Saturday, January 23, 2021

Blog Mirror: A Hundred Years Ago. 1921 Breakfast Menus (With and Without Meat)

 I'm about to do two entries on food, sort of. This is the first.

1921 Breakfast Menus (With and Without Meat)

Note the huge menu.

Now, already by 1921 the American cereal speedy breakfast was a thing.  And what was also already a thing were automobiles and a shifting economy that was already moving people indoors.  It hadn't arrived in the form it currently is, but fifty years ago, 1971, it wasn't like it is now either.

The reason that I note this is that people were burning a fair number of calories a day.  Some of the reason for that becomes apparent when you consider it, and we've discussed some of those things here before.  People walked a lot more than they do now.  People's labor was more intensive.  But also, their houses and work places were often poorly heated.  All in all, therefore, they were burning more calories.

Hence, they often needed to consume more on a daily basis than we do as well, most of which was not instant in any fashion.

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