Thursday, December 22, 2022

Tuesday, December 22, 1942. Execution of the Red Orchestra.

The Third Reich executed Arvid Harnack, Harro Schulze-Boysen, Libertas Schulze-Boysen, Elisabeth Schumacher and Kurt Schumacher.

Harnack was a Marxist journalist.  Harro Schulze-Boysen was a left wing publicist who was serving as a Luftwaffe officer.  Libertas was his aristocratic wife. Kurt Schumacher was a sculptor who was a Communist, and who had served in the German Army.  His wife Elisabeth, who was half Jewish, was an artist and photographer.  They were the Red Orchestra resistance group, although there were others who participated in it.

Hitler approved production of the A4 rocket, which would eventually be fielded as the V2.

The V2, upon being deployed, would consume 1/3d of Germany's alcohol production.

Pic magazine hit the stands with an alluring female cover gal and an article promising the "Truth about Dieppe".

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