Saturday, November 3, 2018

Countdown on the Great War, November 3, 1918: A rebellion starts in Germany, Austro Hungaria gives up.

Brigadier General Douglas MacArthur of the 42nd Division, November 3, 1918, the day before the 42nd would return to the line and shortly before the then six time winner of the Silver Star was taken prisoner by soldiers of the 1st Division who mistook him for a German general.  He was always of unconventional dress.

1. The German Revolution of 1918-1919 starts with a mass meeting of German workers and sailors in Kiel who demanded "Peace and Bread". German police react by shooting into the crowd.  Sailors react by sending delegates out all over Germany.  In short order, the German Empire was facing the Allies in France and a revolution at home, following road that Austro Hungary had already gone down.  By November 4 Kiel itself would be in the hands of revolutionaries, soldiers having sent to restore order having been turned around or having joined in the rebellion.

2.  Austro Hungary signs the Armistice of Villa Guisti and quits the war.

3. The Provisional All Russian Government was established in Omsk to challenge the Bolshevik claim to government.  On the same day the Reds erected the Robespierre Monument in Moscow, which would collapse four days later.

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