I posted an item on this yesterday in that one of the Cheyenne newspapers ran an article about things being closed in Cheyenne today, and there having been late shopping last night, a century ago. Sounds a lot like today, eh? In today's Casper Daily Press you can tell that they sent the employees home (keeping in mind that newspapers are put together the prior evening, if they're morning papers) so there'd be no paper on Friday.
That was so that people could enjoy the holidays on an American holiday that has remained much like it has always been, which is a refreshing thing to realize.
One of the things about Thanksgiving, which we've also already posted on, is a big gathering. I've also posted on that here as well, in this entry:
Blog Mirror: Hundred-year-old Thanksgiving Menus
From A Hundred Years Ago:
It's interesting to note what's on the menu not only for what's on it, but what isn't. The authors of these menus didn't necessarily think that you had to have turkey. Indeed, turkey is only on one of the menus. "Roast fowl" is on two of them. But what sort of fowl were they thinking of? Any fowl? Pheasant?
And wine isn't on the menu at all. I note that as if you spend any time watching the endless Thanksgiving shows that will now be appearing on the Food Channel, or whatever, they're all going to have a part, or at least some surely will, where somebody talks about pairing wine with turkey (as they're all going to feature turkey. . . which is okay as I like turkey).
They're all going to have pumpkin pie as well. . . which only one of these does. One of these, for that matter, has Maple Parfait. What's that?
Interesting stuff.
Hundred-year-old Thanksgiving Menus
It's interesting to note what's on the menu not only for what's on it, but what isn't. The authors of these menus didn't necessarily think that you had to have turkey. Indeed, turkey is only on one of the menus. "Roast fowl" is on two of them. But what sort of fowl were they thinking of? Any fowl? Pheasant?
And wine isn't on the menu at all. I note that as if you spend any time watching the endless Thanksgiving shows that will now be appearing on the Food Channel, or whatever, they're all going to have a part, or at least some surely will, where somebody talks about pairing wine with turkey (as they're all going to feature turkey. . . which is okay as I like turkey).
They're all going to have pumpkin pie as well. . . which only one of these does. One of these, for that matter, has Maple Parfait. What's that?
Interesting stuff.
One of the things I didn't note in that entry, but which I should have, is that there was no "local food movement" at the time as all food was local. Indeed, the most recent comment on this blog made me realize there's an element of that I'm not aware of, and as that's the purpose of this blog, exploring such topics, I'll be posting a query thread on that soon. Anyhow, when I noted that some of these menus had "fowl" on them, it should have occurred to me that obtaining a fresh turkey probably presented greater or lesser difficulties (especially in 1918) for the cook depending upon where you lived. Most folks probably could go to the butcher and obtain a turkey, and almost certainly some local farmer, even in Wyoming localities, raised them for the Holidays specifically. Still, some hosts probably had menus that featured freshly obtained game, such as pheasant or, in Wyoming, ducks, geese or even sage chickens, all of which I find pretty darned tasty.
Of course, a lot of Americans were eating Thanksgiving Day dinners overseas in a mess hall of some sort in 1918. What sort of menu did they find in the offering? The authors of the excellent Roads to the Great War blog have that one covered:
Roads to the Great War: Thanksgiving Day 1918: Happy Thanksgiving from the Roads Editorial Team Much of the American Expeditionary Force found itself stuck in France after the Armis...I don't know what "Dardanelle Turkey" is, unless that was the menu author's play on words Turkey keeping in mind that the recently defeated Ottoman Empire controlled the Dardanelles. Perhaps. But "White Fish" also on the menu. . .? That one surprised me.
As it probably surprised some folks that Thanksgiving Day in 1918 was on November 28. But as readers here will recall, the current calendar position of the holiday is a recent one, as this holiday used to move a fair bit around the month of November.
Any way you look at it, for most people this was likely a happier holiday than the one in 1917 had been. . . although for thousands of others, it was likely a profoundly sad one.
1 comment:
It's interesting to see what the troops stuck in Europe ate on Thanksgiving day in 1918.
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