Friday, December 9, 2022

Wednesday, December 9, 1942. Australians take Gona, Patch takes over on Guadalcanal.

"Packages for prisoners of war and internees. Americans taken prisoners of war or interned by Germany and Italy regularly receive standard American Red Cross food packages, shown here stacked like bricks in the International Red Cross warehouse at Geneva, Switzerland. U.S. prisoners of war receive one package a week as soon as the Red Cross is notified of their capture and location. Internees receive one package every two weeks. As of December 9, 1942, Germany and Italy had reported 243 American prisoners of war and 1512 interned civilians. Each package weighs eleven pounds and contains evaporated milk, biscuits, cheese, cocoa, sardines, pork, beef, chocolate bars, sugar, coffee, powered orange concentrate, prunes, cigarettes and smoking tobacco."  Library of Congress.

Australian forces captured Gona.

Sarah Sundin notes this milestone:

Today in World War II History—December 9, 1942: US Marines under Lt. Gen. Alexander Vandegrift turn over operations on Guadalcanal to US Army under Maj. Gen. Alexander Patch.

Guadalcanal in the popular imagination is a Marine Corps battle, but the Army fought there too and, as noted, overall command of the battle was put in charge of an Army general in this later stage.  Indeed, Patch had just arrived with the Americal Division to relieve the 1st Marine Division, which was severely depleted by malaria this point.  The Americal Division itself would be severely depleted within a month and relieved by the 25th Infantry Division.


Patch fits into that category of senior U.S. commanders who served well in the war, but who physically showed the strain.  He'd been ill prior to Guadalcanal, and serving there depleted his health further.  He was 52 years old at the time, but he'd die at 55 of pneumonia, a diseases he'd just recovered from, somewhat, prior to deploying to Guadalcanal.  His death came in November, 1945.

"Answering call for volunteer nurses aides. Part of the class of senior volunteer nurses aides of Freedmen's Hospital, Washington, D.C. They received their caps and pins on December 9, 1942, in the first class to graduate from this hospital. First row, left to right: Mr. Gertrude Stone, assistant captain, Mrs. Lynwood Cundiff, Miss Doris Stevenson, Mrs. Arthur Randall, Mrs. Martin Beleno, Mrs. Robert Ming; Second row: Mrs. George M. Johnson, captain, Miss Susie Freeman, Miss Florence Grant and Mrs. Louis Lucas."  Library of Congress.

Dick Butkus, legendary American football player, was born.

Fr. Aloysius Liguda drowned with nine other prisoners at Dachau.

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