Sunday, December 4, 2022

Friday, December 4, 1942. The airwar starts for Italy.

Carlson's Patrol concluded successfully for the U.S. Marines on Guadalcanal.

American aircraft raided Italy for the first time, with B-24s of the 9th Air Force hitting Naples from bases in the Middle East.

The B-24s were of the 98th and 376th Bombardment Groups and were based in Egypt. They crossed the Mediterranean at 20,300 ft, came in undetected and raided Naples unnoticed. In the process, they were confused with a flight of German Ju 52 transports.  Their target was the harbor and they sank the Italian cruiser Muzio Attendolo.

Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King met with Franklin Roosevelt.

Roosevelt, also on this day, ordered the Works Progress Administration dissolved, or as he put it, given an "honorable discharge".  It would take until June 30, 1943, to dissolve it, however.

The swashbuckler The Black Swan, featuring Tyrone Power and Maureen O'Hara was released.  It'd be a huge hit.

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