of the GOP vote, Christensen taking 22% and Stubson 17.7%.  That opened the door to Liz Cheney getting the nomination with 39% of the vote. That presumes, of course, that which ever, Stubson or Christensen, would have picked up the balance if the other had not been there, but I suspect that they would have.  Cheney, of course, having one will basically be Congressman for life and Wyoming never turns out an incumbent in Congress or in the Governor's seat.

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