Saturday, November 17, 2018

Folk Medicine

I've had it with Folk Medicine.

It's an irony of the early 21st Century that we've come so far scienticiaclly, and medicine is part of that, and yet in this day and age there are a tremendous number of Americans who believe in stuff that is anti-scientific.
  • There are no "essential oils".  That's bunkus.  Unless you are speaking about 10W40 for your car, they don't exist. 
  • Copper bracelets on your wrist do nothing whatsoever.  Nothing.
  • Your spine does not need to be "adjusted".  I mean, come on. Think about that.
  • Acupuncture works as the mini infections it causes distract your pain receptors.  Not really the brainiest thing to be doing.
  • Vaccinations are one of the greatest things of all time.  They do not cause Downes syndrome.  Quite taking your medical advice from a former Playboy bunny for goodness sake. 

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