Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 3, 1941. The Battle of Bardia commences.

The Battle of Bardia commenced in North Africa, the longest battle in Operation Compass, the Dominion campaign against the Italians.

Australian soldiers in Bardia on January 4, 1941
The Germans conducted an air raid of Bristol that lasted twelve hours.  In Ireland, Eamon de Valera protested the German raids on Dublin following an emergency cabinet meeting.

Nazi official and member of the SS Martin Bormann issued a decree banning the use of the German "Gothic" type script as it was difficult for people in occupied countries, which did not use it, to read.  The banning was not without irony as the Gothic typeface was unique to German speakers.  It was overall in decline in any event, except in Germany.

More on the Second World War on this day:

Today in World War II History—January 3, 1941

Day 491 January 3, 1941

The 77th Congress of the United States went into session.

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