Monday, December 26, 2022

Bucking the delaying retirement trend, I've now seen the first articles . . .

arguing that Justices Sotomayor and Kagan, ages 68 and 62, should retire, so the Democrats can pick their successors while they control the Senate and Oval Office.


Kagan in particular is at an age where we would expect, in a sane system, that a person would actually be chosen to be a Supreme Court Justice.  No, I'm not arguing you have to be in your 60s to be picked, I'd prefer that they not be, but it's not a crisis if they are.

The logic, of course, is that in 2024 the GOP will surely take the Senate and the Presidency.

Maybe, but I wouldn't bet on it, and nobody else should either.  If anything, the GOP has shown a remarkable knack for shooting itself in the foot, reloading, and shooting itself in the foot again.  

And while my bet is that Donald Trump will not run in 2024 as age will catch up with him, as it does with us all, and he'll be shuffled onto Charon's barque, kicking and screaming "I'm not dead yet, it's a fraud!", if I'm wrong, it's not at all impossible that he'd be nominated yet again and drive the GOP right off a cliff.

No "typical" political prediction, we might note, has been correct since 2016 in this arena.

So, this advice, well it seems a bit paranoid.

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