Thursday, November 8, 2018

Countdown on the Great War: The Kingdom of Bavaria ceases

Munich awakes on the Morning of November 8, 1918.

1.  The German armistice delegation meets with Foch and refers Allied terms back to Berlin by 1300.

2.  Senior German commanders inform the Chancellor that the German Army cannot be relied upon to suppress domestic insurrections, essentially informing the German government that they do not back the government due to the unreliability of their troops and implying that Kaiser Wilhelm must go.

The action seals the fate of the Kaiser and amounted to the leadership of the German army siding with the ongoing existence, they hoped, of their army over that of their Kaiser.  While their declaration that German soldiers were in fact unreliable (front line troops were more reliable than those in Germany, and the navy was completely unreliable) was both rational and correct, rationality came a bit late in the day.  It would ultimately result in the survival of the German army as an institution which would tragically lead to the Nazis and World War Two.

3.  British capture Avesnes and cross the Schledt.

4.  The People's State of Bavaria was declared in Bavaria as a self declared Bavarian socialist state.  None of its leaders were Bavarian.

5.  Ernest August, King of Wuerttemberg and Duke of Brunswick, abdicated his thrown in Brunswick.

Ernest August, King of Wuertemmberg and Duke of Brunswick.

6.  Crowds gather in Berlin demanding the resignation of the Kaiser.  Troops occupy essential services.

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